I give up. How do we set the time?

Biggest WaveBiggest Wave Posts: 686
edited February 2009 in Technical Stuff and Help
No matter what time zone I pick the times remain 6 hours behind.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    why not just use your pc clock for the time?

    It's always been messed up for me on the old forum.
  • I BrisK I wrote:
    why not just use your pc clock for the time?

    It's always been messed up for me on the old forum.

    Because I like to see what time a post was made.
    My PC clock doesn't give me that information.
  • PegasusPegasus Posts: 3,754
    right at the bottom of any screen, next to the "delete all board cookies" link, it says which timezone you're in.
    If it doesn't register the right one, I'd suggest you delete the cookies and try again.

    I presume you know you're changing your time there:
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