These things are in the past, you can't go back and change anything, and no one will be charged with war crimes or what have you as much as people here would like.
So lets focus on whats at hand.....getting Afganistan and Iraq to function on their own.
yeah we were discussing solutions. my solution with afghanistan is to buy all of their poppy, cutting the taliban's funding off at the source.
if, back in the 80's, the Reagan administration had let Afghanistan be a socialist country where women went to school, instead of backing Bin Laden and the Mujahideen in order to fight the "evil empire", would we be talking about this right now? would the twin towers still be standing?
if, back in the 80's, the Reagan administration had let Afghanistan be a socialist country where women went to school, instead of backing Bin Laden and the Mujahideen in order to fight the "evil empire", would we be talking about this right now? would the twin towers still be standing?
God forbid... far better the way things are... can you imagine the horror of letting them slip into socialism? Capitalism is the only way to go... I mean, look how well it's working for us!
The same thing could be said about Iraq. Supporting them aganist Iran and then taking it away. Both Bin Laden and Saddam had very personal reasons for hating America the way they did. Holy wars indeed :roll: They were just pissed because the USA left them high and dry againist Russians in Chetchnya and Iran respectively.
These things are in the past, you can't go back and change anything, and no one will be charged with war crimes or what have you as much as people here would like.
So lets focus on whats at hand.....getting Afganistan and Iraq to function on their own.
yeah we were discussing solutions. my solution with afghanistan is to buy all of their poppy, cutting the taliban's funding off at the source.
what do you think we should do with afghanistan?
Here is a good read as to what should be done. Please read the whole thing before you tear it apart.
what do you think we should do with afghanistan?
God forbid... far better the way things are... can you imagine the horror of letting them slip into socialism? Capitalism is the only way to go... I mean, look how well it's working for us!
Here is a good read as to what should be done. Please read the whole thing before you tear it apart. ... Y1ZTVlMzA=