Pearl Jam Contest! Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition! UPDATE

demetriosdemetrios Posts: 93,797
edited March 2009 in The Porch
A Wishlist Foundation Pearl Jam Contest! :)

And the winners are ...

Grand Prize: The Wishlist Mystery Combo Pack


2nd & 3rd Prizes: New Super Secret Goodies from Wishlist Foundation


4th Prize: Pearl Jam Bonnaroo CD 6/14/08


5th & 6th prize: D Style Gifts! ;)


Thank you all for playing, and donating to The Wishlist Foundation! :D

Have a great weekend!


*** The Grand Prize & Runner Up Prize Winners for Round 6 are: ***


All 5 winners will be contacted with info shortly!
The Wishlist Foundation amount raised for Round 6 is $ 90 dollars US! :)
Grand Prize will be shipped to Canada!

Thank you all for playing!
Till next time! :)


If you haven't already seen the video, here are the winners! :)

Grand Prize: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super Deluxe Edition Box Set! *drools


Runner Up Prizes, D Style:


Congratulations! :D

*** The Grand Prize & Runner Up Prize Winners for Round 5 are: ***


All 5 winners will be contacted with info shortly!
The Wishlist Foundation amount raised for Round 5 is $60 dollars US! :)
Grand Prize will be shipped to the Europe!

Thank you all for playing!
Till next time! :)


If you haven't already seen the video, here are the winners! :)

Grand Prize: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super Deluxe Edition Box Set! *drools


Runner Up Prizes, D Style:


Congratulations! :D

*** The Grand Prize & Runner Up Prize Winners for Round 4 are: ***


All 5 winners will be contacted with info shortly!
The Wishlist Foundation amount raised for Round 4 is $80 dollars US! :)
Grand Prize will be shipped to Canada!

Thank you all for playing!
Till next time! :)


If you haven't already seen the video, here are the winners! :)

Grand Prize: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super Deluxe Edition Box Set! *drools

Elusive One

Runner Up Prizes, D Style:


Congratulations! :D

*** The Grand Prize & Runner Up Prize Winners for Round 3 are: ***


All 5 winners will be contacted with info shortly!
The Wishlist Foundation amount raised for Round 3 is $125 dollars US! :)
Grand Prize will be shipped to the USA!

Thank you all for playing!
Till next time! :)


If you haven't already seen the video, here are the winners! :)

Grand Prize: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super Deluxe Edition Box Set! *drools


Runner Up Prizes, D Style:


Congratulations! :D

*** The Grand Prize & Runner Up Prize Winners for Round 2 are: ***


All 5 winners will be contacted with info shortly!
The Wishlist Foundation amount raised for Round 2 is $80 dollars US! :)
Grand Prize will be shipped to Canada!

Thank you all for playing!
Till next time! :)


If you haven't already seen the video, here are the winners! :)

Grand Prize: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super Deluxe Edition Box Set! *drools


Runner Up Prizes, D Style:


Congratulations! :D

*** The Grand Prize & Runner Up Prize Winners for Round 1 are: ***


All 5 winners will be contacted with info shortly!
The Wishlist Foundation amount raised for Round 1 is $130 dollars US! :)
Grand Prize will be shipped to the USA!

Thank you all for playing!
Till next time! :)


If you haven't already seen the video, here are the winners! :)

Grand Prize: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super Deluxe Edition Box Set! *drools


Runner Up Prizes, D Style:


Congratulations! :D

Pearl Jam Contest! Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition! :)


2 CDs, 1 DVD, 4 LPs, 1 Cassette Plus, Plus, Plus...

- Pre-Orders randomly to be selected to be signed by PJ members
- Free U.S. Shipping. $30 Canada/$50 International.
- To be shipped on or before March 24, 2009.

Here are the rules:

1. You must have a PayPal account. I will private message you my PayPal address where to send the $5.00 in US Funds. PayPal is safe & secure. If you don't have a PayPal account, I'm very sorry. We can do money order via snail mail, but I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and shipping might take a while. If you do go snail mail, it might be best then to send the money order weeks before the March 16th deadline. But, that's a big if on the money order. PayPal is the only way, right now.

2. One dollar US from every participant will be donated to The Wishlist Foundation - A Pearl Jam Fan Nonprofit Organization. . I have volunteered with The Wishlist Foundation during the East Coast Pearl Jam '08 show's: New York 1, New York 2, Hartford, Boston 1 & Boston 2. Also organized on my own Montreal 1, Montreal 2, Toronto 1 & Toronto 2 Eddie Vedder '08 Pre-Parties. :)

3. Each person that is interested in this contest, please add your name to the list. Once you have paid the 5 dollars US, your name will be added in the draw! ** One per user/box set only! ** For example, if the first 48 names have signed up & paid, we will start another 48 names for another box set. And etc ..

