Zune/Pearl Jam Bootleg Question..

I apologize if this topic has been visited before on this board, but I just got a Zune 80GB for Christmas (awesome gift) and after I synched all the music on my computer I came across this problem on about half of the PJ bootlegs I had on the hard drive:
There are shows that when they were synched in song number order, they went 1 1, then 2,2 etc. therefore the shows are out of order. Is there any way to fix this other than what I've been doing so far in that I delete the show, sync it again using the CD that it was burned on, then manually editing the song titles?
And why do some shows work out fine and others don't, was it just the way they were uploaded originally?
Any help would be great.
There are shows that when they were synched in song number order, they went 1 1, then 2,2 etc. therefore the shows are out of order. Is there any way to fix this other than what I've been doing so far in that I delete the show, sync it again using the CD that it was burned on, then manually editing the song titles?
And why do some shows work out fine and others don't, was it just the way they were uploaded originally?
Any help would be great.