Soros Confirms Lindsey William’s Assertion Oil is a Weapon

Not so shocked over here, that someone as big as Soros would say this, even if he does lead one to believe that it was market forces that created this great benefit.
I think i remember a few people saying "sure, Lindsey Williams had a good 'guess' about oil going from 150 to 50, but he was right for the wrong reasons"
Keep telling yourselves that.
Oil was orchestrated as a massive weapon to deceive hostile (hostile to the NWO) regimes in to making commitments based on oil at one price, and then fucking those governments with a 70% devaluation.
Soros Confirms Lindsey William’s Assertion Oil is a Weapon
Kurt Nimmo
February 20, 2009
VIDEO: Soros Speaks
If you scrub the above YouTube video to 3 minutes, 45 seconds, you will hear the globalist George Soros at the elite confab last month in Davos, Switzerland, admit that the price of oil is being used as a weapon against the “enemies of the prevailing world order,” i.e, the New World Order. Soros pegs these enemies as Venezuela, Iran, and Russia.
“Chavez,” declares Soros, “his days are numbered.”
In Iran, the price of oil will lead to the defeat Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and bring in a “more reasonable regime,” that is to say a regime that takes orders from the global elite.
In the case of Russia, Soros is worried. He believes the falling price of oil and the resulting social and political chaos in that country will prompt Putin and the Russian leadership into “some foreign adventure… to divert attention,” possibly in Ukraine or elsewhere in the neighborhood.
Soros confirms in spades the prediction of Lindsey Williams, who told Alex Jones on several occasions that the global elite have planned to drastically reduce the price of oil in order to take out the oil-producing states and also foment a world-wide economic depression. “America will see a financial collapse so great that it will take years to come out of it,” Williams told Alex Jones on November 21, 2008.
On February 18, Pastor Williams, appearing on Alex Jones TV, updated and added details to his prediction, based on insider information (see video below).
Listening to George Soros, one might get the idea that the radical drop in the price of oil is simply a result of market dynamics and a coincidental opportunity to deal a crushing blow to “enemies of the prevailing world order,” when in fact it is a carefully orchestrated event.
George Soros knows this, but he is not about to tell you.
Lindsey WIlliams on Alex Jones
I think i remember a few people saying "sure, Lindsey Williams had a good 'guess' about oil going from 150 to 50, but he was right for the wrong reasons"
Keep telling yourselves that.
Oil was orchestrated as a massive weapon to deceive hostile (hostile to the NWO) regimes in to making commitments based on oil at one price, and then fucking those governments with a 70% devaluation.
Soros Confirms Lindsey William’s Assertion Oil is a Weapon
Kurt Nimmo
February 20, 2009
VIDEO: Soros Speaks
If you scrub the above YouTube video to 3 minutes, 45 seconds, you will hear the globalist George Soros at the elite confab last month in Davos, Switzerland, admit that the price of oil is being used as a weapon against the “enemies of the prevailing world order,” i.e, the New World Order. Soros pegs these enemies as Venezuela, Iran, and Russia.
“Chavez,” declares Soros, “his days are numbered.”
In Iran, the price of oil will lead to the defeat Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and bring in a “more reasonable regime,” that is to say a regime that takes orders from the global elite.
In the case of Russia, Soros is worried. He believes the falling price of oil and the resulting social and political chaos in that country will prompt Putin and the Russian leadership into “some foreign adventure… to divert attention,” possibly in Ukraine or elsewhere in the neighborhood.
Soros confirms in spades the prediction of Lindsey Williams, who told Alex Jones on several occasions that the global elite have planned to drastically reduce the price of oil in order to take out the oil-producing states and also foment a world-wide economic depression. “America will see a financial collapse so great that it will take years to come out of it,” Williams told Alex Jones on November 21, 2008.
On February 18, Pastor Williams, appearing on Alex Jones TV, updated and added details to his prediction, based on insider information (see video below).
Listening to George Soros, one might get the idea that the radical drop in the price of oil is simply a result of market dynamics and a coincidental opportunity to deal a crushing blow to “enemies of the prevailing world order,” when in fact it is a carefully orchestrated event.
George Soros knows this, but he is not about to tell you.
Lindsey WIlliams on Alex Jones
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sounds familiar.
Aren't all these guys American? What do they gain by destroying the American economy just to even a score with marginalized countries? If they're so all-powerful and brilliant, why didn't they jettison oil a long time ago in favor of developing and controlling new technologies?
I dont think soros is. I do know he bank rolled move on. and he wants to change the face of America boarders, legalize all narcotics, income re distribution and so on.
I wasn't referring to Soros, I was referring to these ever elusive elite that apparently rule the universe unchecked behind our backs.
i think the honest answer, is that the bozo-elite made the epic blunder of a de facto dollar-oil peg when they pulled us off the gold standard in the early 70s and coerced Saudi Arabia (and by default, the rest of OPEC) in to ONLY selling oil in dollars.
This was the early 70's, well before any of these supposed "new technologies" would have been ready for mass production, and the "tying" of the dollar to oil has forced a giant "capitalist conspiracy" to maintain a dual dollar\oil hegemony which must continue (so they seem to think) in order to maintain the existing Anglo-American establishment.
In my view, the necessity of maintaining the dollar\oil hegemony is going to be tested in radical fashion before this crisis is over. In fact, i think it may be the NECESSARY step upon which crisis resolution is predicated.
In other words: the dollar must fall.
Will "they" maintain global supremacy,
or will this crack in their armor act as a critical moment in which humanity is able to reclaim their sovereignty and liberty?
What gives me long and unsettling pause is that "they" ALWAYS seem to have a half dozen plans and tricks up their sleeves, and "we" almost universally refuse to recognize the condition as such, or are otherwise simply incapable of large scale unity and organization.
Of COURSE, there is "revolution", but the powers that be have proven themselves masters of the art of manipulating revolutions to their advantage, and not the people's (ie. witness almost any "action" taken by the CIA in a developing country).
If I opened it now would you not understand?
ps - they are international pirates, with almost zero loyalty to any existing nationstate.
If you asked them to rank their favorites by BANKING preference, they put that down in map form back in the 70's, and it was central europe #1 (probalby #1 over britain proper because of Switzerland and Germany), britain #2, and USA #3 with Africa coming in dead last behind another 4 regions.
Obviously the Anglo-American empire has put its own member areas (the white mans lands) above the rest, but within those areas, "they" don't have any qualms about something like taking America (or the entire globe for that matter) down a peg or three in order to reach and expand a broader empire.
In case you haven't noticed Russia, China, and the Middle East (all to varying degrees) are all very different nationalist regions that have time and again resisted outright control of their governments by outside forces (anglo elite).
While the 20th century made some great in roads to China and Russia,
their overwhelmingly nationalist tendencies have made them dangerous holdouts from "a new world order" (a buzz phrase that has kicked up again with an unprecedented usage in the last 2 years among the elite) and the Middle East quite obviously presents an entirely different scope of problems, particularly concerning their radical and fundamental religious aspects which diametrically oppose Anglo imperialism to its core.
When considering these larger geopolitical considerations, your half-joking question, "What do they gain by destroying the American economy just to even a score with marginalized countries?" seems almost quaint.
Think about it.
What would be to happen if "they" allowed a highly nationalist and now highly industrialized country (ahem, China) to "break away" (or "decouple") from a US lead collapse during a time when unprecedented government debt, and banking sector stress was exerting almost insurmountable pressure on the Anglo-American establishment?
I'm not sure i view the entirety of this crisis as a deliberate move on "their" part -- although within that crisis, it certainly can be argued that the run up, and subsequent collapse in the oil market WAS planned -- so much as i view it as the inevitable outcome of rampant floating currency inflation used as a mechanism for global imperialism.
Everything has it's turning point, and the excessive spread of dollars across the globe, combined with an unchecked and wanton build up in government debt simply reached a head causing massively unintended consequences. You are now witnessing the elite scramble desperately to "save this thing", while at the same time looking like cornered beasts trying to fend off the opposition. This is like the fall of Rome, trying to save a massively over extended empire while at the same time having to worry about external enemies as well. Bad times, indeed.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I see. So these Masons/Knights Templar have been ruling the entire world for centuries without fail, flawlessly predicting and controlling every major historical event and turning it to their advantage (we'll admit they didn't actually cause hurricanes and earthquakes, because we wouldn't want to get ridiculous right?)... yet they just suddenly dropped the ball with oil and the dollar after millennia of planning for this sort of thing... conveniently in time for the internet to make the spread of conspiracy theories a booming business? The collapse of the dollar and oil prices are simultaneously their biggest mistake and at the same time a concerted effort by them to further their ends? Yeah, that's pretty credible. Which is it?
Given your inability to even accurately represent (regurgitate) my argument,
i'm not feeling particularly compelled to respond.
For starters, i said their "epic blunder" (i did NOT say it was their BIGGEST mistake, just that it was epic) was TYING the dollar to oil ...
and it is only a blunder from the long term standpoint of "an idea whose time has come" ... you have inevitably and unavoidably tied the dollar to its death in oil by way of INNOVATION and NECESSITY which AT SOME POINT will dictate a transition AWAY FROM AN OIL BASED ECONOMY. At THAT POINT, the dollar will be FORCED in to a collapse, given that its only real underwriting at this point is universal oil demand.
The collapse in oil prices has virtually NOTHING to do with that reality.
It is an entirely different phenomenon with different implications.
The biggest loser in the oil game at this point is THE PRODUCING COUNTRIES who have PRE-EXISTING COMMITMENTS AT PREVIOUS PRICING LEVELS -- levels that are 2 or 3 fold higher than what oil is currently fetching in the market.
And i am getting REALLY sick of your putting-words-in-my-mouth strategy of trying to drag me in to some millennium long Unified Theory of Conspiracy when ALL I AM TRYING TO ADDRESS IS A PERNICIOUS COLLUSION THAT HAS EXISITED BETWEEN OVERWHELMINGLY LARGE BUSINESS AND BANKING INTERESTS FOR A LITTLE OVER 150 YEARS.
If you don't understand that there are a handful of powerful banking interests that have been working to supersede sovereign government since at least the time of Jackson, and whom have increased their influence dramatically since the beginning of the 1900's, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the co-opting of the reform movement by cartelizing almost ALL large industry (railroads, steal, banking) and calling it "reform", and the manipulation of the Great Depression (an event that the Federal Reserve WAS SPECIFICALLY CREATED TO PREVENT -- go fucking figure) ... then i don't know how to even communicate with you.
It seems you would prefer we throw out all of history and start over using only dis or misinformation?
I'm taking my dogs for a walk.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's news to me. That's the chief point I've always disagreed with you on. I've always been under the impression that you do believe in some millennium old unified conspiracy to rule the world. I have no doubt that major industries and the wealthy have collaborated to push policy in directions that benefit themselves.