FEMA Camps

edited July 2012 in A Moving Train
http://www.infowars.com/glenn-beck-ment ... x-friends/

Glenn Beck (the Moving Train's favorite "douche") is doing a show on the existence of these camps within the US tonight.

Seriously, this is something I really, really, really don't want to believe, but how can I deny it to myself any longer? Really, what is the purpose of having these detention camps here in the US?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • http://www.infowars.com/glenn-beck-mentions-fema-camps-on-fox-friends/

    Glenn Beck (the Moving Train's favorite "douche") is doing a show on the existence of these camps within the US tonight.

    Seriously, this is something I really, really, really don't want to believe, but how can I deny it to myself any longer? Really, what is the purpose of having these detention camps here in the US?

    I think one of the "contingency scenarios" -- and, no folks, i don't mean a plan put in place for your protection, it's for THEIR protection -- may be to do exactly what REX84 originally claimed to be doing: and that is, preparing for a mass cross-border influx of illegal aliens.

    It may actually be one of the only "plans" that make sense.
    Keep congress locked in a flimsy budget debate (flimsy in light of current spending, for goddamn sure) over border security, acomplish NOTHING, and then when they retract their massive credit bubble (just like they did in the 30s, only this time they accomplished it with derivatives, and raised leverage allowances at the commercial banks) and everything goes to shit, MEXICO GOES CRAZY.

    Alex had former high level DEA Agent Cele Castillo on his show the other day, and what Cele basically had to say was this: the MAJOR drug cartels in Mexico are all secretly STATE funded, black ops that run top down, and that beyond that the WEAPONS ARE US ARMY ISSUE ... he specifically cites the fully auto assault rifles recently used by these cartels and claims that those barrels (manufactured to not melt under full auto conditions) are ONLY produced by and for the US Army.

    Now given THAT information, it would seem that either once again the government is going to have to one day admit that it got "blowback" from stupid illegal activities it was involved in (the drug trade), or it would have to be that this was INTENTIONAL. That brings us to the FEMA camps, which, according to OFFICIAL EXPLANATION by REX84 officials, was for the detention of a large influx of illegal aliens from south of the border. All off this, of course, would be a PERFECT reason for the US Government to NECESSITATE Martial Law. Especially given our OWN financial problems, and possible riots and civil unrest. Right? The main stream media is now reporting that MI5 (british intelligence) is preparing for mass civil unrest. Next stop, USA?

    Any of this sound like a CURRENTLY MOUNTING SCENARIO?

    I pray to jahbulohn it does not happen, but it sure seems like a real possibility.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
    Looks like Glenn pussed-out on doing the story last night... He claims that they're still doing research. It's funny how on Fox and Friends how certain he was that the story was going to air later that night on his show, but it didn't-- he did say it would air later this week.
  • Glenn Beck Mentions FEMA Camps on Fox & Friends [VIDEO link]
    Kurt Nimmo
    March 3, 2009

    [I Know Soulsing, just calm down. It's that "evil" infowars again, :D ]
    Continuing his assigned role as corporate media siren of the apocalypse, Glenn Beck interrupted a discussion on Russia and Iran last night on Fox & Friends to mention a heretofore no-no for national television — FEMA camps. At two minutes into the video below, Beck declares he attempted to “debunk these FEMAS camps” because he is “tired of hearing about them,” but was unable to do so. “We now for several days have done research on them… I can’t debunk them.” Beck follows this with a declaration that the United States may be headed for totalitarianism.

    The existence of FEMA detention camps is a well-documented fact. In January 2006, Haliburton subsidiary KBR announced that it had been awarded a $385 million contract to construct the camps for the Department of Homeland Security. In a press release issued on January 24, 2006, KBR said the “contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs.”

    The possibility of an influx of illegal aliens, however, is a cover for the real purpose of the camps — to detain American citizens after a declaration of martial law. In 1984, the government created REX-84, an emergency response program involving the implementation of martial law and the arrest and detainment of certain segments of the population. REX-84 was mentioned during the Iran-Contra hearings and publicly exposed by the Miami Herald on Sunday July 5th, 1987. REX-84 dovetailed with Operation Garden Plot, a United States Army and National Guard program under control of the U.S. Northern Command to provide Federal military support during domestic civil disturbances (see US FEMA Camps, Global Research, January 10, 2008).

