I like the theory that 2012 was a Mayan interpretation of the repetitive cyclical nature of space-time, and that the date corresponds to an era that the Mayan's themselves lived through, one in which the sunspot cycle caused a great drought (modern archeological evidence confirms that the Mayan civilization was destroyed by a massive drought) and that this brought about serious and irreconcilable political and social conflicts.
According to a VERY incomplete understanding of Mayan cosmology, it could be argued that they believed space time repeated, and that this same event would occur again, beginning in 2012.
I dunno.
but i like the theory.
Some of their verses related to 2012 say things like "an age of wealth and happiness for half and great suffering for half" or some such, and "an age of relearning, of new beginnings" or what have you (not direct quotes, but you get the jist) ...
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I think the hype over y2k will be nothing compared to the lead up to 2012...
You can find interpretive reference to it in so many places...a new age (aquarius)/alignment with the centre of the galaxy...the mayans, the sumerians, Nostradamus (he's always there!)....the big crunch, the return of the Reptilians (Nibiru/Planet X), the novelty theory, polar shifts....seriously....google ANYTHING apocalyptic, tag it with '2012', and you will be amazed at how much time people have put into coming up with this stuff....combine that with an increasingly f'd up world full of nukes, a falling superpower/global depression, climate change etc etc...I'd be surprised if make it another 4 years without some sort of massive change...who knows...entertaining and thought provoking stuff, anyway
I don't know about how legit it is, but I'm definitely going to try to use it to convince my ex to sleep with me one last time... that 12/23 date will be her birthday!
The internet has something to do with the outpouring of apocalypses, in my view.
Any idea can catch on like wildfire these days.
Changes: things are always changing, and stuff go in cycles. If you are in a prosperous place and age, you can't miss if you claim that in some time it will go to hell. Everywhere invariably do, historically. It's not if, but when. And world order empire collapses usually take some centuries...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
According to a VERY incomplete understanding of Mayan cosmology, it could be argued that they believed space time repeated, and that this same event would occur again, beginning in 2012.
I dunno.
but i like the theory.
Some of their verses related to 2012 say things like "an age of wealth and happiness for half and great suffering for half" or some such, and "an age of relearning, of new beginnings" or what have you (not direct quotes, but you get the jist) ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You can find interpretive reference to it in so many places...a new age (aquarius)/alignment with the centre of the galaxy...the mayans, the sumerians, Nostradamus (he's always there!)....the big crunch, the return of the Reptilians (Nibiru/Planet X), the novelty theory, polar shifts....seriously....google ANYTHING apocalyptic, tag it with '2012', and you will be amazed at how much time people have put into coming up with this stuff....combine that with an increasingly f'd up world full of nukes, a falling superpower/global depression, climate change etc etc...I'd be surprised if make it another 4 years without some sort of massive change...who knows...entertaining and thought provoking stuff, anyway
Any idea can catch on like wildfire these days.
Changes: things are always changing, and stuff go in cycles. If you are in a prosperous place and age, you can't miss if you claim that in some time it will go to hell. Everywhere invariably do, historically. It's not if, but when. And world order empire collapses usually take some centuries...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965