I wish I had a picture of the squirrel my husband and I saw this afternoon. He was triumphantly standing on the garbage bin. He had chewed his way through one of the bags and it was too cold for me for run out there and chase him off!!
(So, we just laughed and made noise to startle him.)
Kind of a funny I thought of when I saw this thread.
We were at the hospital last week to get one of my daughter's blood checked. I posted about this last Oct, she was hospitalized for weird bruises all over her and ended up she had ITP. So she has to have her platelets checked once a month.
So we were in the waiting room, waiting. They have an awesome play area since this is a childrens hospital. So Jane and her dad were over looking at the games trying to decide what to play. And Jane looks at all the games and says I want to play Hitting Squirrels. Sooooo just guess what game she wanted to play?????? OMG it was just so funny, I was laughing so hard I was crying. She wanted to play Whack a Mole.
Squirrels around here are crazy, they sit up in the trees and throw nuts down on you and they laugh! :?
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
of course, i must proterst that squirrel waving only an american flag...b/c clearly then he is being biased against all other nations in the world! :evil: :twisted: ooops, sorry...too much time in the MT.
I just got back from America, and I took soooo many photos of squirrels. Probably about 20. They crack me up!
(we dont have them in australia, so they are a novelty)
of course, i must proterst that squirrel waving only an american flag...b/c clearly then he is being biased against all other nations in the world! :evil: :twisted: ooops, sorry...too much time in the MT.
hey hey HEY i can't help it if the squirrel loves his country :evil:
love the pics people are sharing! and i didn't realize squirrels weren't in oz!
We have a big fat grey one that sits in the trees and teased my mutts...they go crazy!! Stupid cheeky thing... one of the trees it shares with a raccoon, so we have some pretty wild mornings here sometimes, much to the chagrin on the neighbourhood....
However, I think squirrels are just about the cutest thing on the planet...and omg, they are SOOOO funny when they fight...It's hilarious!!
I love Squirrels, if i could introduce them into New Zealand I would.
Red squirrels are my favourite they are so fecken cute, but very rare around the UK now, managed to find some in Isle of Wight, bloody hard to take a photo of
Here is grey one from christchurch, not as cool as red but still cute
I have 2 pet degu squirrels at home. They love chewing on wood and runnin' on their wheel all day long They're highly entertaining and easy to care for if anyone was thinking of getting one or two
We have a big fat grey one that sits in the trees and teased my mutts...they go crazy!! Stupid cheeky thing... one of the trees it shares with a raccoon, so we have some pretty wild mornings here sometimes, much to the chagrin on the neighbourhood....
However, I think squirrels are just about the cutest thing on the planet...and omg, they are SOOOO funny when they fight...It's hilarious!!
squirrels are total teases! totally drive our dogs nuts. they will run along the fenceline, and then just sit there, seemingly staring down the dogs like 'eh, stupid mutts....you can't get me.' they are hysterical to watch, and really...so unbelievably graceful as well. the way they leap and bound around, like trapeze artists. they LOVE our yard b/c we have so many trees, and most especially, a gigantic black walnut tree. no need for a per squirrel, we've got yard-full of free squirrel entertainment.
We have a big fat grey one that sits in the trees and teased my mutts...they go crazy!! Stupid cheeky thing... one of the trees it shares with a raccoon, so we have some pretty wild mornings here sometimes, much to the chagrin on the neighbourhood....
However, I think squirrels are just about the cutest thing on the planet...and omg, they are SOOOO funny when they fight...It's hilarious!!
squirrels are total teases! totally drive our dogs nuts. they will run along the fenceline, and then just sit there, seemingly staring down the dogs like 'eh, stupid mutts....you can't get me.' they are hysterical to watch, and really...so unbelievably graceful as well. the way they leap and bound around, like trapeze artists. they LOVE our yard b/c we have so many trees, and most especially, a gigantic black walnut tree. no need for a per squirrel, we've got yard-full of free squirrel entertainment.
so the other day i was leaving the house for work and norm is running circles around the tree in the back yard...looking up and barking...in general going a little nuts...he's treed a squirrel...so for fun i grab a couple tennis balls and toss them at the squirrel...never got close to hitting him but i did manage to make it move...at this point norm is confused and thinks it's gone to the side of the house...next thing i know, the squirrel goes for it...runs to the end of a branch, jumps to the ground and runs toward the side of the house...right at norm...before norm can react, the squirrel jumps over norm, onto a tree, from the tree to the roof...craziest thing i've seen
We have a big fat grey one that sits in the trees and teased my mutts...they go crazy!! Stupid cheeky thing... one of the trees it shares with a raccoon, so we have some pretty wild mornings here sometimes, much to the chagrin on the neighbourhood....