    On May 9, 2007 George Bush reasserted the role of the government during a declared emergency by issuing Executive Order NSPD 51/ HSPD-20, stating that in the event of a “catastrophic emergency” all “national essential functions” may be taken over by the Executive branch of government and the Department of Homeland Security, including FEMA.

    FEMA camp footage.

    In October of 2006, Congress passed the Military Commissions Act, legislation allowing the government to detain citizens deemed “enemy combatants” and hold them indefinitely without charge and independently of the judiciary. The act was upheld by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in 2003.

    “Citizens who are concerned about the purpose and potential use of the detainment camps have documented and, when possible, filmed the detainment facilities,” writes the Geopolitical Monitor. “A current estimate of the number of detainment camps is over 800 located in all regions of the United States with varying maximum capacities. If one includes government buildings currently used for other purposes the number is far greater. Video of renovated but empty detainment camps has also been released” (see Friends of Liberty FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders).

    On September 11, 2005, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, I wrote for Global Research:

    It appears Hurricane Katrina has provided FEMA with an excuse to “dry run” its unconstitutional powers in New Orleans, rounding up “refugees” (now called “evacuees”) and “relocating” them in various camps. “Some evacuees are being treated as ‘internees’ by FEMA,” writes former NSC employee Wayne Madsen. “Reports continue to come into WMR that evacuees from New Orleans and Acadiana [the traditional twenty-two parish Cajun homeland] who have been scattered across the United States are being treated as ‘internees’ and not dislocated American citizens from a catastrophe. Some FEMA facilities are preventing these internees from leaving on their own. Reports of mandatory registration and the issuing of FEMA ID cards suggest that FEMA, an agency that is rife with right-wing security goons and severely lacking in humanitarian workers, has other motives in treating poor and destitute American citizens as prisoners in their own country.” Call it REX-84 revisited.

    For those who may have difficulty believing the government would actually suspend the Constitution, impose martial law, and round-up citizens, consider Bush era memos issued by the Justice Department. “The Justice Department secretly authorized President George Bush to use the military inside the United States to snoop on, raid and even kill citizens in order to fight terrorism without regard to the Fourth or Fifth Amendment, according to a Oct 23, 2001 memo released by the Obama Administration Monday,” reports Ryan Singel for Wired News. The memo was written in part by John Yoo, a deputy assistant attorney general best known for penning a memo authorizing government agents to torture suspected terrorists, including crushing the genitals of children in order to get suspected terrorists to confess.

    “Military action might encompass making arrests, seizing documents or other property, searching persons or places or keeping them under surveillance, intercepting electronic or wireless communications, setting up roadblocks, interviewing witnesses and searching for suspects,” wrote Yoo and Justice special counsel Robert Delahunty.

    It may have also encompassed rounding up American citizens and sending them to KBR constructed concentration camps in approximately 800 locations scattered around the country, the existence of which Glenn Beck and his researchers are unable to debunk.

    Finally, we should ask why Glenn Beck is now mentioning the existence of FEMA detention camps, a subject previously considered in the realm of delusional conspiracy theories by the corporate media.

    Is it possible Glenn Beck’s handlers are sending us a message?
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • DC78108DC78108 Posts: 8
    I'm offering the following for your consideration...not denying anything you may have seen/read about FEMA...just offering an alternative point of view. I worked for FEMA for 6 months after the Hurricane Ike disaster here inTexas. There are some things you may not be aware of that FEMA provides for victims. First, if you don't have insurance, and you own a home, you are eligible for money to repair/rebuild. Second, whether you are a homeowner or a renter, and you have no place to live, FEMA pays for hotel rooms. They are STILL paying for hotel rooms for thousands of people. If you have a large family, they will pay for two rooms. Third, if you don't have money to put down on a deposit on/pay for an apartment, FEMA helps you not only find one, but pay for it through vouchers issued to landlords.

