Religion of peace...,2933,493645,00.html
The estranged wife of a Muslim television executive feared for her life after filing for divorce last month from her abusive husband, her attorney said — and was found beheaded Thursday in his upstate New York television studio.
Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37, was found dead on Thursday at the offices of Bridges TV in Orchard Park, N.Y., near Buffalo. Her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, has reportedly been charged with second-degree murder.
"She was very much aware of the potential ramification of her filing for divorce might have," said attorney Elizabeth DiPirro, whose law firm, Hogan Willig, represented Aasiya Hassan in the divorce proceeding. "But she wanted to proceed despite the potential for it to erupt."
DiPirro said the couple had "physical confrontations off and on" for their entire eight-year marriage that had recently escalated to death threats. The grounds for divorce were "cruel and inhuman treatment," DiPirro said, referring to mulitple prior incidents of abuse. She declined to elaborate.
"We were worried about the situation becoming volatile," DiPirro said.
The couple had two children, ages 4 and 6, DiPirro said. Muzzammil Hassan also has two children, ages 17 and 18, from a previous marriage.
DiPirro said Aasiya was a "brave" mother who sought a better life for her young children.
"She was a very brave woman who was extremely devoted to her children and had come to this decision after a long, thoughtful process and was determined to change her life for herself and her children," DiPirro said.
Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz told the Buffalo News that Aasiya Hassan had obtained an order or protection on Feb. 6, barring her husband from their home. Police have reportedly still not found the weapon allegedly used in the killing. Benz did not immediately return requests for comment Monday.
"Obviously this is the worst form of domestic violence possible," Erie County District Attorney Frank Sedita told the Buffalo News.
Muzzammil Hassan, who founded Bridges TV in November 2004 to counter anti-Islam stereotypes, surrendered to police Thursday. Hassan touted the network as the "first-ever full-time home for American Muslims," according to a press release.
"Every day on television we are barraged by stories of a 'Muslim extremist, militant, terrorist, or insurgent,'" Hassan said in the 2004 release. "But the stories that are missing are the countless stories of Muslim tolerance, progress, diversity, service and excellence that Bridges TV hopes to tell."
Dr. Khalid Qazi, a friend of the couple and president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Western New York, said the channel had been under financial strain.
"I cannot believe it — I know them both well," Qazi told the Buffalo News. "I cannot get a handle on this."
Samira Khatib, a friend of the couple, said Aasiya Hassan encouraged her husband to launch the cable channel.
"They were really more than married — they encouraged each other in everything," Khatib told the Buffalo News. "She was such a lovely person."
According to the station's Web site, Aasiya Hassan "came up with the idea" for the network. The Web site, which shows an undated photo of the couple in happier times, identifies her maiden name as Aasiya Zubair.
The estranged wife of a Muslim television executive feared for her life after filing for divorce last month from her abusive husband, her attorney said — and was found beheaded Thursday in his upstate New York television studio.
Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37, was found dead on Thursday at the offices of Bridges TV in Orchard Park, N.Y., near Buffalo. Her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, has reportedly been charged with second-degree murder.
"She was very much aware of the potential ramification of her filing for divorce might have," said attorney Elizabeth DiPirro, whose law firm, Hogan Willig, represented Aasiya Hassan in the divorce proceeding. "But she wanted to proceed despite the potential for it to erupt."
DiPirro said the couple had "physical confrontations off and on" for their entire eight-year marriage that had recently escalated to death threats. The grounds for divorce were "cruel and inhuman treatment," DiPirro said, referring to mulitple prior incidents of abuse. She declined to elaborate.
"We were worried about the situation becoming volatile," DiPirro said.
The couple had two children, ages 4 and 6, DiPirro said. Muzzammil Hassan also has two children, ages 17 and 18, from a previous marriage.
DiPirro said Aasiya was a "brave" mother who sought a better life for her young children.
"She was a very brave woman who was extremely devoted to her children and had come to this decision after a long, thoughtful process and was determined to change her life for herself and her children," DiPirro said.
Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz told the Buffalo News that Aasiya Hassan had obtained an order or protection on Feb. 6, barring her husband from their home. Police have reportedly still not found the weapon allegedly used in the killing. Benz did not immediately return requests for comment Monday.
"Obviously this is the worst form of domestic violence possible," Erie County District Attorney Frank Sedita told the Buffalo News.
Muzzammil Hassan, who founded Bridges TV in November 2004 to counter anti-Islam stereotypes, surrendered to police Thursday. Hassan touted the network as the "first-ever full-time home for American Muslims," according to a press release.
"Every day on television we are barraged by stories of a 'Muslim extremist, militant, terrorist, or insurgent,'" Hassan said in the 2004 release. "But the stories that are missing are the countless stories of Muslim tolerance, progress, diversity, service and excellence that Bridges TV hopes to tell."
Dr. Khalid Qazi, a friend of the couple and president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Western New York, said the channel had been under financial strain.
"I cannot believe it — I know them both well," Qazi told the Buffalo News. "I cannot get a handle on this."
Samira Khatib, a friend of the couple, said Aasiya Hassan encouraged her husband to launch the cable channel.
"They were really more than married — they encouraged each other in everything," Khatib told the Buffalo News. "She was such a lovely person."
According to the station's Web site, Aasiya Hassan "came up with the idea" for the network. The Web site, which shows an undated photo of the couple in happier times, identifies her maiden name as Aasiya Zubair.