However, I think squirrels are just about the cutest thing on the planet...and omg, they are SOOOO funny when they fight...It's hilarious!!
squirrels are total teases! totally drive our dogs nuts. they will run along the fenceline, and then just sit there, seemingly staring down the dogs like 'eh, stupid mutts....you can't get me.' they are hysterical to watch, and really...so unbelievably graceful as well. the way they leap and bound around, like trapeze artists. they LOVE our yard b/c we have so many trees, and most especially, a gigantic black walnut tree. no need for a per squirrel, we've got yard-full of free squirrel entertainment.
squirrels have sone serious cajones.
so the other day i was leaving the house for work and norm is running circles around the tree in the back yard...looking up and barking...in general going a little nuts...he's treed a squirrel...so for fun i grab a couple tennis balls and toss them at the squirrel...never got close to hitting him but i did manage to make it move...at this point norm is confused and thinks it's gone to the side of the house...next thing i know, the squirrel goes for it...runs to the end of a branch, jumps to the ground and runs toward the side of the house...right at norm...before norm can react, the squirrel jumps over norm, onto a tree, from the tree to the roof...craziest thing i've seen
being on a college campus i see many squirrels. i saw one sitting on a telephone wire swaying back and forth barking. and 3 boxing each other. that was AWESOME
being on a college campus i see many squirrels. i saw one sitting on a telephone wire swaying back and forth barking. and 3 boxing each other. that was AWESOME
I do remember walking out of work one day and saw these squirrels playing hide and go seek. At least that's what it looked like to me. I thought that was pretty cool.
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
Today the squirrels were trying to establish the Squirrel Cafe in the back yard. There were three of them attempting to get something good out of the trash. I disconcerted them by putting everything out in front. (It's garbage day.) They spent at least a half hour studying the spot where it had been. It was funny because they were chattering to each other and running around with that look "I KNOW it was just here. Jim did you see? It's vanished!"
<object width="360" height="300"><param name="movie" value="http://www.redbubble.com/swf/redbubble.swf"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="url=http://www.redbubble.com/people/strummers/works/visual.atom?campaign=sales_widget&mode=slideshow"><embed src="http://www.redbubble.com/swf/redbubble.swf" FlashVars="url=http://www.redbubble.com/people/strummers/works/visual.atom?campaign=sales_widget&mode=slideshow" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="360" height="300"></embed></object>
They really show up running on the white snow there.
(So, we just laughed and made noise to startle him.)
We were at the hospital last week to get one of my daughter's blood checked. I posted about this last Oct, she was hospitalized for weird bruises all over her and ended up she had ITP. So she has to have her platelets checked once a month.
So we were in the waiting room, waiting. They have an awesome play area since this is a childrens hospital. So Jane and her dad were over looking at the games trying to decide what to play. And Jane looks at all the games and says I want to play Hitting Squirrels. Sooooo just guess what game she wanted to play??????
Squirrels around here are crazy, they sit up in the trees and throw nuts down on you and they laugh! :?
of course, i must proterst that squirrel waving only an american flag...b/c clearly then he is being biased against all other nations in the world! :evil: :twisted:
even better!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
(we dont have them in australia, so they are a novelty)
hey hey HEY i can't help it if the squirrel loves his country :evil:
love the pics people are sharing!
However, I think squirrels are just about the cutest thing on the planet...and omg, they are SOOOO funny when they fight...It's hilarious!!
Red squirrels are my favourite they are so fecken cute, but very rare around the UK now, managed to find some in Isle of Wight, bloody hard to take a photo of
Here is grey one from christchurch, not as cool as red but still cute
23/09/2006 Berlin, 30/09/2006 Athens, 18/07/2007 London
02/07/2009 Honolulu (EV Solo), 22/11/2009, Sydney, 29/11/2009 Christchurch
squirrels are total teases! totally drive our dogs nuts. they will run along the fenceline, and then just sit there, seemingly staring down the dogs like 'eh, stupid mutts....you can't get me.'
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
My new favorite website
so the other day i was leaving the house for work and norm is running circles around the tree in the back yard...looking up and barking...in general going a little nuts...he's treed a squirrel...so for fun i grab a couple tennis balls and toss them at the squirrel...never got close to hitting him but i did manage to make it move...at this point norm is confused and thinks it's gone to the side of the house...next thing i know, the squirrel goes for it...runs to the end of a branch, jumps to the ground and runs toward the side of the house...right at norm...before norm can react, the squirrel jumps over norm, onto a tree, from the tree to the roof...craziest thing i've seen
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I am glad the discrepancy has been corrected
I do remember walking out of work one day and saw these squirrels playing hide and go seek. At least that's what it looked like to me. I thought that was pretty cool.
One of my college roomies had a trick he called the Dead Squirrel....probably best for another topic though, quite disturbing
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
It's fun to confuse the squirrels!