It wont let me post on some things

Thin Air 211Thin Air 211 Posts: 114
edited November 2005 in Technical Stuff and Help
I wanted to start a new thread on All Ec. Trip but at the top it didn't have the "New Thread" button but on here it did. Just wondering if this was happening to everyone or theres something wrong with my computer. (and i was logged in also, so i know that wasn't the problem)
`~.:.~`.History doesn't make something right`~.:.~`
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Hitch-HikerHitch-Hiker Posts: 2,873
    The AET is closed for now due to bad behaviourand the like. Kat says it may be reopened at some point but things will probably be a lot stricter.
    I'll Ride The Wave Where It Takes Me
  • The AET is closed for now due to bad behaviourand the like. Kat says it may be reopened at some point but things will probably be a lot stricter.
    What type of bad behavior? I haven't been on the board for a while.
  • Hitch-HikerHitch-Hiker Posts: 2,873
    Mainly, it was just becoming a giant chatroom. For instance, on the last day or two, about ten topics about toilets were started. Some cliques were forming too between some members and others may have felt excluded or unwanted from some topics. Led to a little bit of bad feelings between some. Things were just generally getting out of hand, and Kat & Sea had had enough. YOu can still look through the old topics there if you want to find out ore. Although I do miss the AET, they were probably right to shut it down. I justy hope they open it again sometime soon. I wouldn't mind at all if they were a little stricter. I just like havin a place to talk about things other than Pearl Jam :)
    I'll Ride The Wave Where It Takes Me
  • My Take on it....

    AET became the battle ground for the Synergy Civil War...

    "What we've got here is failure to
    Some men you just can't reach...
    So, you get what we had here last week,
    which is the way he wants it!
    Well, he gets it!
    N' I don't like it any more than you men."

    Look at your young men fighting
    Look at your women crying
    Look at your young men dying
    The way they've always done before

    Look at the hate we're breeding
    Look at the fear we're feeding
    Look at the lives we're leading
    The way we've always done before

    My hands are tied
    The billions shift from side to side
    And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
    For the love of God and our human rights
    And all these things are swept aside
    By bloody hands time can't deny
    And are washed away by your genocide
    And history hides the lies of our civil wars

    D'you wear a black armband
    When they shot the man
    Who said "Peace could last forever"
    And in my first memories
    They shot Kennedy
    I went numb when I learned to see
    So I never fell for Vietnam
    We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
    That you can't trust freedom
    When it's not in your hands
    When everybody's fightin'
    For their promised land

    I don't need your civil war
    It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
    Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
    In a human grocery store
    Ain't that fresh
    I don't need your civil war

    Look at the shoes your filling
    Look at the blood we're spilling
    Look at the world we're killing
    The way we've always done before
    Look in the doubt we've wallowed
    Look at the leaders we've followed
    Look at the lies we've swallowed
    And I don't want to hear no more

    My hands are tied
    For all I've seen has changed my mind
    But still the wars go on as the years go by
    With no love of God or human rights
    'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
    By bloody hands of the hypnotized
    Who carry the cross of homicide
    And history bears the scars of our civil wars


    I don't need your civil war
    It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
    Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
    In a human grocery store
    Ain't that fresh
    And I don't need your civil war
    I don't need your civil war
    I don't need your civil war
    Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
    In a human grocery store
    Ain't that fresh
    I don't need your civil war
    I don't need one more war

    I don't need one more war
    What's so civil 'bout war anyway
    "...just be glad you have the music and cherish it for yourself..." -stateoflove79
  • Nice! I love civil war by GnR!
  • Nice! I love civil war by GnR!

    ME too!!! :D
    "...just be glad you have the music and cherish it for yourself..." -stateoflove79
  • RayneRayne Posts: 99
    AWwwww jeez...that's terrible..just when I need that to the POrch I go,then
    Underneath this smile lies everything...How I choose to feel, is how I AM!
    No matter how cold the winter, there's a spring time ahead.
  • Mainly, it was just becoming a giant chatroom. For instance, on the last day or two, about ten topics about toilets were started. Some cliques were forming too between some members and others may have felt excluded or unwanted from some topics. Led to a little bit of bad feelings between some. Things were just generally getting out of hand, and Kat & Sea had had enough. YOu can still look through the old topics there if you want to find out ore. Although I do miss the AET, they were probably right to shut it down. I justy hope they open it again sometime soon. I wouldn't mind at all if they were a little stricter. I just like havin a place to talk about things other than Pearl Jam :)

    sad, but true apparently.
    i go away for a few weeks, and come back to see....AET no more.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • 62strat62strat Posts: 638
    i would just like to state, that for the record, i had the original toilet thread. and it was at least discussion worthy.
  • fletchfletch Posts: 57
    sad, but true apparently.
    i go away for a few weeks, and come back to see....AET no more.

    Hey I’m your life
    I’m the one who takes you there
    Hey I’m your life
    I’m the one who cares
    They, They betray
    I’m your only true friend now
    They, They’ll betray
    I’m forever there

    I’m your dream, make you real
    I’m your eyes when you must steal
    I’m your pain when you can’t feel
    Sad but true

    I’m your dream, mind astray
    I’m your eyes while you’re away
    I’m your pain while you repay
    You know it’s sad but true

    You, You’re my mask
    You’re my cover, my shelter
    You, You’re my mask
    You’re the one who’s blamed
    Do, Do my work
    Do my dirty work, scapegoat
    Do, Do my deeds
    For you’re the one who’s shamed

    I’m your dream, make you real
    I’m your eyes when you must steal
    I’m your pain when you can’t feel
    Sad but true

    I’m your dream, mind astray
    I’m your eyes while you’re away
    I’m your pain while you repay
    You know it’s sad but true

    Hate, I’m your hate
    I’m your hate when you want love
    Pay, Pay the price
    Pay, for nothing’s fair

    Hey, I’m your life
    I’m the one who took you there
    Hey, I’m your life
    And I no longer care

    I’m your dream, make you real
    I’m your eyes when you must steal
    I’m your pain when you can’t feel
    Sad but true

    I’m your truth, telling lies
    I’m your reasoned alibis
    I’m inside open your eyes
    I’m you

    Sad but true
    One of these days I'm gonna get organizized.

    You spend your life waiting for a moment that just don't come
    Well don't waste your time waiting
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