More Steroid mumbo-jumbo, but it may actually help

It just occurred to me that all this steroid use in baseball will actually turn out to be a good thing for the sport in a few years. As long as strict testing and subsequent harsh penalties are enforced, we will all look back on this and laugh at the embarrassment that is Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, and these other dirtbags. Those guys impressed fans and entertained us under a guise. Now, I have ZERO interest in watching the sport because I hate to feel duped.
Here’s my reasoning. The latest scumbag, A-Rod, says he did it to live up to his big ‘ol $$$ contract. Fuck him. He’s gonna hit like 1,109 home runs before he’s 39. Nobody is gonna care – just like Bonds…it will pass, and all we’ll think about is how cool Ruth was, how awesome Aaron was, and how drunk and funny Mantle was. What year did Bonds do it again? Oh, that’s right nobody can remember because it didn’t mean shit.
When is it finally gonna mean shit? That will be when strict testing has been around long enough that we feel guaranteed that nobody is cheating. And then some Joe Schmo comes along in a few years and breaks all the cheaters records, we are all gonna be rooting for him like we root for the humans vs. the terminators. Hopefully he’ll be a drunk like Mantle so we can associate with him a bit. Problem solved….until some jerk makes some new undetectable steroid. Shit. Then we’ll do it all over again.
And for god sake, do these guys all have iron cocks and big buffalo balls that they can sacrifice them for some lousy juice and an extra 12 home runs a year? I rather give my lady a roll in the sack WORTH something than watch my willy shrivel with like it’s been dipped in the arctic seas.
Here’s my reasoning. The latest scumbag, A-Rod, says he did it to live up to his big ‘ol $$$ contract. Fuck him. He’s gonna hit like 1,109 home runs before he’s 39. Nobody is gonna care – just like Bonds…it will pass, and all we’ll think about is how cool Ruth was, how awesome Aaron was, and how drunk and funny Mantle was. What year did Bonds do it again? Oh, that’s right nobody can remember because it didn’t mean shit.
When is it finally gonna mean shit? That will be when strict testing has been around long enough that we feel guaranteed that nobody is cheating. And then some Joe Schmo comes along in a few years and breaks all the cheaters records, we are all gonna be rooting for him like we root for the humans vs. the terminators. Hopefully he’ll be a drunk like Mantle so we can associate with him a bit. Problem solved….until some jerk makes some new undetectable steroid. Shit. Then we’ll do it all over again.
And for god sake, do these guys all have iron cocks and big buffalo balls that they can sacrifice them for some lousy juice and an extra 12 home runs a year? I rather give my lady a roll in the sack WORTH something than watch my willy shrivel with like it’s been dipped in the arctic seas.
Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
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Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.