Lyrics of the moment



  • like anyone I knew a Dave
    drove a Plymouth shallow grave
    said, “my girl don’t just walk, she unfurls”

    with motorcycle language
    he stumbled through his slang pledge
    then he dragged the mud for wedding pearls


    and the big snake pit
    and we dance to the edge of it
    and we laugh and we laugh
    cause we ain’t seen the edge of it

    The Hip 'Everytime You Go'
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • Mama put my guns in the ground
    I can't shoot them anymore
    That cold black cloud is comin' down
    Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

    Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    you're my first thought in the morning
    when i rise
    you're my last thought in the evening
    when i rest my head at night

    you mean everything
    you mean everything
    everything to me
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • jjflashjjflash Posts: 4,995
    Where do I go to soothe my head,
    Guess I'll turn to music instead.

    Just listened to this song for first time in a while....hope to hear the boys play it live one day. Wrigley??? :P :idea:
  • I was eight years old and running with a dime in my hand
    Into the bus stop to pick up a paper for my old man
    I'd sit on his lap in that big old Buick and steer as we drove through town
    He'd tousle my hair and say son take a good look around this is your hometown
    This is your hometown
    This is your hometown
    This is your hometown
    ~ Enjoy The Struggle
  • My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
    the morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
    And even if I could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my wall
    it reminds me that it's not so bad
    it's not so bad

    I drank too much last night, got bills to pay
    my head just feels in pain
    I missed the bus and there'll be hell today
    I'm late for work again
    and even if I'm there, they'll all imply that I might not last the
    and then you call me and it's not so bad
    it's not so bad and

    I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
    Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life

    Push the door, I'm home at last and I'm soaking through and
    then you handed me a towel and all I see is you
    and even if my house falls down now, I wouldn't have a clue
    because you're near me and

    I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
    Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
    "and I hold you close in the back of my mind,
    feels so good but damn it makes me hurt...
    and I'm too scared to know how I feel about you now"
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    What's it like there outside
    With the living?
    From this broken down place
    Where I hide
    From the living
    From the living

    Cause I don't care to stay
    With the living

    O, the bottle has been to me
    My closest friend and
    My worst enemy
    Afraid that I've walked a fine line
    Squandered it all
    And wasted my time

    And I don't stand a chance
    Among the living

    All the lovers I've gambled and lost
    Count my mistakes
    Whatever the cost
    I'll go off, I'll make myself scarce
    Come tomorrow
    You won't find me here

    Cause I don't care to stay
    Among the living

    No, I don't think I'll remain...
    ********************************************************************************************* image
  • If you see me flyin', all across the sky
    There I go, I'm a flyin' high
    Six white horses, a chariot made of gold
    Seven lovely angels abide my soul

    I've got the moon on my right, the sun on my left
    The world is behind me, only one way to go
    That's straight ahead
    That's where I'm going now

    Well, I've just stepped out, out of my grave
    There I go, I ain't no slave
    In my right hand is the sword of truth
    In my left hand is the fire of love

    I call to the land, I call to the sea
    I call to the sky
    Lord have mercy
    Won't you hear me?

    As I look behind me, what do I see
    A pair of golden wings
    That seemed to be attached to me

    Wings on my back, wings on my back
    I've got to fly away, I've got to fly away
    You know I just can't wait till tomorrow
    I've got to fly my way

    I've got to fly away, I've got to fly away
    Here I go
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Κι αν είν’ τ’ αστέρια σου πεσμένα στη γη
    και οι νύχτες σου εκλιπαρούν την αυγή
    κι όλα όσα αγάπησες μια σκάρτη ζαριά
    κι ο μόνος φίλος που έχεις η μοναξιά

    Εγώ σε θέλω ναι σε θέλω σε θέλω
    Με σκισμένα πανιά
    Με κομμένα φτερά εγώ σε θέλω

    Κι αν όλοι γύρω σου φτιαχτήκαν κι εσύ
    Ψάχνεις στην έρημο για κάποιο νησί
    Χωρίς πυξίδα στο πουθενά
    Πάνω που κέρδιζες χαμένος ξανά

    Εγώ σε θέλω ναι σε θέλω σε θέλω
    Με σκισμένα πανιά
    Με κομμένα φτερά εγώ σε θέλω

    Κι αν τα τραγούδια σου κατάπιε η σιωπή
    Και βρήκες του έρωτα την πόρτα κλειστή
    Μ’ ένα αποτσίγαρο μαύρα γυαλιά
    Θεός και δαίμονας και μόνος ξανά