Post edited by Unknown User on
like this muslim is the ONLY person to have ever killed his spouse in this country....and/or was done for religious yes, i simply do not *get* why even bring 'religion of peace' into it, at ALL. i don't think christianity, muslims, jews, etc.....none seem to corner the market on peace, not even close.
what happened to this woman, wife, disgusting and tragic....and sadly can happen, does happen, and will probably continue to matter what 'religion' people practice. how sad for her, and most especially, the children. :(
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
This man was not going to be stopped by something as simple as a restraining order. Now their children have effectively lost both parents.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
It was a HORRIBLE thing, don't get me wrong. But I don't think the religion was the factor...
Religion of peace.. What about the woman that drowned her kids to protect them from Satan.. There's religion of peace....
Domestic violence is horrible, but there's a difference in physical abuse and chopping off heads. Hiding this fact with PC bullshit doesn't change the reality.
And, I see Christians, Jews, and Budhists saying this all the time....all the time. :roll:
i'm pretty sure oj simpson is a christian....he more or less cut nicole's head off
So it's more theatrical, so what? Is it better than those Mormons that were recently rounded up for raping children endlessly?
Also, there's no meaningful difference between murdering your wife by bludgeoning her with a tire iron and cutting off her head. ... 9445.story,2933,484986,00.html
Good ole American Christians doing wonderful things... at least this guy left his kids alone and has the balls to face the music in prison.
this is exactly what i was thinking while reading drew's 2nd post.
so it's a-ok to bludgeon, shoot mercilessly, beat down, stab repeatedly, dismember, etc. your wife - as i do believe many of the christian persuasion have done to their spouses over the years in this country...but mercy, no, only those muslims choose to behead em, and THAT is just wrong?!
as for 'meaningful difference' the wife, i think i'd take beheading, preferably with a very sharp blade....over bludgeoning. i think it would be a quicker, less painful death. but that's just me. and i don't truly follow any religion, so religious sympathy or PC BS, doesn't come into play.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Abusers are a cold-hearted bastards and I'm not being PC by saying that they can come from any religious background.
and i just don't quite follow this:
who has said there wasn't a difference between domestic abuse and chopping off heads? :? who even compared the two? :roll: seriously, while the beheading IS a result of domestic violence in this OTHER domestic violence cases, bludgeoning, shooting, stabbing, etc. are the result. thus why i question, is it only beheading that is reprehensible here? killing yur spouse by other means is a-ok? somehow i miss what is 'being PC' by not laying this at the feet of religion..but rather at the feet of the domestic abuser/murderer....regardless of their religion. in both, the 'reality' is a dead spouse.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I thought so too...
Don't forget athiests. None of them have ever done anything wrong either.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Cornnifer beat you to that punch. If I insert atheist, wiccan, agnostic, buddhist, hindu, mormon, taoist, and all other religions named and unnamed, established or yet to be founded... will your PC sensibilities be sated? The point here is that nothing about this crime has anything to do with the guy's religion.
"I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. "
"Even today I am not ashamed to say that, overpowered by stormy enthusiasm, I fell down on my knees and thanked Heaven from an overflowing heart for granting me the good fortune of being permitted to live at this time. "
"I had so often sung 'Deutschland über Alles' and shouted 'Heil' at the top of my lungs, that it seemed to me almost a belated act of grace to be allowed to stand as a witness in the divine court of the eternal judge and proclaim the sincerity of this conviction. "
"Once again the songs of the fatherland roared to the heavens along the endless marching columns, and for the last time the Lord's grace smiled on His ungrateful children. "
"Anyone who dares to lay hands on the highest image of the Lord commits sacrilege against the benevolent creator of this miracle and contributes to the expulsion from paradise. "
"It may be that today gold has become the exclusive ruler of life, but the time will come when man will again bow down before a higher god. "
"The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfill God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, the divine will. "
"I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator. By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord's work. "
"The Catholic Church should not deceive herself: if National Socialism does not succeed in defeating Bolshevism, then Church and Christianity in Europe too are finished. Bolshevism is the mortal enemy of the Church as much as of Fascism. ...Man cannot exist without belief in God. The soldier who for three and four days lies under intense bombardment needs a religious prop. "
-- Adolph Hitler
So... using Drew's logic. Since Hitler was a Christian... therefore, all Christians are like Hitler.
That is idiot's logic. Neither one is true... except in the mind of a moron.
Hail, Hail!!!
ding, ding, ding...and we have a winner!
funny how the OP thought any disagreement with his thread title somehow was 'being PC.' it's got nanda to do with being PC....nada to do with religion...and EVERYthing to do with an individual, a husband in this case, who is a sick fuck and murdered his wife. THERE is the story.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
You asked... here you go:
"Dahmer was born into a family of devout members of the Stone-Campbell denomination known as the "church of Christ" or "Churches of Christ." He was an active churchgoer until the age of 5. After that, Dahmer was never again actively religious or a regular churchgoer until after his arrest and imprisonment. After being imprisoned for his crimes, Dahmer sought out the church of his childhood and petitioned to be re-baptized in the Church of Christ. This caused some controversy, but he persisted until he was able receive this rite, which he was apparently sincere in requesting. Shortly after being re-baptized into the Church of Christ, Dahmer was murdered by his cellmate. "
Hail, Hail!!! ... 897068.htm
Just making a point that this sort of behaviour isn't just confided the Mulism world
This falls under Sharia Law. Which is more prevalent in the Middle east
I think if this guy was Christian, he would have just shot his wife. Honour killings NEED to be stopped obviously, and Sharia law taken out of western society, as some of the laws in the Old Testament don't have a place in Western Society.
Every religion/group/team is 95% good people, and 5% assholes that fuck it up for everybody.
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
I love people that talk about how wrong Sharia law is and how its outdated provisions have no place in our civilized society, then point to the OT to justify denying equal rights to the gay community.
" Muzzammil Hassan, who founded Bridges TV in November 2004 to counter anti-Islam stereotypes..... "