


  • Forgive me for basically stealing these talking points from Adam Carolla, but KELLOG: you stand for what, childhood obesity? Stop making Rice Krispy Treats if you're gonna pretend like Phelps is ruining what you claim you stand for.

    And I would also like to smack the person who put this photo up for sale. I feel bad for Phelps because pot would not have helped his swimming. He might get medals stripped for doing something that would more likely hurt his swimming than help it. Pot's not like steroids, where the athlete did win unnaturally. This guy/girl has put a massive dent in Phelps' career for him doing NOTHING.

    And didn't he get a DUI in the past? How come that got a fraction of the attention this has? Sitting in a dorm with a bong is worse than drunk driving and endangering lives?

    It's just stupid, I don't care if he's supposed to be a role model. Who is looking up to Michael Phelps that knows what weed is, and thinks to themselves "oh I'll do it too now"? NO ONE.
    I'll wait for an angel, but won't hold my breath
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    I am just in awe by how dumb this guy is. I mean this isn't some 14 year old kid we are talking about, he is a 23 year old adult. And basically what it comes down to is he decided he would rather take a hit from a bong then have tens of millions of dollars in endorsement money.
  • angelm20angelm20 Posts: 142
    upina2001 wrote:
    Through the grapevine, I heard they may even have a celebrities tent at Bonnaroo this year, including a special tent where you can swim against Michael Phelps.
    Not only do you have to swim down, but afterwards, you have to rip a 5’ bong load then swim back.
    Ahhhahaha too funny! Im down. All I know is the person who took that pic was a real ass to do that to him. Granted a rich a-hole.....cant turn back time so might as well stand up for Pot is what Id like to see him do.
  • And now the big bad US drug machine has started to make an example of everybody who was there except Phelps. What a coincidence. Typical US response though.

    I can't wait for Phelps to lose ONE race from here on in and they won't say the other swimmers have gotten better. They won't say Phelps has gotten any older. They will go straight to the dope smoking.

    The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08

  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    So a little puff at a party, by arguably the greatest Olympian ever, is enough to tarnish the image of a company that represents childhood obesity, and is founded by a man who supported eugenics, gave himself daily yogurt enemas, felt that parents should use acid on a female childs clitoris, and sew a male childs foreskin shut to prevent masturbation?
    Damn, Phelps is an evil, evil man :roll:
    But you know what? I think he’s an idiot for not standing up for himself. He’d have saved a lot of face if he’d told the truth; that he had nothing to apologize for.
  • So a little puff at a party, by arguably the greatest Olympian ever, is enough to tarnish the image of a company that represents childhood obesity, and is founded by a man who supported eugenics, gave himself daily yogurt enemas, felt that parents should use acid on a female childs clitoris, and sew a male childs foreskin shut to prevent masturbation?
    Damn, Phelps is an evil, evil man :roll:
    But you know what? I think he’s an idiot for not standing up for himself. He’d have saved a lot of face if he’d told the truth; that he had nothing to apologize for.

    Which company is this? Kellog's?
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    So a little puff at a party, by arguably the greatest Olympian ever, is enough to tarnish the image of a company that represents childhood obesity, and is founded by a man who supported eugenics, gave himself daily yogurt enemas, felt that parents should use acid on a female childs clitoris, and sew a male childs foreskin shut to prevent masturbation?
    Damn, Phelps is an evil, evil man :roll:
    But you know what? I think he’s an idiot for not standing up for himself. He’d have saved a lot of face if he’d told the truth; that he had nothing to apologize for.

    Which company is this? Kellog's?
    Yup. Henry Kellog was a real gem. All of that stuff is from a book he wrote...Marc Emery posted an article talking about it in a facebook group, I'll post it when I get home.

    Funny side story - I wrote the above post in outlook and copy/pasted it to the board...
    So I'm getting some help from IT shortly after, and they're working remotely on my station...
    The guy goes to put a password in for me, and accidentally hits paste...
    The only words visible in the password field are 'yogurt enemas'...."I don't wanna know" he says...:D
  • The only words visible in the password field are 'yogurt enemas'...."I don't wanna know" he says...:D
    Now that's funny!

    Kellog-- sounds like a pretty fucked up guy.
  • i just think its funny the county sheriff is trying to build a case........

    almost as bad as people caring about steroids and baseball.
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    such BULLSHIT this is. SO not fair and i feel bad for the guy.. hope no one throws the book at him.

    I mean, there are like 1,000s upon 1000's of people on facebook alone with pics smokin pipes, bongs, joints, you name it.

    I really dunno how they could even charge him.paraphernalia maybe but, its not illegal to smoke weed, its illegal to posses it , as says my dickheadish cop person i used to know..

    I feel like i deserve a bong at the end of my days because lets face, it.. i'm my own personal champion, and this dude won frickin olympic medals and such... that dude deserved that.. i'm pretty sure bongs are mandatory after winning such medals and achievements
  • milarsomilarso Posts: 1,280
    OK, seriously this is so ridiculous that they are trying to build a criminal case against him.
    I've been thinking about this for the past few days, what if he went back to the county, admitted to smoking and turned himself in? What is the worst that could happen to him? A misdemeanor for possession? A small fine and some community service?
    Perhaps somebody from that county should do some investigating and see how many tax dollars are going toward this bullshit investigation...
    "The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
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