small Tube amp reccomendations?

hey guys, ive been playing guitar a few years but have always had a crappy fake strat and a valve amp (line6 spider something). anyway im lashing out and getting myself a brand spanking new stevie ray vaughan stratocaster, and i also want to get myself a new amp, this time a tube amp.
what recommendations can you guys give? basically i want to try mimic that clean McCready tone from back in the day, and want something that will give me a good sound but not be expensive (ie not a big amp). i mostly play in my room myself and sometimes occasional jam with a mate who also plays guitar and sometimes a third who plays drums. so its not like i need something to perform gigs with just something i can mess around with that gives a good sound and cheap and small. i remember a thread a while back where someone posted these really good small tube amps that were going really cheap?
also feel free to give any recommendations on pedals, particularly ones that will help me get the mike sound. im already adding a dunlop crybaby (original) to my wishlist...
what recommendations can you guys give? basically i want to try mimic that clean McCready tone from back in the day, and want something that will give me a good sound but not be expensive (ie not a big amp). i mostly play in my room myself and sometimes occasional jam with a mate who also plays guitar and sometimes a third who plays drums. so its not like i need something to perform gigs with just something i can mess around with that gives a good sound and cheap and small. i remember a thread a while back where someone posted these really good small tube amps that were going really cheap?
also feel free to give any recommendations on pedals, particularly ones that will help me get the mike sound. im already adding a dunlop crybaby (original) to my wishlist...
Even Flow Psycho Member #039
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For a better clean, go YCV40WR. For a more British sound, go YCV50Blue!
However, the amp that I think fits your needs the best is the Fender Blues Jr. with an Ibanez or Maxon tubescreamer pedal in front. Small enough for the bedroom, but could jam with a group. And it's got a McCready-ish bluesy tone going for it. If you wanna cover all the basses, get the tubescreamer AND a ProCo Rat.
-SRV strat
-fender blues jr amp
-ibanez ts-9 tubescreamer
-dunlop crybaby wah
-Dunlop Rotovibe (red)
Even Flow Psycho Member #039
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Even Flow Psycho Member #039
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I wouldn't have recommended the Blues Jr. if I didn't think it could work alongside a drummer. It won't give you much room to breathe (what we refer to as, "clean headroom"), but a Blues Jr. will work (unless the drummer is louder than John Bonham on PCP). The Hot Rod Deluxe is a great amp, one that I've always liked and recommended. It may be too loud for a bedroom amp, at least if you want to get the meat and potatoes tone that a tube amp gives you. For what it's worth, I played bar gigs for an entire summer with a little 12-watt tube amp thru a 12" speaker, without a mic. So I know it can be done.
The only real strong piece of advice I have is to try before you buy. Make sure you know the limits, both quiet and loud, of the amp you're buying. And once you've tried them out, sleep on it before you buy.
That SRV strat will absolutely sing with the Blues Jr., I highly recommend it. Let us know how you made out.
Even Flow Psycho Member #039
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I know it's not cheap but a Carr mercury or mini merc or even a Raleigh will satisfy the bedroom issue...built in atenuator...I have a Carr Mercury (8w, 2w, 1/2w or 1/10w) and it's fucking awesome...but then, it should be for $2350...mine has a celestion blue in it, too.....the Carr really shines though when I run it through one of my Marshall 4 x 12 cabinets......I gotta go PLAY!!!!!!