VIDEO -- The Gig Is Up: Money, the Federal Reserve and You

Here is a great video that Roland passed my way last week.
As the speaker himself says, "this is about money, it's creation, and it's use in the control of us."
The Gig Is Up: Money, the Federal Reserve and You
Populist lawyer, Gary Fielder, presents “The Gig Is Up: Money, the Federal Reserve and You. Live from Wolfe Hall at The University of Colorado School of Law, on December 4, 2008, Mr. Fielder, a criminal and constitutional lawyer from Denver, Colorado, presents a power point and video presentation on the creation of money with an historical analysis of our current banking system. With quotes from Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and many others, Fielder makes his case to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to a sound and honest money system.
As the speaker himself says, "this is about money, it's creation, and it's use in the control of us."
The Gig Is Up: Money, the Federal Reserve and You
Populist lawyer, Gary Fielder, presents “The Gig Is Up: Money, the Federal Reserve and You. Live from Wolfe Hall at The University of Colorado School of Law, on December 4, 2008, Mr. Fielder, a criminal and constitutional lawyer from Denver, Colorado, presents a power point and video presentation on the creation of money with an historical analysis of our current banking system. With quotes from Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and many others, Fielder makes his case to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to a sound and honest money system.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
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Watch both of these films,
and hopefully you won't be just another American Idiot bobbing his head and cheering for the Dems, or saying "the government needs to help us, now!" or some other such trite and worthless display of "patriotism".
What we NEED right now is for people to get INFORMED.
Get on it, folks.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
your "sky is falling" rhetoric is getting old. there's a lot to be said for hope, and not too much for fear. but by all means, the fear thing seems to have been working for you in the past so go ahead. be afraid.
and that's not to say the government can do all its claiming to do. but there is something fundamentally wrong when corporations are making $40 billlion in profit while hard working americans are losing their houses and pensions, 401ks, and enron style corporations are allowed to function still. the individuals may have been punished, but the structure of the system remains. it can happen again. without policies reflecting the needs of the working class, nothing will change. funnel the money to the top, no thanks. I would rather those in charge at least tried to set things right.
I think there is a great deal of hope in people who are trying to change the Federal Reserve System.. If there wasn't hope, why rage against something so huge and so powerful?
This 'fear' you speak of is just the reality of it all. It is nothing more than being brutally honest with ourselves about where we are going if we continue down this same path with the same bad policies.
Honestly, I think collapse is coming, whether serious change is made or not. It is the severity of collapse that is the variable, and it all depends on what we do right now.
It's hard to have hope for any administration that refuses to address the problems created by The Fed. Actually, the FED is THE corporation that is making the most unbelievable profit right now off of the suffering of the working class. You and Drifting are essentially saying the same thing (correct me if I'm wrong?)-- and if Barry O isn't going to step up and do something about it, then the rest of us have to. Only sheer numbers will bring about the change we need.
Right, and well said.
The most glaring stumbling block in communication bewteen Commy and I is quite simply a glaring classist bent. I keep hearing these arguments from him essentially rallying against Wall Street fat cats, and the CEO types, along with complaints about the "little man" who is getting screwed.
There is NOTHING i do not agree with in his sentiment, SAVE FOR THE FACT the he is missing the ball over WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM IS CENTERED.
CEO pay and other similar deliberate obfuscations of the truth (perpetrated against the people by the bought-&-sold media tunnel vision focus on it) are only meant TO DIVIDE THE PEOPLE AGAINST THEMSELVES.
I don't give a fuck how much some goddman CEO makes, as long as he comes by his dollars "honestly".
What Commy (and many others) seem to totally not comprehend is the "system" which is fucking them in the ass is The Federal Reserve SYSTEM and the fact that it doles out money in incomprehensible quantities to the largest banking institutions in the world BY DELIBERATE & CALCULATED DESIGN. These people need to go out and read a book like The Creature From Jekyll Island or some other "alternative" viewpoint on what the Federal Reserve is, and then understand that THEIR GRIEVANCES CAN NOT BE ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED WITHOUT FOCUSING DIRECTLY ON THE PROBLEM ITSELF -- THE MONETARY SYSTEM, which has been utterly corrupted and hijacked by the global banking elite themselves.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"So I made a mistake, ONE mistake, can't a man start over?! DO I HAVE TO KEEP PAYING?! Maybe I should make another mistake... maybe I should make two."
*We live and we learn. I love this place, very much and always learn when I have time to absorb the myriad of perspectives. But when a site is full of indignation, it really creates more fear. Humans have two basic emotions: Love and Fear....fear doesn't open doors, although this is not to say something beneficial can not manifest out of fear. Love and being loving is the sure-fire way to keep your life, healthy, wealthy and wise. Cordial interaction opens doors.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
you may be right. capitalism puts profit over people and these large banking institutions benefit from the labor of the majority. maybe the best way to fix it is to build something new from its ashes. you could be right.
It is certainly true that the concept of this thing called "profit" is a philosophically shaky one.
However i tend to view the benefits of liberty and freedom of choice that such a system provides over the alternative -- some sort of controlled economy. Unfortunately, we have a controlled economy, very much so if not more so than in a "socialist" system. The amount of "distortion" that the Federal Reserve system puts on to "the markets" is staggering, and it comes from all angles. The concept of Federal Deposit Insurance utterly tips the scales in favor of the largest banks (too big to fail) as everyone is paying the same amount, and yet the largest banks are the ONLY ones that get help while the little ones (too small to save) go under or are bought by the largest banks using funds provided at the taxpayers expense. This is just one of several dozen reasons why the Fed fucks us, but it should be clearly evident that it does so.
My biggest concern about the Federal Reserve System at this point (and boy do i have a list of concerns) is probably the absolute lack of accountability to the people regarding the monetary base ... we are a fucking constitutional republic founded upon the notion that the people have the right to self government, and that the government is accountable directly to the people. CONGRESS was given the power to coin money. Congress and ONLY congress was given that power, not some private corporation that serves private interests!
No such delegation of power is authorized by the constitution.
FURTHER, a point which has been ALL BUT LOST on modern man is that the US Constitution DOES NOT PROHIBIT STATES FROM PRINTING THEIR OWN MONEY ... it simply prohibits them from making "anything but gold or silver" "legal tender". And, given that federal government schools almost deliberately seem to not teach children about their currency or what the fuck "legal tender" means, they thus have no goddamn clue. "Legal tender" is a LAW, it is an enforceable law which says, "YOU MUST ACCEPT THIS CURRENCY". It tells you the currency is explicitly sanctioned by The State and that while you are in that state (or nation state) you MUST accept that currency as payment for any and all debts. Therefore the constitution is ONLY trying to PREVENT STATES FROM FORCING FIAT MONEY ON THE PEOPLE. If Delaware or New Hampshire (or any other state) wanted to PRINT THEIR OWN FIAT MONEY, the could do so at will! They simply can not FORCE you to use it. Now, if they COINED silver and gold, and stamped them "Legal Tender of the State of Whatever", YOU WOULD BE FORCED TO ACCEPT THE COIN as a business in that state.
The people have NO guard against their savings or the very basic functionality of their society if they have NO RECOURSE in the matter of their medium of exchange. WE ARE IN A US DOLLAR MONOPOLY, and we need to get ourselves out of it before we sink along with the dollar.
If I opened it now would you not understand?