King Jeremy...
So I generally don't listen to the too oft-played PJ radio songs- specifically Daughter, Wishlist, and Jeremy, but when I am at work with no CD player in the truck, my options are limited. So I heard Jeremy yesterday. I must say that with a fresh ear listening, I heard that song in a way I have not for 15 years...It made me start looking through the song library for other PJ tracks that can be classified as "storytelling" songs. I really can appreciate Jeremy for the moment. I hope we get a good "storytelling" song on the next album. Gone, Given to fly, man of the hour...GREAT fucking songs. I am getting really excited for the next album. I have a feeling EVs ITW experience may have triggered some similar creativity and I have a feeling we may be looking at their best album since Yield...SWEET.
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I had a similar "Jeremy experience" about a year ago. A friend and I stopped at a little tavern in a little town along the Washington coast for a beer. The jukebox was stocked with mostly country, mid 70's hits and some 80's hair metal. Thrown into the mix were Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun and PJ's Jeremy. Two of the most overplayed songs from the "grunge 90's" (in my book) and here I was, thrilled to death just to kick back in a seaside town, suck down some suds and listen to them. Naturally, it was one of those things that immediately made me break out Superunknown and Ten and listen to them repeatedly for about two weeks. I guess the ability to reconnect is one mark of a really brilliant song.
Man, I've been thinking the same thing!