    Part of my job was to talk to people who are still in hotels and help them apply for benefits to obtain/pay for an apartment for them and their family. We had lists upon lists of resources that people could check out to find a place in the area where they wanted/needed to live.

    Most of the people I spoke with were single mothers with kids; people who were having a rough time surviving BEFORE the hurricane wiped everything out; people with medical conditions/handicaps and people with very large families - like 6 kids. All they needed was someone to explain the system to them and tell them who to talk to and where to go to get a place to live and return to "normal" lives. Were there people "working the system" - yes, but they were a very small minority. The majority of people I spoke with were decent human beings who just don't have the background or education to get through the system on their own.

    I had all classes of people who told me that they were so grateful to FEMA for helping them. The majority of them asked that God Bless Me for being so helpful. Some of their stories brought tears to my eyes.

    I relay all this to you so that you realize that FEMA isn't the devil incarnate of our Federal Government. I worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week helping folks out with housing. It was tiring but fulfilling. Is FEMA perfect? Hell no. I'm sure there's a lot that goes on that I would be opposed to. But I feel that whenever people make strong feelings known, it's good to let them hear information from credible sources that might influence their thinking. If it doesn't color your thinking - fine - I'm not going to argue about it. But I did feel moved to offer relevant information into the conversation. ;)
    DC78108 wrote:
    I'm offering the following for your consideration...not denying anything you may have seen/read about FEMA...just offering an alternative point of view. I worked for FEMA for 6 months after the Hurricane Ike disaster here inTexas. There are some things you may not be aware of that FEMA provides for victims. First, if you don't have insurance, and you own a home, you are eligible for money to repair/rebuild. Second, whether you are a homeowner or a renter, and you have no place to live, FEMA pays for hotel rooms. They are STILL paying for hotel rooms for thousands of people. If you have a large family, they will pay for two rooms. Third, if you don't have money to put down on a deposit on/pay for an apartment, FEMA helps you not only find one, but pay for it through vouchers issued to landlords.

    Part of my job was to talk to people who are still in hotels and help them apply for benefits to obtain/pay for an apartment for them and their family. We had lists upon lists of resources that people could check out to find a place in the area where they wanted/needed to live.

    Most of the people I spoke with were single mothers with kids; people who were having a rough time surviving BEFORE the hurricane wiped everything out; people with medical conditions/handicaps and people with very large families - like 6 kids. All they needed was someone to explain the system to them and tell them who to talk to and where to go to get a place to live and return to "normal" lives. Were there people "working the system" - yes, but they were a very small minority. The majority of people I spoke with were decent human beings who just don't have the background or education to get through the system on their own.

    I had all classes of people who told me that they were so grateful to FEMA for helping them. The majority of them asked that God Bless Me for being so helpful. Some of their stories brought tears to my eyes.

    I relay all this to you so that you realize that FEMA isn't the devil incarnate of our Federal Government. I worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week helping folks out with housing. It was tiring but fulfilling. Is FEMA perfect? Hell no. I'm sure there's a lot that goes on that I would be opposed to. But I feel that whenever people make strong feelings known, it's good to let them hear information from credible sources that might influence their thinking. If it doesn't color your thinking - fine - I'm not going to argue about it. But I did feel moved to offer relevant information into the conversation. ;)

    Surely this organization that is capable of doing these good things, and has given all of this time, can take 5 minutes to release a statement on why they have 500,000 plastic containers stockpiled on their facilities.
  • FEMA is also the only USG organization that places the "illuminati" pyramid ABOVE the American Eagle.
    What does THAT say?

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • DC78108DC78108 Posts: 8
    What do YOU think it means?
  • DC78108 wrote:
    What do YOU think it means?

    Same thing they told you on Xfiles over a decade ago.

    FEMA = Secret Government.

