lil virus info: fyi

I figured this out this morning...Thank goodness I use the beta
version of yahoo webmail, so I was able to view this through a
preview pane rather than opening the message.
some messages from yahoo group mods that I am part of:
There is a new virus running through the Yahoo Groups titled GRAPHIC
It automatically is sending it to the people in your address book.
Even if you open one tier of it. com/bizj/ 060612/1301171. html?.v=1
Yahoo discovered (as did many of us) a mass mailing worm that sends
itself under the subject of "Graphic Website" or something similar.
I understand it, Yahoo has patched the program that allowed it to
spread itself-- but I have yet to learn how to get it off one's PC.
I will keep you up to date-- this happened to just about everyone who
uses yahoo mail and yahoo groups all around the globe-- so at least
wasn't just a local thing.
Please, if you get an email with the heading GRAPHIC WEBSITE -- know
it has nothing to do with fun clipart... it is a virus that runs on
javascrip and if you open the email you will infect your computer and
it may send itself to everyone in your yahoo address book. (But this
may have been patched- I am not sure what if anything it can do to
PC once it is there- again- I will let you know as soon as I know
Please do not open this message. It's a worm that is affecting all of
yahoo groups, everywhere. If you have opened it make sure that your
antivirus software is up to date and scan your computer. There are
other safety measures that may apply but check with someone that
what they are doing. If you have not opened this message please
it immediately! Yahoo is working on correcting this problem as we
taken from a friend of mine; not my words; not my problem, but just incase anyone has seen or opened up problematic it is.....;)
tx...kat of the sea......!!!!!!!
version of yahoo webmail, so I was able to view this through a
preview pane rather than opening the message.
some messages from yahoo group mods that I am part of:
There is a new virus running through the Yahoo Groups titled GRAPHIC
It automatically is sending it to the people in your address book.
Even if you open one tier of it. com/bizj/ 060612/1301171. html?.v=1
Yahoo discovered (as did many of us) a mass mailing worm that sends
itself under the subject of "Graphic Website" or something similar.
I understand it, Yahoo has patched the program that allowed it to
spread itself-- but I have yet to learn how to get it off one's PC.
I will keep you up to date-- this happened to just about everyone who
uses yahoo mail and yahoo groups all around the globe-- so at least
wasn't just a local thing.
Please, if you get an email with the heading GRAPHIC WEBSITE -- know
it has nothing to do with fun clipart... it is a virus that runs on
javascrip and if you open the email you will infect your computer and
it may send itself to everyone in your yahoo address book. (But this
may have been patched- I am not sure what if anything it can do to
PC once it is there- again- I will let you know as soon as I know
Please do not open this message. It's a worm that is affecting all of
yahoo groups, everywhere. If you have opened it make sure that your
antivirus software is up to date and scan your computer. There are
other safety measures that may apply but check with someone that
what they are doing. If you have not opened this message please
it immediately! Yahoo is working on correcting this problem as we
taken from a friend of mine; not my words; not my problem, but just incase anyone has seen or opened up problematic it is.....;)
tx...kat of the sea......!!!!!!!
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Post edited by Unknown User on
But, in this case, it does. It's nice when people spread the truth instead of hoaxes and general bullshit.
I hope for everyone's sake they're running an up-to-date virus scanner. If not, go RIGHT NOW!
just think all these people are paying for norton or mcaffee, when the solutions to their problems are at the click of a mouse....;)
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I've been using it for roughly 3 years for free, and have no issues with it whatsoever. Although, for some users it's a bit too complex figuring out how to remove viruses.
Free is free to me. I've been fixing and building computers for a while now, and it still amazes me how many people run without a virus scanner. I can bet those in the know, who fix and build and whatnot, have been making a fortune charging people to install this free virus scanner, which I do not condone.
But, damn, it is staggering! No wonder viruses speread like wildfire.
nice talking to ya, c41...
hoping this discussion will enlighten......;) .
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Good to hear. See ya around melodious. And good luck finding that job... don't let the corporate world eat ya up!
now my next question is pertaining to your technical experitse:
is this a valid threat?
sorry it's sloppy, but it's message that counts; hope others read as well...;)
>Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment
>that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able
>to fix it!