4. The lucky winner(s) will be contacted by email & private messaged here to have a Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition Box Set 10 club order placed to their home address. I will contact 10club, place the order on my Credit Card, and 10club will send you an email of confirmation that the order was placed, and the set is coming your way. Also, the purchase will show up in your 10club order status account.


Here is how it's gonna work:

48 people sign up a list. At 5 dollars US a pop.
Total raised would be $240 US dollars per round.

Now, if it is shipped inside the USA:
$140 for the set + free shipping. $100 dollars goes to The Wishlist Foundation.

Shipped to Canada:
$140 for the set + $30 dollars shipping. $70 dollars goes to The Wishlist Foundation.

Shipped International:
$140 for the set + $50 dollars shipping. $50 dollars goes to The Wishlist Foundation.

Let the sign up begin! :)

Cheers! :)

PS .. Once the first 48 have been signed up, this first post will be updated. All 48 will be private messaged with info where to send the 5 dollars. Then another 48 will start.

**** Round 1: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition: ****

1. mnicole22 (payed)
2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare (payed)
3. arq (payed)
4. stuckinline (payed)
5. sonny (payed)
6. luv-ed91 (payed)
7. mam1680 (payed)
8. Crazy Breed (payed)
9. PearlJGirl2010 (payed)
10. Sgtppr67 (payed)
11. JamilyMan (payed)
12. RazzyLane (payed)
13. vduboise (payed)
14. mindi (payed)
15. StonEd67 (payed)
16. MP179756 (payed)
17. Cosmo (payed)
18. svenstephy (payed)
19. funnygirl (payed)
20. Red Burrito (payed)
21. yoke (payed)
22. soundgrunger (payed)
23. Lee (payed)
24. skyeriverwinter (payed)
25. eddievedder64 (payed)
26. KO111 (payed)
27. Travelar (payed)
28. CocaineBrunch (payed)
29. Arcticangel (payed)
30. Jecica (payed)
31. wolfbear (payed)
32. DR208647 (payed)
33. LovinEddieVedder77 (payed)
34. Oversize (payed)
35. (Ok) (payed)
36. ts217777 (payed)
37. gfraser (payed)
38. CG275693 (payed)
39. nocode4 (payed)
40. dissident67 (payed)
41. evilgwyn (payed)
42. tie-dye lady (payed)
43. Corey Lynn (payed)
44. Southp (payed)
45. Fifthelement (payed)
46. HEX (payed)
47. KING_OF_GAMES (payed)
48. skanji (payed)

**** Round 2: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition: ****

1. Irish Al (payed)
2.funnygirl (payed)
3. mini_tb (payed)
4. moemoe6434 (payed)
5. nocode4 (payed)
6. HEX (payed)
7. Foxy Mop (payed)
8. Red Burrito (payed)
9. Travelar (payed)
10. sonny (payed)
11. Corey Lynn (payed)
12. Strummers (payed)
13. Elusive One (payed)
14. jaamfaan (payed)
15. BigC (payed)
16. gfraser (payed)
17. notradebaxx (payed)
18. wolfbear (payed)
19. StonEd67 (payed)
20. 5against1-
21. Fifthelement (payed)
22. Terryible (payed)
23. Lizard (payed)
24. Skere26 (payed)
25. zdogbone (payed)
26. KO111 (payed)
27. skyeriverwinter (payed)
28. brianwp (payed)
29. nuzzer1 (payed)
30. Trizzler (payed)
31. mnicole22 (payed)
32. assasin (payed)
33. Lennon_Cobain (payed)
34. FrankBauer (payed)
35. dissident67 (payed)
36. ts217777 (payed)
37. jk285405 (payed)
38. Taft (payed)
39. analogueaddict72 (payed)
40. vduboise (payed)
41. luv-ed91 (payed)
42. Elbereth84 (payed)
43. Mrs_Vedder78 (payed)
44. pearljim (payed)
45. mavi (payed)
46. JC24661 (payed)
47. Whoprincess (payed)
48. ozpjman (payed)

