I had thought of more of a social media way of doing a stimulus.
Most people I know on message boards and twitter still have their jobs etc and can afford to buy a few things. It's not like everyone is out of work right?
Why not, every week have a "woot" like site that picks a product or small business that is highly recommended or already known enough and says "Stimulate the economy now" with a big pay pal button?
Make it a $20 cap or something.
So for example say "Spend $20 at Newegg this week" and you pick out some cheap memory cards or what not and you're done. The site could say where Newegg is located and how many people are employed there etc. I'm just using a place I shop at as an example and I know it has a good reputation. I don't work there or anything.
Then like a Zappos or Amazon etc etc.
Anyway, that's my idea.
New screenname for the new site. At least for now. Previously Lackofdave
Blogging at <a href="http://www.dadtherapy.com">Dad Therapy</a>
Most people I know on message boards and twitter still have their jobs etc and can afford to buy a few things. It's not like everyone is out of work right?
Why not, every week have a "woot" like site that picks a product or small business that is highly recommended or already known enough and says "Stimulate the economy now" with a big pay pal button?
Make it a $20 cap or something.
So for example say "Spend $20 at Newegg this week" and you pick out some cheap memory cards or what not and you're done. The site could say where Newegg is located and how many people are employed there etc. I'm just using a place I shop at as an example and I know it has a good reputation. I don't work there or anything.
Then like a Zappos or Amazon etc etc.
Anyway, that's my idea.
Blogging at <a href="http://www.dadtherapy.com">Dad Therapy</a>