today became tomorrow

when tomorrow knocks
on todays door
will I hear
the whispers of the winds
are the branches
of the trees
close enough
to scratch at the windows
the mist rises
from the grass
and into my eyes
blinding me to the
days greetings
and open arms
chimes at night turn into
sirens of the day
sounding loud enough
to wake even the dead
as they lay asleep
till today's tomorrow
becomes yesterdays future
will it be seen
in the mirror
above the sink
when the water runs
scolding hot
and burns the skin
from my hands
bones forgone
and muscles weep
blood of another
all runs deep
the drain swirls
and water turns cold
will tomorrow
be here
when the day's
grown old
on todays door
will I hear
the whispers of the winds
are the branches
of the trees
close enough
to scratch at the windows
the mist rises
from the grass
and into my eyes
blinding me to the
days greetings
and open arms
chimes at night turn into
sirens of the day
sounding loud enough
to wake even the dead
as they lay asleep
till today's tomorrow
becomes yesterdays future
will it be seen
in the mirror
above the sink
when the water runs
scolding hot
and burns the skin
from my hands
bones forgone
and muscles weep
blood of another
all runs deep
the drain swirls
and water turns cold
will tomorrow
be here
when the day's
grown old
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"