Wow! The snow is coming down now and its coming down hard and a lot! We may end with even more than they are predicting. I have to go somewhere in the morn. I hope I can get there. I have to go regardless. It may be a tough drive.
Wow! The snow is coming down now and its coming down hard and a lot! We may end with even more than they are predicting. I have to go somewhere in the morn. I hope I can get there. I have to go regardless. It may be a tough drive.
give yourself extra time...
and slow down.....
as i am sure you already know..........
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
It's coming down very fast here and its more like sleet.
Ur in Michigan too aren't you? I'm in Rochester Hills and it is like sleet, but is amounting to a lot on the ground. We already have had a record snow fall this season. I am so sick of snow.
made every single person on the planet AFRAID to go into the ocean.....
people were fucking TERRIFIED watching that movie in theaters......
I saw it with my family in the theater when I was a kid, while on summer vacation on Cape Cod. We went to a matinee, the music in the dark theater during the underwater scenes early in the movie was terrifying (to a 10 yr old kid anyway).
The best part was that when the movie ended, we went back to our cottage, put on our swimsuits and headed down the street to the beach. I got in the water ankle deep. That was it, no further.
and there isnt shit on......hehehehe
i was hoping for a saving private ryan kinda day.....hehehehe
though apollo 13 is on later on.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
TV blows for the most part.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me..... doesn't
and slow down.....
as i am sure you already know..........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
as long as the chinese delivery guy can make it my house....thats all that matters!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
the entire city of chicago can burn to the ground.....and i wouldnt give a rats ass....
as long as the chinese delivery guy gets here first....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
and im sure none of you give a rats ass..................
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
The best part was that when the movie ended, we went back to our cottage, put on our swimsuits and headed down the street to the beach. I got in the water ankle deep. That was it, no further.