    Secret Government = BAD.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • DC78108DC78108 Posts: 8
    I don't think many people would deny that every agency in our government, and every government in the world has "secrecy" at its core. I saw some fucked up things ("bad"), but I also saw some good things. Isn't that the nature of everything that exists? I wanted to offer my personalized experiences relative to factual occurences which are positive.
  • DC78108 wrote:
    I don't think many people would deny that every agency in our government, and every government in the world has "secrecy" at its core. I saw some fucked up things ("bad"), but I also saw some good things. Isn't that the nature of everything that exists? I wanted to offer my personalized experiences relative to factual occurences which are positive.

    And i heard Hitler had some "good" economic policies.
    Yes, everything is some good some bad.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • DC78108DC78108 Posts: 8
    Surely this organization that is capable of doing these good things, and has given all of this time, can take 5 minutes to release a statement on why they have 500,000 plastic containers stockpiled on their facilities.[/quote]

    I can't say for certain why they have these containers. I do know that there were lots of dead animals, like cows, horses and such, that were found washed up on the outer islands, in the water etc. Human bodies too. When the storm surge headed back out, it took all kinds of things with it. The Coast Guard and many other organizations spent months cleaning up the water and land after the storm. Not everything and everyone left when the order was given. Tons of folks left their cows, pigs, horses and other animals out to "weather the storm" and still many others tried to stay in their homes. Body bags wouldn't have been feasible for a lot of the lifeforms that were lost. I'm just GUESSING on this based on problems I became aware of while I worked there.

    People might also be interested to know that instead of killing herds of cows that owners never claimed, FEMA fed them. No, that doesn't make them heroes, but in my mind it was the right thing to do. All I'm saying is that not everything has a sinister connotation to it. Again, just info based on my experiences. I don't mean to whitewash anything the government does - especially anything resultant of the past 8 years.
  • melodiousmelodious Posts: 1,719
    An illegal is to detention camp as Georgia was a prison state. Sure today, there is a round-up, but perhaps tomorrow "little doggies" will be those who do not comply to statutes that are indoctrinated for tyrannical control.

    What I am trying to say is that "powers that be" are testing to see how much they can get away with...

    What cha gonna do when they come for you? The only protection any of us have is to live according to LAW as imposed by universal jurisdiction...ie give yourselves to God... :)

    great discussion as always...
    all insanity:
    a derivitive of nature.
    nature is god
    god is love
    love is light
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    Everyone's favorite journalist is back at it !!

    http://www.prisonplanet.com/glenn-beck- ... camps.html
  • Everyone's favorite journalist is back at it !!

    http://www.prisonplanet.com/glenn-beck- ... camps.html


    PJ Watson does it again.
    This guy is good.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • puremagicpuremagic Posts: 1,907
    I'm not a G. Beck fan, but I 'd bet money on the fact that some pressure was probably brought to bear on Fox News to kill his story by people who would not like to see the Obama administration to have to deal with FEMA because of public outrage over camps.

    http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/ha ... orders.htm

    (A very interesting read on FEMA). This will help you make the connection as to how Bush/Cheney were able worked above the law. It will help you see how, by simple Executive Orders, our Nation's citizen and citizens of the world are subjects of a stroke of the pen by a President and/or Commander-in-Chief. When Bush placed FEMA under the Department of Homeland Security the powers of the Executive Office became limitless and at his discretion as to whether or not he or any future President had to consult with Congress on matters of domestic or foreign intelligence.
    ... FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed.

    Executive Order Number 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies. The bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.

    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 .... provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. ...


    Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States. It is not an elected body, it does not involve itself in public disclosures, and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the billions of dollars. This government organization has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress, it has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution. Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress. It was a product of a Presidential Executive Order. No, it is not the U.S. military nor the Central Intelligence Agency, they are subject to Congress. ....

    FEMA had one original concept when it was created, to assure the survivability of the United States government in the event of a nuclear attack on this nation. It was also provided with the task of being a federal coordinating body during times of domestic disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. Its awesome powers grow under the tutelage of people like Lt. Col. Oliver North and General Richard Secord, the architects on the Iran-Contra scandal and the looting of America's savings and loan institutions. FEMA has even been given control of the State Defense Forces, a rag-tag, often considered neo-Nazi, civilian army that will substitute for the National Guard, if the Guard is called to duty overseas. ....

