Lord Stanley's Cup/ EV

KigityKKigityK Posts: 85
edited August 2008 in The Porch
So a little story about last night.... Me and buddy had decent seats, Row X, got 2 awesome posters and saw an amazing set. So, me and my friend decided to grab a few beers, i already had quite a few, and we walked over by where the ATM machine was. No one was standing by the stairs near the side balcony seats, so we decided to go up there. We walked right past Chelios and his crew and stood in John Cusak's suite for about 6 songs. Oh yeah, the STANLEY EFFING CUP was rubbing on my knee the whole time!!!!!!! Cusak actually walked out of the suite, shook our hands and was pretty cool, jammin out the entire time! I decided to see if the view was a little better from the other suite but bumped into some guy who got Chelios' attention. Obviously, we weren't part of his crew and he had us removed from the venue. Not a huge deal only 2 songs missed! Needless to say, it was a great experience and a story I will tell for the rest of my life!!!!!!!!!!!! I left Chelios a business card in the CUP....

Chicago (Soldier Field 95), Chicago 98, East Troy 00, Chicago 00, East Troy 03, Chicago 03, St Paul 03, Chicago 06 x 2, Albany 06,Milwaukee 06 x2 Chicago (Grant Park) 07, Chicago (Vic) 07, Chicago 09 x2, Noblesville 10, East Troy PJ20 11 x2...
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