Going to Prague

Taking the wife their for her Birthday/Anniversary next week.
Any great suggestions for food, bars, things to do....
Would appreciate it
Thanks in advance
Any great suggestions for food, bars, things to do....
Would appreciate it
Thanks in advance

Post edited by Unknown User on
Collin and pearljamjen have both lived there... so they should be able to help ya.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
when pj were playing there i had made quite a long posts about some great restaurants to eat.....it's on the message pit now of course.
a fantastic city!
over on the art wall i have a thread dedicated to some pics from when i lived over there for 6 short weeks back in 2005.....great, great place.....ENJOY! would love to revisit with my husband someday.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Walking Tour = Booh Yeah!
here's the 'important info' that i had posted:
here's a few of my fave restaurants in prague:
trattoria cicala - zitna 43 - praha 1 - spectacular food! this is THE place for penne arrabbiatta. yummy, yummy. it's a really small storefront, but the restaurant is actually, mostly, underground. i found one day walking in a new way to school, and they actually had a picture of johnny depp eating there! thought if it's good enough for johnny - have to try it - haha. sooooo good!
lemon leaf - myslikova 14 - praha 2 - excellent thai food! their spicy thai soups are delicious, great atmosphere - all around good food!
jama - v jame 7 - praha 1 - i list this only b/c it is a popular expat spot and if you want a good burger or potato skins etc, this is the place.
marco polo IV - siroka 4/24 - praha 1 - i never had dinner here, quite pricey - but beautiful place and i did have an exquisite dessert here - yum!
cantina - mala strana ujezd 38 - great mexican food! by czech standards anyway, haha. took me awhile there to find good mex food and well-priced, good place.
bohemia bagel - ujezd 16 - praha 1 and masna 2 - praha 1 - great place for breakfast or lunch - late night eating. another big expat gathering spot and really yummy comfort foods.
yes, wish i could go back! enjoy!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Found the pic on my website. The place is El Hrale Srabanfskeho, and apparently the favorite place of the King's Son Vaclav the Drunk.
Here is a link to my site.
absolutely worth it!
i went there for a day and it was beautiful, and so quaint. great little side-trip.
and just walk around and see EVERYthing in the old city, and at least the central part of the 'new city'.....which ain't so new
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Marco Polo is a lovely place to eat, the deserts we had were gorgeous!
One of the best restaurants we went to there was the Resturant Reykjavík - absolutely gorgeous and really quite reasonable.
I also remember (vaguely!) a bar kind of just off the main square old sqaure (towards Charles Bridge)- down some stairs in a courtyard near a tattooist (the name escapes me). Anyway the do the strongest cocktails ever - including the 'Adios Motherfucker' I dare you to remember the name of the place after a couple of those :oops: !!
Best (and most surprising) attraction was the Kafka museum on the castle side of the Charles Bridge - really different museum experience and well worth a visit. The art outside the museum (a man relieving himself in a pool the shape of the Czech Republic) is meant to represent the Brits who refuse to pay for public toilets and prefer to go in the street - alas a sad reflection of UK 'lad' culture.
Enjoy - it's a great place!
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that whole place was gorgeous!
and the kaftka museum was awesome! i have a few pics of that sculpture. haha. i really cant think of anything i did there that wasn't great. just a beautiful, magical city....
i will say the stag parties were every weekend and sure the 'tourists' ...all drunk at these parties...weren't great, but really, they weren't locals or a 'part' of prague per se, so i don't c'ounbt' them when weighing in on the city.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow