I like this pic cause my cat's in it too. I'm not always that pouty and actually have bangs/a fringe, that's just slicked back there. (I might look into putting up a better pic but can't be arsed right now.)
OMG just looked at Bynzies picture - I am a little afraid
aw, don't be. he's a sweetheart.
oh and SIAN, I love that pic of you and Dave. *loves*
Thanks darlin.
That pic of you and Nauhuri is gorgeous! Such a handsome couple
why thank you. :oops: yeah, she's quite the hottie.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
Mind you it's kind of nice being a mystery - people could imagine all kinds of wonderful!
if you upload a picture to photobucket (or something like that), you can post the link to it or use the [img]code to put the pic itself up.
or, you can remain a mystery. [/img]
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
if you upload a picture to photobucket (or something like that), you can post the link to it or use the
Ok I'll give it a go as long as everyone promises not to laugh :oops:
nobody's gonna laugh! or if they do, they'll have to answer to me. :evil: (nobody will laugh. )
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
For the time being, this is me in the avatar.
I might remove myself or replace myself with something else in the future though. :twisted:
PS. I was in Seattle when that was taken, and very happy to be there!
that's a lovely picture miss Buru!
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
you sound disappointed in me... and it's flip cup!
You just don't look like a lawyer to me...LOL! No offense my friend. You know we both have been using this forum for years.You are like an internet associate or freind. I get certain impressions of what people look like. My pic is my avatar, but its kinda blurry, that's so the wrinkles don't show...LOL!
that's probably not surprising given that i don't much feel like a lawyer, hehe. but once my professional bio pic goes online, maybe i'll see how that one plays
and i'm only offended that you botched the name of my all-time fav game/sport!
Love your sig! I miss Laura tons! I use to talk to her on phone once in a while. There were a few times she was so weak and couldn't talk. This place feels different without her.
i miss talking to her as well. i wish i could talk to her now, i could use her help.
i never got the chance to meet her, but she worked in the legal community in the city where i live now. she used to give me advice and impressions of what it was like. and every warning she gave me turned out to be spot on... it's a shame. she and i would have been colleagues of a sort.
For the time being, this is me in the avatar.
I might remove myself or replace myself with something else in the future though. :twisted:
PS. I was in Seattle when that was taken, and very happy to be there!
i think we used to be facebook friends? i remember during one of my spring cleaning phases i was struggling to figure out how i ended up facebook friends with a gorgeous south american girl i guess mistakes like that are why you don't mess around online after a few drinks!
I think if you just lose the [img]thingies and post it as a link it should work. (took them out when I quoted you.)
EDIT: there we go! you look lovely. [/img]
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
I think if you just lose the [img]thingies and post it as a link it should work. (took them out when I quoted you.)
EDIT: there we go! you look lovely.[/img]
Thank you eMMI . It came up awfully big didn't it! :oops:
I think if you just lose the [img]thingies and post it as a link it should work. (took them out when I quoted you.)
EDIT: there we go! you look lovely.[/img]
Thank you eMMI . It came up awfully big didn't it! :oops:
If you are on a mac like me
highlite IMG code under picture in photobucket then command(for me button 2 from spacebar on left) C
then in forum command V
I finally figured it out!
I think if you just lose the [img]thingies and post it as a link it should work. (took them out when I quoted you.)
EDIT: there we go! you look lovely.[/img]
Thank you eMMI . It came up awfully big didn't it! :oops:
no worries. a bit big maybe, but it's ok.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
If you are on a mac like me
highlite IMG code under picture in photobucket then command(for me button 2 from spacebar on left) C
then in forum command V
I finally figured it out
Not mac, but thanks anyway, eMMI has got the right thing in her quote which is how I looked at it. Bit scary seeing myself so close up.
For the time being, this is me in the avatar.
I might remove myself or replace myself with something else in the future though. :twisted:
PS. I was in Seattle when that was taken, and very happy to be there!
i think we used to be facebook friends? i remember during one of my spring cleaning phases i was struggling to figure out how i ended up facebook friends with a gorgeous south american girl i guess mistakes like that are why you don't mess around online after a few drinks!
I am not sure I have you as a FB friend... what name are you under?
(Maybe in myspace, don't know, never use myspace anymore)
and thanks
I am just a dreamer, but you are just a dream... If I knew where it was I would take you there.