    The President of the United States now has broader powers to declare martial law, which activates FEMA's extraordinary powers. Martial law can be declared during time of increased tension overseas, economic problems within the United States, such as a depression, civil unrest, such as demonstrations or scenes like the Los Angeles riots, and in a drug crisis.


    Three times since 1984, FEMA stood on the threshold of taking control of the nation. Once under President Reagan in 1984, and twice under President Bush in 1990 and 1992. But under those three scenarios, there was not a sufficient crisis to warrant risking martial law. Most experts on the subject of FEMA and Martial Law insisted that a crisis has to appear dangerous enough for the people of the United States before they would tolerate or accept complete government takeover. The typical crisis needed would be threat of imminent nuclear war, rioting in several U.S. cites simultaneously, a series of national disasters that affect widespread danger to the populous, massive terrorist attacks, a depression in which tens of millions are unemployed and without financial resources, or a major environmental disaster.

    In April 1984, President Reagan signed Presidential Director Number 54 that allowed FEMA to engage in a secret national "readiness exercise" under the code name of REX 84. The exercise was to test FEMA's readiness to assume military authority in the event of a "State of Domestic National Emergency" concurrent with the launching of a direct United States military operation in Central America. The plan called for the deputation of U.S. military and National Guard units so that they could legally be used for domestic law enforcement. These units would be assigned to conduct sweeps and take into custody an estimated 400,000 undocumented Central American immigrants in the United States. The immigrants would be interned at 10 detention centers to be set up at military bases throughout the country.

    REX 84 was so highly guarded that special metal security doors were placed on the fifth floor of the FEMA building in Washington, D.C. Even long-standing employees of the Civil Defense of the Federal Executive Department possessing the highest possible security clearances were not being allowed through the newly installed metal security doors. Only personnel wearing a special red Christian cross or crucifix lapel pin were allowed into the premises. Lt. Col. North was responsible for drawing up the emergency plan, which ... the rounding up and transfer to "assembly centers or relocation camps" of a least 21 million American Negroes in the event of massive rioting or disorder, not unlike the rounding up of the Jews in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

    The second known time that FEMA stood by was in 1990 when Desert Storm was enacted. ... Much of the mechanism being set into place was in anticipation of the economic collapse of the Western World. ...

    The third scenario for FEMA came with the Los Angeles riots after the Rodney King brutality verdict. Had the rioting spread to other cities, FEMA would have been empowered to step in. As it was, major rioting only occurred in the Los Angeles area, thus preventing a pretext for a FEMA response.


    (Another interesting read on FEMA that shows were some of the camps are located)

    There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and
    ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by
    full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by
    FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be
    implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential
    signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a
    warrant to which a list of names is attached.
    SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    In another gun restriction discussion with a friend, she says "Look up FEMA camps. It will change your mind."

    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    Hmmm ... do they offer archery, canoeing and campfires? Perhaps a rival camp across the lake for some good old shenanigans?
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    Jason P wrote:
    Hmmm ... do they offer archery, canoeing and campfires? Perhaps a rival camp across the lake for some good old shenanigans?

    If by 'shenanigans' you mean concentration camps, this is what some conspiracy theorists think.
    I'd like to think shenanigans are just shenanigans :) and the govt is not too evil...maybe somewhat evil, but not evil enough to make concentration camps.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • markin ballmarkin ball Posts: 1,075
    For your consideration.

    http://www.popularmechanics.com/technol ... ews/431285

    1. North Korea/Wyoming detention center
    CLAIM: "There is a minimum of one confirmed concentration camp built on American soil in rural Wyoming. " The (Department of Homeland Security) accidentally placed these photos on a publicly accessible portion of their website " (but) they were pulled within one hour. " The images are not gone forever though."

    FACT: These actually are legitimate images of "forced-labor colonies, camps, and prisons"--in North Korea. The images were taken from "The Hidden Gulag: Exposing North Korea's Prison Camps," a report prepared by the Washington D.C.-based Committee for Human Rights in North Korea.

    Then someone manipulated the headers, photo dates and annotations. The original five images, showing a dorm for prisoners, forced-labor shops and guard towers, are here. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) "When we first got the photos, we had no idea they were prison camps," said Matthew McKinzie, one of the men responsible for collecting the imagery. "The North Korean gulags are work gulags; the prisoners are forced to work and live in what look like North Korean villages. It wasn't until we began interviewing former prisoners that we knew what we were looking at." In the fakes, original maps and geographic coordinates have been covered by poorly pasted DHS logos. The whole thing may have been a hoax--the name of the made-up facility, "Swift Luck Greens," is an anagram for "Left Wing Suckers"--but it's evidence that once things get passed around the Internet, they can lose context and the wildest theory wins.

    2. Camp Grayling National Guard training center
    CLAIM: "More (evidence of) Concentration Camps in America for Americans. Yes, they are real. More (photographic) proof " read it and weep, it's coming!"

    FACT: Camp Grayling, located in northern central Michigan, is the largest National Guard training center in the U.S. The National Guard, active and reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard all train there, practicing everything from helicopter gunnery to processing and care for prisoners of war. "The 'camps' you are referring to are used by our military police for training," said Maj. Dawn Dancer, a public information officer for the Michigan National Guard. "In fact, one of our MP units just returned from a 12-month deployment where they oversaw the operations of a POW facility in Iraq. We are fortunate to have such a great training facility here." This is also evidence of the life span of these theories: Far from being new, or even inspired by post-9/11 government buildup, Dancer first began responding to these photos in 1999. "I cannot believe this rumor about Camp Grayling is still alive," she said.

    3. Beech Grove Amtrak facility
    A) "The Amtrak Railcar Repair Facility at Beech Grove, Ind., contains high security NSA-style people turnstiles, and high intensity/security lighting for 24-hour operation. These buildings have been sealed airtight and constructed to allow gas to be blown into all the buildings via the newly installed, two-story, hot air heating furnaces. [T]he (jobs) of Americans who were laid off there will be filled with foreigners, who will have no qualms about gassing Americans in the newly renovated gas chambers, in the Dachau and Auschwitz of America."

    -2:03-2:15 / 2:30-2:50: "This small building is the only way into a particular fenced area. Inside this building, we see more of the motion-activated detectors, electronic turnstiles, and prison bars. " All of the renovations to this property have involved putting in new fencing, electronic turnstiles, concrete flooring in unused warehouse buildings, and putting in large gas furnaces in buildings that were never heated anytime in the past 20 years."

    -4:10-4:40: "In yet another fenced area, we see a large warehouse building at the end with the electronic turnstiles in front of it. The building is one that has a new concrete floor--and its doors and windows have all been blocked. Outside there are new gas pipes."

    -4:57-5:17: "The gas lines and gas pipes at the facility run the length of the buildings--and come out at some very, very large brand-new furnaces that have been installed at the buildings throughout the facility."

    A) This footage, which appears in multiple videos on YouTube, is from a "documentary" filmed 15 years ago--yet today, it's been viewed nearly 1.5 million times online. The woman who made the video, Linda Thompson, was one of the pioneers of the militia movement in the United States--except that she was so extreme, the Southern Poverty Law Center says she embarrassed even her fellow milita members. (Most famously, she called for an armed march on Washington, D.C., to "take U.S. senators and congressmen into custody, hold them for trial, and, if necessary, execute them."). Far from a death camp, Beech Grove is the primary maintenance facility for Amtrak's long-distance trains, overhauling and repairing approximately 700 passenger cars a year. Company officials, who've heard these theories for years, welcomed our film crew, and John Grey, the superintendent of the facility, showed us anything we wanted to see.

    B) The turnstiles and "prison bars": According to Grey, that system was the company's initial attempt at an electronic system to log in and out its 500 employees. They're similar to a pair of subway turnstiles. As the technology evolved, so too did the Amtrak infrastructure: There are no more bars to funnel employees through one set of gates; now there are electronic kiosks across the property where workers can clock in and out. "That system was short-lived," Grey says. "Now there are kiosks everywhere."