**** Round 3: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition: ****

1. Stereotype (payed)
2. funnygirl (payed)
3. esuhrcke (payed)
4. chrisj898 (payed)
5. HEX (payed)
6. mindi (payed)
7. Travelar (payed)
8. jv130312 (payed)
9. Cinnamon Girl (payed)
10. skyeriverwinter (payed)
11. mini_tb (payed)
12. chime (payed)
13. Chode17 (payed)
14. strummers (payed)
15. legend_killer1 (payed)
16. Elusive One (payed)
17. KO111 (payed)
18. Eduardo Veduardo (payed)
19. nuzzer1 (payed)
20. Whoprincess (payed)
21. nocode4 (payed)
22. niko80 (payed)
23. vduboise (payed)
24. RJ25101 (payed)
25. AmishGuy91 (payed)
26. NYPearlJammer (payed)
27. usm3 (payed)
28. StonEd67 (payed)
29. Jaamfaan (payed)
30. valmon (payed)
31. Jecica (payed)
32. Southp (payed)
33. BOOM (payed)
34. wolfbear (payed)
35. Notradebaxx (payed)
36. FrankBauer (payed)
37. boxorbag (payed)
38. scb (payed)
39. Terryible (payed)
40. spread_the_jam (payed)
41. Fifthelement (payed)
42. finnannie (payed)
43. vedderman51 (payed)
44. JC24661 (payed)
45. squizzlefritz (payed)
46. panthergirl (payed)
47. Lee (payed)
48. Grendel627 (payed)

**** Round 4: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition: ****

1. Fifthelement (payed)
2. finnannie (payed)
3. vduboise (payed)
4. skyeriverwinter (payed)
5. Eduardo Veduardo (payed)
6. Notradebaxx (payed)
7. Lee
8. Cinnamon Girl (payed)
9. squizzlefritz (payed)
10. mini_tb (payed)
11. Elbereth84 (payed)
12. vedderman51 (payed)
13. HEX (payed)
14. scb (payed)
15. ts217777 (payed)
16. Niko80 (payed)
17. Southp (payed)
18. RJ25101 (payed)
19. Travelar (payed)
20. Mrs_vedder78 (payed)
21. Strummers (payed)
22. Whoprincess (payed)
23. Corey Lynn (payed)
24. funnygirl (payed)
25. wolfbear (payed)
26. citizenmike (payed)
27. jb150693 (payed)
28. KO111 (payed)
29. Elusive One (payed)
30. mindi (payed)
31. gfraser (payed)
32. nocode4 (payed)
33. esuhrcke (payed)
34. rjwhite19 (payed)
35. valmon (payed)
36. (payed)
37. FrankBauer (payed)
38. StonEd67 (payed)
39. rupy017 (payed)
40. BOOM (payed)
41. mfc2006 (payed)
42. vedder_soup (payed)
43. Grendel627 (payed)
44. cundall23 (payed)
45. OneRainyDayWish (payed)
46. Irish Al (payed)
47. SgtPpr67 (payed)
48. GremmieOOC (payed)

**** Round 5: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition: ****

1. mini_tb (payed)
2. finnannie (payed)
3. Gremmieooc (payed)
4. crashing88 (payed)
5. skyeriverwinter (payed)
6. funnygirl (payed)
7. Travelar (payed)
8. mfc2006 (payed)
9. Sgtppr67 (payed)
10. RJ25101 (payed)
11. billyruff (payed)
12. strummers (payed)
13. who_me13 (payed)
14. Jamilyman
15. wolfbear (payed)
16. adam42381 (payed)
17. rupy017 (payed)
18. KO111 (payed)
19. scb (payed)
20. StonEd67 (payed)
21. OneRainyDayWish (payed)
22. squizzlefritz (payed)
23. JV130312
24. Eduardo Veduardo (payed)
25. BOOM (payed)
26. HEX (payed)
27. ts217777 (payed)
28. esuhrcke (payed)
29. Ledbetterman1O (payed)
30. LakerintheBay (payed)
31. JB150693 (payed)
32. fp199786 (payed)
33. stateesha (payed)
34. vduboise (payed)
35. Cinnamon Girl (payed)
36. valmon (payed)
37. Fifthelement (payed)
38. mindi (payed)
39. KING_OF_GAMES (payed)
40. Notradebaxx (payed)
41. Arcticangel (payed)
42. AmishGuy91 (payed)
43. nocode4 (payed)
44. jaamfaan (payed)
45. Southp (payed)
46. Niko80 (payed)
47. mvluckymike (payed)
48. kramer73 (payed)

