Board Tracker

Anyone know who's behind the mysterious username BoardTracker which can sometimes be seen going through the forums? Has no posts or info, just a link to which seems to track boards. Just curious.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Hi, who the hell are you and what do you want with the PJ board???"
Hey, check this out, fresh from the board tracker site:
"NEW- Live update : BoardTracker is now tracking 13,606,851 threads in 24,428 Forums"
Frickin' busy 'lil bee this Board Tracker. Must be, see what they say it is:
" is an advanced and highly effective search engine for message boards.. and much more..
Too many boards? Too little time?
What can do for you? ...
View & Search all message boards in one place. Easy & organized
Highly effective marketing intelligence & research tool. Know when someone mentions you.
Email or Instant-message alerts on new threads, interesting to you
Save a lot of time, be more efficient and make the most out of message boards
Filter out irrelevant messages. Focus on messages that are relevant to you
Never again miss out on a discussion that is crucial to you "
Too many boards, too little time!!!
Did it reply?
Anyway, as you all no doubt figured out by now BoardTracker is a search engine for boards/forums and can send alerts by email or jabber whenever a new thread is posted on any board we indexed that matches your pre-defined alerts terms so you will never miss an important thread again. Also we have lots of other cool features to play with and more on the way..
I like "more on the way" part. Very interesting as usual!
Nice to know what BT is about and that I wasn't the only one who had been wondering this
And I won't make the same mistakes
(Because I know)
Because I know how much time that wastes
(And function)
Function is the key