Obama reverses stem cell ban

A little good news amid the doom and gloom these days. Obama's lifting Dubya's ban on federal funding for stem cell research. Want to save the economy? How about making the US a hotbed of scientific research and advancement again, instead of shelving science to protect the fragile minds of Christians?
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090307/ap_ ... stem_cells
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090307/ap_ ... stem_cells
Post edited by Unknown User on
FINALLY! As Peter Griffin said... "WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS!?!?!?!?"
This reliance on the government to provide for everything we do is quite disheartening.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
i agree this is a good thing. i strongly disagree, however that my mind is fragile.
Then you're not one of the Christians I'm talking about
They don't, but every little bit helps. And privately wealthy people are busy putting their money into stocks for companies building nuclear weapons so they can turn a profit. Private funding won't cut it as there's not enough profit margin and people aren't generous. Was there a problem with the government funding the Manhattan Project? Space exploration?
agreed... private sector was already working on it
It's not like we're aborting fetus' for the stem cells.
The laws vary from state to state and the patient has to give consent
So no federal funding = illegal ????
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
(although the bush administration would have no problem taking people to court over what they thought was illegal)
but if I was researcher I would be affraid to do human stem cell work (they were using animals stem cells I believe) under the Bush admin cuz who is to say that they would not stop funding other projects in retaliation
I value human life.
As do I, which is why I am a big fan of using bunches of cells to find cures for horrible diseases like Alzheimer's and diabetes. But I can see how that doesn't concern you. The pro-life movement has always been far more concerned with adopting the sanctimonious moral high ground on cute little babies than with lifting a finger to do anything to help that life once it's here... once it's born, fuck the little shit, it's on its own and should just lift itself up by its bootstraps to fix its kidneys!
First of all, a mass of atoms that take shape in the form of a cell is NOT human life. These crazy pro lifers swear doctors have to abort 15 babies to harvest ONE stem cell. It's amazing.
Second, if you woke up tomorrow and found out there was no god, you would be pretty messed up mentally for a period of time. I would call that fragile.
Lets save all the hypothetical lives instead of saving the people we have around us. Brilliant! :roll:
that's not the way I feel at all,No body should ever have to go through life suffering so dont put words in my mouth. There are other ways to get stem cells. like umbilical cords
that will never happen b/c when I found god I woke up
My understanding is that scientist are utilizeing blastocyst which if i'm getting it right is a a cluster of cells in a PRE embryonic state.
This is the same type of cluster of cells used in fertility clinics around the world to help people have babies the ones that are unused are just kept in the fertility clinics and eventually destroyed.
So instead of destroying them why not use them? If people are against stem cell research then shouldn't they be agaisnt fertility clinics as well if this is true? One is destroying the potential life the other is keeping it in a state of suspended animation not allowing it to grow.
I'm not attacking anyone's opinion I'm honestly tryign to become more informed. I think i lean towards this being a good thing but I want to learn more about it.
Thanks for any clarification that can be offered.
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...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I've read nothing saying anything remotely like this. Was it on Pat Robertson's show or something?
Since you're all about economic waste, how fucking stupid is this:
"he ruling will bring one immediate change: As of Monday, scientists who've had to meticulously keep separate their federally funded research and their privately funded stem cell work — from buying separate microscopes to even setting up labs in different buildings — won't have that expensive hurdle anymore. "
I heard it on the radio. It wasn't a conservative talk program either. I believe they said he shifted the funding from adult stem cells to embryonic stem cells.
I care a lot more about government waste than private waste. I don't think the government should be doing funding of much of anything.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I think you might have misheard. He allowed for funding to go to embryonic stem cells, which seem to have more promise than adult stem cells. So maybe they said it means people that have been doing adult cell research will be switching over.
Most embryos will come from fertility clinics where they end up in the garbage or Octo-mom
So if it has switched to embryonic, then in essence hasn't Obama instituted a ban on funding for adult stem cell research? I don't necessarily care either way - other than I don't think the government should be funding it anyway - but where is the uproar for this ban?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
it hasn't 'switched' per se, it's simply there is NO bans in place on ANY stem cell research - adult or embryonic. if a scientist wants to study adult stem cells, he/she can, and they can apply for a govt grant just as they now, thanks to obama, can for embryonic stem cell research. none of this means that either will always get funded, just that they can. obviously, scientists apply for grants and get turned down all the time....due to lack of funding, bans on funding, or simply, the govt does not deem your desired study to be 'worthwhile.' in THAT sense, there is the switch...in that embryonic stem cell research has, at least preliminarily, been more useful/productive regarding results....and thus with the ban lifted, many scientists will now choose to persue this path of study, knowing they now CAN get govt funding, when previously they could not. it's a really GOOD thing imo, but i also believe in govt funding of many things, medical research being one of them, and a very worhty one at that.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Again - I heard on the radio that he moved the approval of funding from adult to embryonic.
I have not seen anything else to back that up, but if it were true than in essence he is banning adult stem cell research.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
it is not an either or
it is an addition to
but you don't seem to want to understand that
so think what you want
Here you go...
http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/ma ... s-to-rage/
"The executive order on stem-cell research would not dictate what types of stem cells may be used (embryonic or adult) or where embryos would be obtained, deferring instead to the National Institutes of Health to draw up the specifics. NIH would have 120 days to draft revised guidelines."