Camden Parking Lot



  • Blind3Blind3 Posts: 1,149
    I agree that some attendees, whether hardcore PJ fans like us or frat boy types I'm not sure, screwed the pooch over the two nights. I saw folks parking and tailgating well in advance of the rumoured 4pm lot openings, thumbs up to Camden authorities. I talked to several Camden cops . They were in a great mood and totally cool. One was even a PJ fan to some degree. They were cool even with folks walking and drinking, from visible cans, only a few feet away as we chatted. To leave the lots in such a deplorable state, a special eat shit and die to the asshole (non -10C I'm sure because everyone here seems way too nice ) who wedged beer bottles against several of my tires, sends a wrong signal if we want the tailgating culture that's so Philly to continue when PJ plays that venue. I agree that they could've provided trash bags, but people could've taken ownership of their garbage and provided their own just as easily. If the option is party in a landfill or keep my area clean, I'll happily keep it clean .
    "Buy the ticket,take the ride"
    Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

    "If I wanted you to understand, I would have explained it better"
    Johan Cruijff
  • memememe Posts: 4,695
    chromiam wrote:
    It's always like that... even worse at Phillies games especially Dollar Dog Nights which bring out all the "college-age" kids.

    That is why I didn't attend Camden. And honestly, even after night one's killer setlist I am not sure I'll do otherwise next time.
    ... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
  • i have been to MANY shows @ Camden & NEVER, i repeat NEVER have i saw the lot sooo disgusting. Seen Phish & Bisco & many others there & even the wooks didn't trash that place like it was last night. mad fights all over too.

    oh yeah, let me edit to say, is this something new...gang-pissing in the handicap porto's with the door wide open???!!! wtf was up with that!? nasty. true, there weren't enuf porto's. in shows past, i believe there were more in number & in more areas of the lots.
  • balwal78balwal78 Posts: 74
    JDfromDE wrote:
    Half of the appeal of Camden is the tailgate. Why are people bashing it? The town sucks, the venue isn't nearly as good for a PJ show as the Spectrum, and the crowd (esp. in the lawn) generally aren't as enthusiastic about the show as people in an arena.

    The whole point of Pearl Jam playing in Camden is so I can go to the Campbell's field lot, look out across one of the dirtiest rivers in the country and see a skyline that was built in such a manner as to prevent any sports team I enjoy from winning a championship since 1983. If that doesn't give me the right to pound beers and throw my empties on the ground, than honestly folks, what will?

    Best post ever! Classic! :-))
    Shows Attended:1996-09-28|1996-09-29|1998-08-29|1998-09-18|2000-09-02|
  • PJOceans11PJOceans11 Posts: 135
    as long as you didn't look like you were 16, the cops were great...i saw two or three cars right by me in the campbell's lot where underage kids were handcuffed and taken away in cop cars...when did underage drinking become arrestable and not just a citation?

    other than that, a great two days - was down are 4pm both days, great weather, good food, cold drinks, great friends, and the best band in the is good.
    9-1-00, 9-2-00, 4-28-03, 5-3-03, 7-1-03, 7-2-03, 7-3-03, 7-5-03, 7-6-03, 7-8-03, 7-9-03, 7-12-03, 10-1-04, 9-30-05, 10-1-05, 10-3-05, 5-13-06, 5-27-06, 5-28-06, 6-1-06, 6-3-06, 6-19-08, 6-20-08, 6-24-08 and 6-25-08.
  • Biggest WaveBiggest Wave Posts: 686
    PJOceans11 wrote:
    as long as you didn't look like you were 16, the cops were great...i saw two or three cars right by me in the campbell's lot where underage kids were handcuffed and taken away in cop cars...when did underage drinking become arrestable and not just a citation?

    How do you know they were handcuffed for drinking? Did you go over and ask? Maybe something else went down that you're not aware of. Maybe they were stealing shit out of cars or something even worse.
  • wma11wma11 Posts: 790
    I was there for Camden 1, when they opened at 4, and while I didn't get too batted, I did get a flat tire (most likely from a bottle), right as soon as we got back into PA on 95. I had to get the one lot that opened the earliest and had the most drunks/trash. That's the ONLY thing that could've taken me down from the high that Camden 1's setlist gave me, unbelievable...and I did get out of the lot last night unscathed...
    I met my wife can too! Don't lose hope!
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Completely embarassed to see PJ fans treat anywhere like that. It was one huge frat party with douche bags and there shirts off, even though it wasn't hot, trashing the place. After the show, it looked like a tornado went through a white trash neighborhood. Seriously, is this Philly, or have PJ fans gone bad?

    The shirtless douchebag quotient was very high at that show last night, I gotta say.
  • oraznaloraznal Posts: 6
    The shirtless douchebag quotient was very high at that show last night, I gotta say.

  • blueeyedevilblueeyedevil Posts: 173
    I used public transportation to get to Night 1, but brought my car to Night 2 for some tailgating. What I saw in those lots after the show was fucking disgusting. My friend and I managed to drink plenty, eat well, and clean up our mess and bring it home to throw out / recycle. How anybody leaves a mess like that behind is beyond me. I'm not the enviro-police, but show a little common decency for Christ's sake! Hands-down the most trash I've ever seen post show, and the glass bottle situation was stupid and dangerous. And please don't give me that shit about "Camden is a ghetto already, etc....", because those lots were spotless at 2 in the afternoon. Camden is a fucked up place, but it's not an excuse to be a jack-off and destroy a place with your personal trash.
    Philly-4/28/03, Holmdel-7/14/03, Reading-10/1/04, Philly-10/3/05, Camden-5/27/06, Camden-5/28/05, Camden-6/19/08, Camden-6/20/08, MSG- 6/25/08
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