Global Warming

Ok, I'm ignorant and lazy on the subject of global warming.... I heard today that the world's largest global warming rally was cancelled due to an abundance of snow in a place that ordinarilly doesn't have this much snow this time of the year. This seems counter-intuitive....As stated earlier, I am too ignorant to know and too lazy to read about it..... Are global warming and this snow event mutually exclusive, or is global warming somehow the cause of this event ?
Anyway, if someone could give me "global warming for dummies", I'd appreciate it.
Anyway, if someone could give me "global warming for dummies", I'd appreciate it.
Post edited by Unknown User on
This is why I believe we're seeing odd weather patterns caused by the melting of the ice caps and such. It doesn't mean that we're gonna have 100 degree temps all the time, but it will cause weather that is abnormal for where you live.
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
hahaha... Amen to that sister... I caught myself doing something very strange Saturday... I have a portable air conditioner in my bedroom because I like it cold to sleep but don't want my whole house cold all the time... I went to bed with it hot outside and it was freezing (for Texas anyway) the next morning, so I turned on the heat.... Soooo... Basically I had my air conditioner and heater on at the same time... Hmmmm... maybe I am the cause of global warming?
Actually I think Europe will be the one royally fucked if the gulf stream changes.
True I just figured since they were talking about living in texas they'd be more interested in that perspective. pretty much everyone is royally fucked if the icecaps melt