    Εγώ σε θέλω ναι σε θέλω σε θέλω
    Με σκισμένα πανιά
    Με κομμένα φτερά εγώ σε θέλω

    Κι αν σου τελειώσαν οι ευχές και τα θα
    Κι ο δρόμος σ’ έβγαλε στο δρόμο ξανά
    Κι άμα δε βρίσκεις ούτε λέξη να πεις
    Κι ούτε ένα όνειρο για να πιαστείς

    Εγώ σε θέλω ναι σε θέλω σε θέλω
    Με σκισμένα πανιά
    Με κομμένα φτερά εγώ σε θέλω
    Σε θέλω σε θέλω ...
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    She was a flower for the takin',
    Her beauty cut just like a knife...
    He was a banker from Macon,
    Swore he'd love her all his life...

    Bought her a mansion on a mountain
    With a formal garden and a lot a land...

    But paradise became her prison,
    That Georgia banker was a jealous man!

    Every time he'd talk about her,
    You could see the fire in his eyes...
    He'd say,
    "I would walk through Hell on Sunday,
    To keep my Rose in Paradise..."

    He hired a man to tend the garden,
    Keep an eye on her while he was gone..
    Some say they ran away together...
    Some say that gardner left alone...

    Now the banker is an old man...
    That mansion's cum-ble-ing down...
    He sits all day and stares at the garden...
    Not a trace of her was ever found...

    Every time he talks about her,
    You can see the fire in his eyes...
    He'd say, "I would walk through Hell on Sunday,
    To keep my Rose in Paradise.."

    Now there's a rose out in the garden...
    Its beauty cuts just like a knife...
    They say that it even grows in the winter time...
    And blooms in the dead of the night...
    ********************************************************************************************* image
  • PJFAN13PJFAN13 Posts: 1,422
    If I could save time in a bottle
    The first thing that I'd like to do
    Is to save every day
    Till Eternity passes away
    Just to spend them with you

    If I could make days last forever
    If words could make wishes come true
    I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
    Again, I would spend them with you

    But there never seems to be enough time
    To do the things you want to do
    Once you find them
    I've looked around enough to know
    That you're the one I want to go
    Through time with

    If I had a box just for wishes
    And dreams that had never come true
    The box would be empty
    Except for the memory
    Of how they were answered by you

    But there never seems to be enough time
    To do the things you want to do
    Once you find them
    I've looked around enough to know
    That you're the one I want to go
    Through time with
    2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
  • wtf with this world..
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • It's not a case of doing what's right
    It's just the way I feel that matters
    Tell me I'm wrong
    I don't really care

    It's not a case of share and share alike
    I take what I require
    I don't understand ...
    You say it's not fair

    You expect me to act
    Like a lover
    Consider my moves
    And deserve the reward
    To hold you in my arms
    And wait
    And wait
    And wait
    For something to happen

    It's not a case of telling the truth
    Some lines just fit the situation
    Call me a liar
    You would anyway

    It's not a case of aiming to please
    You know you're always crying
    It's just your part
    In the play for today
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • FUCK YEAH....


    What holds your hope together,
    Make sure it's strong enough
    When you reach the end of your tether
    It's because it wasn't strong enough,
    I was going to drown,
    Then I started swimming
    I was going down,
    Then I started winning
    Winning - winning

    When you're on the bottom
    Crawl back to the top
    Something pulls you up,
    and a voice you can't stop,
    I was going to drown,
    Then I started swimming,
    I was going down
    Then I started winning
    Winning - winnin
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • I heard it from my friends
    About the things you said
    I heard it from my friends
    About the things you said

    But they know me better than that
    They know me better than that

    They know my weaknesses
    I never tried to hide them
    They know my weaknesses
    I never denied them

    I heard it from my friends
    About the things you said
    I heard it from my friends
    About the things you said

    How can a view become so twisted
    How can a view become so twisted

    They know my weaknesses
    I never tried to hide them
    They know my weaknesses
    You tried them

    I get so carried away
    You brought me down to earth
    I thought we had something precious
    Now I know what it's worth

    I heard it from my friends
    About the things you said
    I heard it from my friends
    About the things you said

    I've never felt so disappointed
    Never felt so disappointed

    They know my weaknesses
    I never tried to hide them
    They know my weaknesses
    Thought that you liked them

    They know me better than that
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Come with me
    Into the trees
    We'll lay on the grass
    And let the hours pass

    Take my hand
    Come back to the land
    Let's get away
    Just for one day

    Let me see you
    Stripped down to the bone
    Let me see you
    Stripped down to the bone

    Has nothing on this
    You're breathing in fumes
    I taste when we kiss

    Take my hand
    Come back to the land
    Where everything's ours
    For a few hours

    Let me see you
    Stripped down to the bone
    Let me see you
    Stripped down to the bone

    Let me hear you
    Make decisions
    Without your television
    Let me hear you speaking
    Just for me

    Let me see you
    Stripped down to the bone

    Let me hear you speaking
    Just for me

    Let me see you
    Stripped down to the bone

    Let me hear you crying
    Just for me
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Someone falls to pieces sleeping all alone
    Someone kills the pain
    Spinning in the silence
    She finally drifts away
    Someone gets excited
    In a chapel yard
    And catches a bouquet
    Another lays a dozen
    White roses on a grave

    And to be yourself is all that you can do
    To be yourself is all that you can do

    Someone finds salvation in everyone
    Another only pain
    Someone tries to hide himself
    Down inside himself he prays
    Someone swears his true love
    Until the end of time
    Another runs away
    Separate or united
    Healthy or insane

    And to be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
    To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)

    To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
    Be yourself is all that you can do

    Even when you've paid enough
    Been put upon or been held up
    With every single memory of
    The good or bad, faces of luck
    Don't lose any sleep tonight
    I'm sure everything will end up alright
    You may win or lose

    But to be yourself is all that you can do
    To be yourself is all that you can do

    To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
    To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)
    To be yourself is all that you can--
    Be yourself is all that you can--
    Be yourself is all that you can dooooooohoooo
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Hello cold beer I love you.....
    Come on join the beer run
    Join the beer run
  • Every time we do this
    I fall for her
    Wave after wave after wave
    It's all for her
    I know this can't be wrong i say
    (and i'll lie to keep her happy)
    As long as i know that you know
    That today i belong
    Right here with you
    Right here with you...
    And so we watch the sun come up
    From the edge of the deep green sea
    And she listens like her head's on fire
    Like she wants to believe in me
    So i try
    Put your hands in the sky
    We'll be here forever
    And we'll never say goodbye...

    I've never been so
    Colourfully-see-through-head before
    I've never been so
    And all i want is to keep it like this
    You and me alone
    A secret kiss
    And don't go home
    Don't go away
    Don't let this end
    Please stay
    Not just for today

    Never never never never never let me go she says
    Hold me like this for a hundred thousand million days
    But suddenly she slows
    And looks down at my breaking face
    Why do you cry? what did i say?
    But it's just rain i smile
    Brushing my tears away...

    I wish i could just stop
    I know another moment will break my heart
    Too many tears
    Too many times
    Too many years i've cried over you

    How much more can we use it up?
    Drink it dry?
    Take this drug?
    Looking for something forever gone
    But something
    We will always want?

    Why why why are you letting me go? she says
    I feel you pulling back
    I feel you changing shape...
    And just as i'm breaking free
    She hangs herself in front of me
    Slips her dress like a flag to the floor
    And hands in the sky
    Surrenders it all...

    I wish i could just stop
    I know another moment will break my heart
    Too many tears
    Too many times
    Too many years i've cried for you
    It's always the same
    Wake up in the rain
    Head in pain
    Hung in shame
    A different name
    Same old game
    Love in vain
    And miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
    Away from home again...
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • I did it all just for her
    I did it all just for her
    And love's heart is death
    For me and my poison girl

    A prey she was for the cruelty of love
    While its serpent inside crawled straight towards her heart
    The coldest kiss love ceased to exist
    While we grew apart like never before

    I did it all just for her
    I did it all just for her
    And love wants us dead
    Just me and my poison girl

    I did it all just for her
    I did it all just for her
    And love's heart is death
    For me and my poison girl

    the fire in her eyes
    grew dim and then died
    as the poison inside
    reached her heart

    And the coldest bliss
    faith ceased to exist
    as we grew apart
    like never before

    I did it all just for her
    I did it all just for her
    And love wants us dead
    Just me and my poison girl

    I did it all just for her
    I did it all just for her
    And love's heart is death
    For me and my poison girl

