Dear Bank Manager

Dear Bank Manager
Give the bastards a little power
And watch them try to screw you over
They’re all the same
To them it’s a game
Watching from the ivory tower
Why the fuck should someone else decide
If by their rules you don’t abide
How you live
On what they give
‘Cause the application is again denied
Join the fuckin real world
Where survival is a bastard
Sittin in your ivory tower
With your rose coloured glasses
While we struggle to make a buck
Where survival has nothing to do with luck
No company car
No junkets afar
You read your little rulebook and don’t give a fuck
Too fuckin weak to have a go yourself
Shiny awards lining the shelf
Prick of the year
Most illustrious career
Another mechanical little green elf
Join the fuckin real world
Where survival is a bastard
Sittin in your ivory tower
With your rose coloured glasses
Tryin to tell me how to make a go of it
When you need permission to take a shit
So fuck you
And your boss too
Draw your wage and reports say you’re a hit
Thinking you got so many mates
But you’re the one everyone fuckin hates
Sittin there smirking
While behind you’re lurking
Trying to find new ways to berate
So stick you dick up your ass
And I hope you choke on your lies
There’s no way in hell you’ll tell me what to do
So try this song for size
Fuck you
Give the bastards a little power
And watch them try to screw you over
They’re all the same
To them it’s a game
Watching from the ivory tower
Why the fuck should someone else decide
If by their rules you don’t abide
How you live
On what they give
‘Cause the application is again denied
Join the fuckin real world
Where survival is a bastard
Sittin in your ivory tower
With your rose coloured glasses
While we struggle to make a buck
Where survival has nothing to do with luck
No company car
No junkets afar
You read your little rulebook and don’t give a fuck
Too fuckin weak to have a go yourself
Shiny awards lining the shelf
Prick of the year
Most illustrious career
Another mechanical little green elf
Join the fuckin real world
Where survival is a bastard
Sittin in your ivory tower
With your rose coloured glasses
Tryin to tell me how to make a go of it
When you need permission to take a shit
So fuck you
And your boss too
Draw your wage and reports say you’re a hit
Thinking you got so many mates
But you’re the one everyone fuckin hates
Sittin there smirking
While behind you’re lurking
Trying to find new ways to berate
So stick you dick up your ass
And I hope you choke on your lies
There’s no way in hell you’ll tell me what to do
So try this song for size
Fuck you