>If you get an email along the lines of "Osama Bin Laden Captured"
>or "Osama Hanged" don't open the attachment.
>This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe, but
>mainly in the US and Israel.
>Be considerate & send this warning to whomever you know.
>You should be alert during the next days:
>Do not open any message with an attached filed called
>"Invitation" regardless of who sent it.
>It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which "burns" the whole hard disc C
>of your computer.
>This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in
>his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your
>It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and
>open it.
>If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend, do not
>open it and shut down your computer immediately.
>This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft
>as the most destructive virus ever.
>This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for
>this kind of virus.
>This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital
>information is kept.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I've heard of this one before over at this site here.
It's so true about the education. It's there for your survival really.
I've been building and repairing for about 9 years now. I just do it on the side for some extra cash. It's easy money sometimes.
Even though it is possible to have important system files removed from various areas of the hard drive with certain viruses, it's the part about the Olympic Torch crap that really maks me laugh. Much like when you get those msg's stating that you must forward this to 10 people so you will see Santa's sleigh fly across the screen delivering presents to your desktop, it just doesn't happen.
For one thing, there is no zero sector on a hard drive. In this instance, it's probably referring to a zero fill format, or low level format, for one thing. Secondly, a virus won't cause your hard drive to "burn". It would just fail before it ever reached the point of actually burning. I've yet to see any virus destroy hardware like some people claim they have.
Also, be sure to add to your bookmarks. It's a valuable tool to tell friends that send those hoax emails that they are indeed a hoax.
; however, the mission to this note has evolved into a discussion with 1/2<melodious. we watched our loving leader this a.m. i mentioned how news media at that particular moment blocked out any of prez words about immigration, a topic very near and dear to me, maybe we will start seeing more mention of terrorist talk fed through our pc's so as to secure a republican nominee for whitehouse in 2008. if fear of terrorism plant is kept nutured and amerikan ppl buy it, then it's just another guarantee of four more extreme neo-conserve years in white house. my reply was i don't wanna think about corp/poli
thoughts, even though that's all i ever dream about anymore.
we gotta keep the love links a thriving....hey! speaking of love links.......
just keepin it in my mind.....
if this warning is an urban legend, then maybe osama is too......!!!!
maybe osami is like a thread i read recently about funny way to the moon....maybe fear and distrust set is all a big hoax fed to us by those who think they have all the answers for all. maybe osami is one big propaganda hoax! i just don't put anything past...
and by the way; i went to cali dept of motor vehicles yesterday..really strange people there. as you know i live in a red-hot fire zone. i saw a ca dept of corrections/forestry personell with 4 very mexicano men dressed in orange jump suits (orange jump suits for felon dress in cali dept of correctionz [cdc]). they all spoke enlish fairly well, but they were all filling out some forms at dmv...hmmm i wonder what business a co has gettting mexicanos who are in prison either a driver's license or an id the ins release to non-documents already in effect under great homeland security? yo no se? i don't know, but i certainly don't see it as an early release deed funded by state of cali....
i wonder what people really think about new set up of immigration system here..maybe people don't know that ins takes responsiblity of non documented offenders as soon as they are sentenced. i wonder if ppl know that once a mexicano does his/her time in our jails, that he/she will be transported to a "secured housing" facility ie concentration camp to work hard labor until poor little mexico retrieves them........really scary stuff i saw at the dmv....made my mind wonder and definitely generated some thought processing......
sorry i go way off topic sometimes; but this is how thoughts of discussion do evlove.......
even so, this little interaction between you and i has been beneficial for me...thanks for the link; i am a student of life; educator of one!!!!!! and sometimes a decent human being
it's always nice to make a new acquaintance;) .
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
That is some crazy stuff. My eyes have been blinded of stuff like this, since we don't see anything of the like up here in Canada, but I'm sure that it happens. That may all change with Mr. Harper in power up here, who's doing his damndest to make George his bed buddy.
Catch ya later melodious.
my daughter and grandson can have a dominant/male figure!!!!! yipppeeeeee
i don't know much about stephen harper; maybe i could learn about his politics from you at main board. sorry i went off topic, but it was really nice to talk to you.
just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, take the midnight train going anywhere......journey.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
All the best to ya. Peace.