are you being sarcastic? Every 3rd person says Eddie. I only can't because he's vegan.
You mean you didn't feel my sarcasm in my sentence??!! I know this is a PJ forum and of course we all want to talk to Eddie and have wine with him, but a few responses other than Eddie Eddie Eddie would make this thread a little more exciting.
Bill Murray
Seth Rogen
Reading 2006 - WOOOOW!!!!!
Paris 2006 - Fucking amazing
Wembley 2007
All make incredible music and seem like such generous and sweet people...or so they seem...;)
Dylan Moran
Frankie Boyle
Zooey Descanel
Owen Hart
Errol Flynn
Karl Marx
Pam Beesly
Frank Drebbin
Lando Calrissian
silent bob
randal graves
1. eddie vedder
2. johnny depp
3. mark hoppus
1. andy warhol
2. mickey mantle
3. mark orschell ( my best friend ) rip
You couldn't have avocado tacos and black beans with the man?!
adolf hitler
osama bin laden
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
(my God among men)
You mean you didn't feel my sarcasm in my sentence??!! I know this is a PJ forum and of course we all want to talk to Eddie and have wine with him, but a few responses other than Eddie Eddie Eddie would make this thread a little more exciting.
vincent d'onofrio - i want to see if he makes those same faces/looks that he does on criminal intent.
my husband/ex-husband - way too much unsaid before he died. big time regrets.
For real people:
Eddie Vedder
George Carlin
Barack Obama