could anyone tell me...

mathrules76mathrules76 Posts: 3
edited May 2006 in Technical Stuff and Help
I'm a fairly new member of the pit.

What does "bump" and "sticky" mean in reference to messages?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • BB Posts: 20
    Each time someone posts in a thread, it goes to the top of the list. So, ones that no one has posted in recently drop down the screen as others are moved to the top.

    Bump means that you find one that's low on the list, and even though you have nothing to say, you post in it so that it goes back to the top where people are more likely to see it.

    Stickie means the moderators have permanently placed a thread at the top, even if people ignore it.
    B of
  • that "B" is one smart cookie.
    Cheat the odds that made you
    Brave to try to gamble at times
  • ...thanks B.
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