If you are on a mac like me
highlite IMG code under picture in photobucket then command(for me button 2 from spacebar on left) C
then in forum command V
I finally figured it out
Not mac, but thanks anyway, eMMI has got the right thing in her quote which is how I looked at it. Bit scary seeing myself so close up.
I see the log in page for photo bucket- can't see your pic at all??- thats weird :? so how come that is?
I see the log in page for photo bucket- can't see your pic at all??- thats weird so how come that is?
Oh bugger, I have no idea at all. I give up!!
Description; Shoulder length, curly, brown with a hint of red (out of a packet) hair, big pointy nose, grey eyes, long face, the odd spot, an extra chin, slightly more curvacious than I'd like to be, a little crumpled round the edges. That's about it!
If you are on a mac like me
highlite IMG code under picture in photobucket then command(for me button 2 from spacebar on left) C
then in forum command V
I finally figured it out
Not mac, but thanks anyway, eMMI has got the right thing in her quote which is how I looked at it. Bit scary seeing myself so close up.
I see the log in page for photo bucket- can't see your pic at all??- thats weird :? so how come that is?
for some reason it doesn't work after Claireack's quoted me (quoting her). :? but still works fine for me in the link I originally "sorted out".
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
I see the log in page for photo bucket- can't see your pic at all??- thats weird so how come that is?
Oh bugger, I have no idea at all. I give up!!
Description; Shoulder length, curly, brown with a hint of red (out of a packet) hair, big pointy nose, grey eyes, long face, the odd spot, an extra chin, slightly more curvacious than I'd like to be, a little crumpled round the edges. That's about it!
all other things aside, that description is awesome! i'm using it if i ever write a novel
Mind you it's kind of nice being a mystery - people could imagine all kinds of wonderful!
why thank you. :oops:
if you upload a picture to photobucket (or something like that), you can post the link to it or use the [img]code to put the pic itself up.
Ok I'll give it a go as long as everyone promises not to laugh :oops:
nobody's gonna laugh! or if they do, they'll have to answer to me. :evil: (nobody will laugh.
I might remove myself or replace myself with something else in the future though. :twisted:
PS. I was in Seattle when that was taken, and very happy to be there!
If I knew where it was I would take you there.
that's a lovely picture miss Buru!
that's probably not surprising given that i don't much feel like a lawyer, hehe. but once my professional bio pic goes online, maybe i'll see how that one plays
and i'm only offended that you botched the name of my all-time fav game/sport!
i never got the chance to meet her, but she worked in the legal community in the city where i live now. she used to give me advice and impressions of what it was like. and every warning she gave me turned out to be spot on... it's a shame. she and i would have been colleagues of a sort.
i think we used to be facebook friends? i remember during one of my spring cleaning phases i was struggling to figure out how i ended up facebook friends with a gorgeous south american girl
Hubby and I cocktail ing in Key West
think you have some extra img and brackets in there. but when i fix it it says the picture's too big anyway.
Oh boglets!! Have no idea at all what I'm doing. Will fiddle some more. :?
Well I have put on a little weight :(
haven't we all? winter's coming... we need the insulation
and that's not what i meant anyhow
I think if you just lose the [img]thingies and post it as a link it should work.
Thank you eMMI
highlite IMG code under picture in photobucket then command(for me button 2 from spacebar on left) C
then in forum command V
I finally figured it out!
no worries.
Not mac, but thanks anyway, eMMI has got the right thing in her quote which is how I looked at it. Bit scary seeing myself so close up.
I am not sure I have you as a FB friend... what name are you under?
(Maybe in myspace, don't know, never use myspace anymore)
and thanks
If I knew where it was I would take you there.
Oh bugger, I have no idea at all. I give up!!
Description; Shoulder length, curly, brown with a hint of red (out of a packet) hair, big pointy nose, grey eyes, long face, the odd spot, an extra chin, slightly more curvacious than I'd like to be, a little crumpled round the edges. That's about it!
for some reason it doesn't work after Claireack's quoted me (quoting her). :? but still works fine for me in the link I originally "sorted out".
all other things aside, that description is awesome! i'm using it if i ever write a novel
This is a couple of years old, but one of my favorites.
This is a photo from halloween. I'm Marty McFly, my buddy is Teen Wolf.
Wait a minute......how can Michael J. Fox be in 2 places at once??
You time traveled back to the 80's and found yourself on the set of Teen Wolf, didn't you Michael??