Gerald Celente Talks About "Collapse of 2009" and More!

DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
edited January 2009 in A Moving Train
Here is a January 17th interview with famed trends forecaster Gerald Celente:
part 1, 2, 3, 4.

I HIGHLY recommend this interview.
Celente really gets in to some of the finer points of what and WHEN he sees collapse coming.
Namely, he says outright, that he believes the collapse will start in earnest END OF FEBRUARY to EARLY MARCH.

This certainly jives with the market gyrations as of the last two weeks, hovering right around the lows and looking anemic, as well as the banking crisis in europe, and the similar problems here at BoA and Citi.

He gets in to his concerns about a long period of "squeezing the little guy",
and goes on about the differences between "then" and "now" regarding social structure, lack of moral character, and the pitfalls that we face because of these discrepancies between the last depression and this one.

Check it out.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on


    This guy pulls no punches.
    I wish this guy would give us more time than February!

    What have you been doing to brace yourself for this coming collapse, Driftin? Start buying gold or silver yet? Coins? Bullion?
  • I wish this guy would give us more time than February!

    What have you been doing to brace yourself for this coming collapse, Driftin? Start buying gold or silver yet? Coins? Bullion?

    I already have a bit of both.

    Its a bit late to grab gold at this point though.
    Any one who was going in should have got in earlier this month when it bottomed out at around $700ish.

    The markets are pushing lows while gold is climbing back towards its highs (having already tested its lows, looking strong) ... so maybe you could jump in here ... BUT, with the amount of manipulation we have seen in the metals market, i would be worried about a short term supression back to 800 (or even 700???) ...

    i just don't like buying the near term high. Wait for pullback, but time is running short. Tis a quandry.

    My other quandry is land.
    Namely, i'm looking for some, BUT i truly believe the housing market has another serious leg down ... a ride that will begin to go down when the COMMERCIAL real estate market goes belly up (probably between spring and summer) and the ripples from that crash reverberate back through the economy.

    So i want and NEED land, but don't want to go in upside down.
    The great hope (and what i truly believe to be true) here is that the powers that be will support the treasury market and the dollar for long enough (1 to 2 years, or long enough to get us embroiled in a hot war!) for housing prices to continue down DESPITE INFLATION.

    In other words, with more dollars being printed, an honest interpretation of economics could lead one to believe that housing prices would RISE ... BUT that would ignore "the velocity of money", and hopefully the housing market is in enough of a spiral -- backed by the fact that no one has the 20% DOWNPAYMENT to afford buying a house in this market -- that the number of dollars chasing houses will continue to decline ... thus causing housing prices to continue lower, despite the fact that the number of dollars AVAILABLE to chase those houses has increased.

    I generally shy away from outright fearmongering these days, but NOW is looking more and more like the beginning of the great unwind than ever. If "they" cant get ahold of the gold market, and do SOMETHING to support the financial markets, doom and gloom will be here much sooner than later. Today was almost a down day, and hovering down around 8000 DOW is black water. This is dangerous ground, and 6500 is right around the corner. That means more layoffs, more bank failures, and more bailouts. More drama. More pain.

    :( :( :(
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Here is a torrent of todays AJ Show.

    Alex interviews Gerald Celente (again) for over an hour.
    Listen as they break down Gerald's trend forecast of economic and civil collapse,
    and get a chuckle out of the way the two "fearmongers" relate to eachothers similar points of view.
    Good stuff. If you've heard Celente speak before, it is not too far different from other interviews, but it is nice to hear him expound in parts, and they also take calls which is nice.

    As usual, there is more discussion on Celente's part about the break down in our moral fabric, and how that is contributing to our over all failure as a society.

    Worth a listen if you're bored.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • 12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
    I just read an article a few days ago on USA today about how midway through this year we will get out of this recession. It says that it will be a SLOW recovery from it, until about 2011. but the start is predicted halfway through this year.
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • SolarWorldSolarWorld Posts: 1,902
    I just read an article a few days ago on USA today about how midway through this year we will get out of this recession. It says that it will be a SLOW recovery from it, until about 2011. but the start is predicted halfway through this year.

    USA Today is a tabliod. Read a real newspaper. Midway this year? I wish dude.
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