
Thread Display Options...what are yours set to?

DarkStarDarkStar Posts: 734
edited July 2005 in Technical Stuff and Help
Okay, how many posts per page do you have set in your Thread Display Options? I have mine set to the maximum: 40.

What Thread Display Mode do you use? I use Linear Mode (Oldest First).
  1. Linear Mode (Oldest First) - In this mode, posts are displayed chronologically from oldest to newest. Posts are shown in a flat mode so that many posts can be viewed simultaneously.
  2. Linear Mode (Newest First) - This is the same as the above mode, except that posts are ordered in an opposite way (newest first).
  3. Threaded Mode - In this mode, a tree is shown along with every post. This tree allows you to see the relationship each post has to others, in terms of who responded to whom. Only one post is shown at a time.
  4. Hybrid Mode - This mode is a mixture of the linear and threaded modes. The post tree is displayed like in the threaded mode, but multiple posts are displayed simultaneously like in the linear modes.

What is your Default Thread Age Cut Off? I've always had it set to "Show threads from last month." But I just switched it to "Show all threads."

And no one sings me lullabyes
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....
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