Obama caps executive pay tied to bailout money



  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    chromiam wrote:
    Does anyone realize that most CEOs recieve their compensation as stock options and a cash salary??? That's why Steve Jobs works for $1 a year and the CEO of Google only has his protection service paid for (about 450K/year). The real value and monetary growth for a CEO is in stocks... which Obama is not limiting at all.

    Top 250 CEOs last year recieved about 30 million in compensation... only 1/3 in cash.

    You are seven hours late, but great idea. :lol:
  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    JB811 wrote:
    chromiam wrote:
    Does anyone realize that most CEOs recieve their compensation as stock options and a cash salary??? That's why Steve Jobs works for $1 a year and the CEO of Google only has his protection service paid for (about 450K/year). The real value and monetary growth for a CEO is in stocks... which Obama is not limiting at all.

    Top 250 CEOs last year recieved about 30 million in compensation... only 1/3 in cash.

    You are seven hours late, but great idea. :lol:

    Didn't make it to your comments through all the lovey dovey Obama is doing amazing things to make CEO accountable bs.... ;)
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    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

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  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    NoK wrote:
    Kenny Olav wrote:
    Good! I wish there would be a $500K cap on all salaries, bailout or not. But so far, not everyone is down with my socialist schemes.

    Half a million seems awfully generous for someone who ran his company to the ground. I'm with you only make the cap at $250K and spread the wealth even more. I don't see why anyone can't live a very comfortable life with such an amount. With the money saved, along with cutting a lot of useless spending, you could probably afford giving each family a house and each individual free health care as a condition of citizenship. Heck if the Israelis do it using American money then I'm sure you guys are entitled to the same in your country considering its your money.

    read my mind. could change the world.
    friends of mine make close to 200 a year and their future generations will be doing just fine with that amount of money. 500 is just so much money i dont know whats wrong with these people.

  • NoK wrote:
    I'd have liked to see it be less like 200K or 250K, but just the fact this was signed into law is noteworthy. I'd imagine that 500K was done in order to get more tax revenue on all the levels from these people.

    I don't know about going that low. I'm all for eradicating wealth disparity, but knocking CEO's down to levels that my classmates will make out of law school seems a bit too far. If we're going to go that low, we need this to be a national thing, not just a string attached to bailout money. Otherwise, we're setting up those companies we're trying to bail out for failure.

    You and decides2dream are forgetting one major thing: these CEOs ran their business to the ground so their experience isn't exactly a positive aspect of their resume.

    not forgetting that at all. the salary cap is for ANYone taking that CEO position. what if the bank decides to chuck the old and bring in someone new? how will they attract someone new to the job w/o a decent salary for the job? that's the point. you want to bring IN someone with the experience to turn things around, you have to offer half-way decent compensation to attract bright minds. and for those mentioning the stock options and such....so what? even if 'only' a third of their pay is cash salary...it STILL is a dent in their compensation, and i personally still think it's 'something' worthwhile, sends a message, etc. should obama go after the stock options? idk. perhaps. i am not making these calls. however, when i see a good call being made, i'll definitely agree it's a good call. so then, i do think even 'just' limiting cash salary is a step in the right direction.

    btw - if they are being 'rewarded' for their work with stock options in the company they work for, and the company is being bailed out by the government b/c it's practically run into the ground....i'm gonna think those stock options ain't worth all that much at the moment, so yea....that dent in the cash salary will hurt.
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  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    When you have a few millions shares or lets say a few (3,000) thousand shares that you paid NOTHING for; and now instead of cashing in at $30 or $50 a share, you have to cash in at $10 to $15 a share (50 to 20% of original value), you still made $30,000 to 45,000 for "running a company into the ground." Sounds like a nice job to have to me. Do a horrible job, put people out of work, accept a government bailout and walk away with $30 to 40K plus your capped salary at $500,000. Sign me up.
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    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • chromiam wrote:
    When you have a few millions shares or lets say a few (3,000) thousand shares that you paid NOTHING for; and now instead of cashing in at $30 or $50 a share, you have to cash in at $10 to $15 a share (50 to 20% of original value), you still made $30,000 to 45,000 for "running a company into the ground." Sounds like a nice job to have to me. Do a horrible job, put people out of work, accept a government bailout and walk away with $30 to 40K plus your capped salary at $500,000. Sign me up.

    i never suggested it was perfect. ;)

    but in all seriousness, what do you expect? i was quite pleasantly surprised that ANY sort of cap was put in place, that any sort of repercussions were made from this.....b/c while this and even more would make 'sense'...it doesn't seem to me that washington usually thinks things thru enough to go for 'sense'...so again, it's a step - and a message - in the right direction in my mind. that's all. i guess my expectations are not as high as many. i've always thought and preached 'baby steps'.....tis the only way i personally see any change for the better occuring nowadays in our country. so for me, this is a definite plus, a good thing. it may not be 'enough' for others......but i can accept 'something' rather than nothing. 'good enough' is still something good.
    Stay with me...
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    I am myself like you somehow

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