    -The "large warehouse" with windows and doors that are blocked: When the original footage was filmed, the "Coach 3" building, one of three original repair facilities on the property, was in the process of being emptied and consolidated into the other two massive warehouses on the property. That's why it was boarded up. The building was demolished about seven years ago.

    -New gas pipes and furnaces: In 1993, the existing centralized power plant for steam heat was deemed too expensive and inefficient. That year, the company upgraded to localized forced-air gas heaters. (Hence the "new gas pipes" seen in 1994.) "The volume of gas use went up, so we rerouted the gas line from a front entrance to the back entrance," Grey said, "just like you would at your house."

    4. Hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins
    CLAIM: "500,000 plastic air-tight coffins in the middle of Atlanta Georgia. Apparently the Government is expecting a Half Million people to die relatively soon, and the Atlanta Airport is a major airline traffic hub, probably the biggest in the country, which means Georgia is a prime base to conduct military operations and coordination. It is also the home of the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. I don't want to alarm anyone, but usually you don't buy 500,000 plastic coffins 'just in case something happens,' you buy them because you know something is going to happen. These air tight seal containers would be perfect to bury victims of plague or biological warfare in, wouldn't they?"

    FACT: The black polypropylene products purported to be coffins are grave liners, or burial vaults, manufactured by Convington, Ga.-based Vantage Products. (In this case, they are examples of the company's Standard Air Seal model.) The use of a burial vault, which prevents the collapse of cemetery ground and protects the casket, is a common requirement when a body is interred.

    The filmed lot in Madison, Ga., is a Vantage storage facility. Of the 900,000 or so in-ground burials in the U.S. each year, a small percentage of those people prearranged their own caskets and vaults--which Vanguard holds at the storage facility until the appropriate time. According to company Vice President of Operations Michael Lacey, there are approximately 50,000 vaults in storage in Madison. "It's nowhere near the quantity they talk about on the Internet," he told the local Morgan County Citizen newspaper. Furthermore, Lacey has said the company maintains detailed records of product ownership and is audited annually, to insure all vaults are accounted for.

    5. Executive orders

    FEMA Memo
    CLAIM: "FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation." (The site then lists 14 executive orders as examples.)

    FACTS: In 1962, while juggling conflicts in Cuba and Vietnam, and the potential for nuclear war with the Soviets, President John F. Kennedy signed a series of executive orders that outlined the basic framework for agency responsibilities during a national emergency. Most of those have since been revoked, or rolled into a single, more comprehensive executive order signed by President Reagan. Safeguards were written into the current framework of responsibilities, declaring that any emergency preparation or actions "shall be consistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States."

    According to Bruce Ackerman, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale Law School, "The question of whether executive power could be abused so as to act inconsistently with the law has been a central constitutional concern for years. But the question in this case is whether it's right to look at 47-year-old executive orders without studying what came after them. And the answer there is obviously no."

    The idea of the government seizing all the nation's farmland or forcing Americans into labor camps is without basis--except in Hollywood. In the first X-Files movie, the character Dr. Alvin Kurtzweil meets agent Mulder in a dark alley. "Are you familiar with what the Federal Emergency Management Agency's real power is?" Kurtzweil asks. "FEMA allows the White House to suspend Constitutional government on declaration of a national emergency. Think about that!"

    Speculation about the agency was rampant after the film came out, leading a FEMA spokesman to tell The Washington Post in an article published on June 24, 1998: "You may emphatically state that FEMA does not have, never has had, nor will ever seek, the authority to suspend the Constitution." In fact, it led to an internal FEMA memo, reading: "While entertaining and somewhat humorous to the employees of FEMA, some moviegoers may not understand that they are watching a fictional portrayal of the agency. " Most people know us as the agency that responds to natural disasters, others believe we have a somewhat sinister role. For the latter, it is not realistic to think that we can convince them otherwise and it is advisable not to enter into debate on the subject."

    Read more: FEMA Camps - Debunking FEMA Camp Myths - Popular Mechanics
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