**** Round 6: Pearl Jam Ten Re-Issue Super DeLuxe Edition: ****

1. finnannie (payed)
2. Travelar (payed)
3. squizzlefritz (payed)
4. vedder_soup (payed)
5. High Fidelity 2000 (payed)
6. skyeriverwinter (payed)
7. scb (payed)
8. umbertotamba (payed)
9. mfc2006 (payed)
10. HEX (payed)
11. mickeyrat (payed)
12. Pinot768 (payed)
13. Strummers (payed)
14. Fifthelement (payed)
15. Eduardo Veduardo (payed)
16. KO111 (payed)
17. Hard2IMAGINE2007VIC (payed)
18. crashing88 (payed)
19. RJ25101 (payed)
20. LakerintheBay (payed)
21. niko80 (payed)
22. (payed)
23. yoke (payed)
24. funnygirl (payed)
25. FirstExit (payed)
26. arq (payed)
27. ts217777 (payed)
28. Jecica (payed)
29. Stateesha (payed)
30. PittsburghPJ (payed)
31. Pegasus (payed)
32. cb154363 (payed)
33. Whoprincess (payed)
34. dprival78 (payed)
35. mini_tb (payed)
36. StonEd67 (payed)
37. YoullseeDragons (payed)
38. Cinnamon Girl (payed)
39. Valmon (payed)
40. vduboise (payed)
41. esuhrcke (payed)
42. who_me13 (payed)
43. Gremmieooc (payed)
44. LM82096 (payed)
45. walkunafraid (payed)
46. Notradebaxx (payed)
47. chime (payed)
48. rupy017 (payed)

Good Luck! :)

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 93,797
    Please copy & paste the list:


    etc.. to 48!
  • 1. mnicole22
    AKA Cinnamon Girl :(

    08-12-08 (EV)
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
  • arqarq Posts: 8,049
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
  • stuckinlinestuckinline Posts: 3,382
    arq wrote:
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    4. stuckinline
  • sonnysonny Posts: 132
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
  • luv-ed91luv-ed91 Posts: 215
    edited February 2009
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    4. stuckinline
    5. the gravities
    6. luv-ed91 :D
    Post edited by luv-ed91 on
    -- If I had known then, what I know now . . .

    8/31/98 - Raleigh
    8/4/00 - Charlotte
    4/16/03 - Charlotte
    10/6/04 - Asheville
    6/16/08 - Columbia
    6/20/09 - EV Memphis
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91 :D
    AKA Cinnamon Girl :(

    08-12-08 (EV)
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680

    Nice work D. Anything for a good cause.
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
  • pearljgirl2010pearljgirl2010 Shillington, PA/Tuckerton, NJ Posts: 3,428
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    Need a tour Travel Agent??? Pick me :-)

    Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
  • sgtppr67sgtppr67 Posts: 241
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. SgtPpr67
    10. JamilyMan
    For those who scoff at "Jamily" in my name... 9 years ago, when my first daughter was born there were jokes about whether my priority would be my family or PJ. I smiled and quipped "I am a JamilyMan." What was a family joke became a hated term among jammers. Didn't see that one coming!
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
  • mindimindi Posts: 1,862
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
  • StaffanStaffan Posts: 606
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67 Pearl Jam Day.

    Except Sundays, that's Ed day.

    The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work unless it's open. FZ

  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    MP179756 wrote:
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    it's funny when things change so much, it's all state of mind...
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    19. funnygirl
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    19. funnygirl
    20. Red Burrito
    the sorrow grows bigger, when the sorrow's denied
  • yokeyoke Posts: 1,440
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    19. funnygirl
    20. Red Burrito
    21. yoke
    Thats a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    19. funnygirl
    20. Red Burrito
    21. yoke
    22. soundgrunger
  • Lee MLee M Posts: 142
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    19. funnygirl
    20. Red Burrito
    21. yoke
    22. soundgrunger
    23. Lee
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    24. skyeriverwinter
  • pjgirl23pjgirl23 Posts: 115
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    24. skyeriverwinter
    25. eddievedder64 - anything for charity
  • 1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    19. funnygirl
    20. Red Burrito
    21. yoke
    22. soundgrunger
    23. Lee
    24. skyeriverwinter

    the sorrow grows bigger, when the sorrow's denied
  • KO111KO111 Posts: 94
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    19. funnygirl
    20. Red Burrito
    21. yoke
    22. soundgrunger
    23. Lee
    24. skyeriverwinter
    25. KO111
  • TravelarTravelar Kalamazoo, USA Posts: 3,410
    1. mnicole22
    2. gjwhateverthesenumbersare
    3. arq
    4. stuckinline
    5. thegravities
    6. luv-ed91
    7. mam1680
    8. Crazy Breed
    9. PearlJGirl2010
    10. Sgtppr67
    11. JamilyMan
    12. RazzyLane
    13. vduboise
    14. mindi
    15. StonEd67
    16. MP179756
    17. Cosmo
    18. svenstephy
    19. funnygirl
    20. Red Burrito
    21. yoke
    22. soundgrunger
    23. Lee
    24. skyeriverwinter
    25. KO111
    26. Travelar
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