    And the taste of the poison on her lips is of a tomb

    I did it all just for her
    I did it all just for her
    And love wants us dead
    Just me and my poison girl

    I did it all just for her
    I did it all just for her
    And love's heart is death
    For me and my poison girl

    Poison girl

    And love's heart is death
    For me and my poison girl
    In this poison world
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    I tried so hard to stand
    As I stumbled
    and fell to the ground.
    So hard to laugh as I fumbled
    And reached for the love I found,
    Knowin' it was gone.
    If I never lived without you,
    Now you know I'd die.
    If I never said I loved you,
    Now you know I'd try,
    Babe, now you know I'd try.
    Babe, now you know I'd try, babe...
    ********************************************************************************************* image
  • dont feel like home,im a little out...
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Throw me a penny and I'll make you a dream
    You find that life's not always what it seems, no no
    Then think of a rainbow and I'll make it come real
    Roll me, I'm a never ending wheel
    I'll give you a star
    So you know just where you are
    Don't you know that I might be
    Your wishing well
    Your wishing well
    Look in the water, tell me what do you see
    Reflections of the love you give to me
    Love isn't money, it's not something you buy
    So let me fill myself with tears you cry, why?
    Time is a never ending journey
    Love is a never ending smile
    Give me a sign to build a dream on
    Dream on...
    Yeah, Throw me a penny and I'll make you a dream
    You find that life's not always what it seems, no no
    Love isn't money, it's not something you buy
    So let me fill myself with tears you cry
    I'll give you a star
    So you know just where you are
    Someday, some way, you'll feel the things I say
    Dream for a while
    Of the things that make you smile
    'Cause you know
    Don't you know
    Oh, you know
    That I'm your wishing well
    Your wishing well
    Your wishing well
    I wish you well
    I'm your wishing well
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • rollingsrollings unknown Posts: 7,125
    All evenings close like this
    All these moments that I've missed
    Please forgive me won't you dear
    Please forgive and let me share with you
    around the bend
  • never enough
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • AyedavanitaAyedavanita Posts: 1,443
    "I shit and I stink, I'm real, join the club"
    "You think I got my eyes closed but I'm lookin' at you the whole fuckin' time..."
  • such a shame...
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • There's a look on your face I would like to knock out
    See the sin in your grin and the shape of your mouth
    All I want is to see you in terrible pain
    Though we won't ever meet I remember your name
    Can't believe you were once just like anyone else
    Then you grew and became like the devil himself
    **** Pray to god I think of a nice thing to say
    But I don't think I can so fuck you anyway
    You are scum, you are scum and I hope that you know
    That the cracks in your smile are beginning to show
    Now the world needs to see that it's time you should go
    There's no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow
    Can't believe you were once just like anyone else
    Then you grew and became like the devil himself
    Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
    But I don't think I can, so fuck you anyway
    Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth
    I could creep up beside put a gun in your mouth
    Makes me sick when I hear all the shit that you say
    So much crap coming out it must take you all day
    There's a space kept in hell with your name on the seat
    With a spike in the chair just to make it complete
    When you look at yourself do you see what I see
    If you do why the fuck are you looking at me

    Why the fuck why the fuck are you looking at me

    There's a time for us all and I think yours has been
    Can you please hurry up cos I find you obscene
    We can't wait for the day that you're never around
    When that face isn't here and you rot underground
    Can't believe you were once just like anyone else
    Then you grew and became like the devil himself
    Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
    But I don't think I can so fuck you anyway

    So fuck you anyway
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Mamasan23Mamasan23 Posts: 16,389
    I can't tell if you're laughing
    Between each smile there's a tear in your eye.
    There's a train leaving town in an hour...
    It's not waiting for you, and neither am I.
    WI '98,  WI '99 (EV),  WI '00,  Chgo '00,  MO '00,  Champaign '03,  Chgo '03,  WI '03,  IN '03,  MI '04,  Chgo '06:N1 & 2,  WI '06,  Chgo '07,  Chgo '08 (EV:N1),  Chgo '09:N1 & 2,  Chgo '11 (EV:N1),  WI '11:N1 & 2,  Philly '12,  Wrigley '13,  Pitt '13,  Buff '13, Detroit '14, MKE '14, Wrigley '16: N1 & N2, Seattle '18 N2, Wrigley '18: N1 & N2, Fenway '18 N1, STL '22, St Paul '23 N2, Chgo '23: N1 & N2, Wrigley '24 N1 & 2
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