Twins! Who's got one?
Posts: 6,651
I was just reading the getting to know you thread and saw that many of us have twins. So… Who’s got one? Identical or fraternal? Brothers or sisters? Do you think you look alike? Do other people think you look alike? Do you have matching names? Are you close? Do you get sick of people asking you these questions all the time? Does your twin share your love of Pearl Jam? Any triplets or quads out there?
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gets to me every time
i'll try and figure out how to post a pic so you guys can judge for yourselves whether or not we look alike.
Yea! I wanna see pictures! (And sorry I missed your previous thread!)
I guess I should answer too...
I have a fraternal twin sister. I don't think we look anything alike, but people who don't know us think we do. I think it's just because we both have long hair. When we were kids, she had long hair and I had short hair and was a foot taller than her. Back then people wouldn't even believe us when we told them we we're twins.
We don't have matching names. Our parents were in college when they had us and had heard in some psych class that you shouldn't give twins matching names because it interferes with their ability to create their own identities - or something like that. I'm curious about what twins with matching names have to say about it.
We're really close now but went through a few years around H.S./college where we didn't get along really well.
The only thing that sometimes bugs me about people and their questions/comments is when they try to argue with us that we're identical instead of fraternal (or "paternal"). We're not identical! Just because YOU happen to think we look alike right now doesn't change the fact that we're fraternal! Also, when I was a kid, people would always ask what it's like to be a twin and I didn't know what to say. I mean, what's it like to not be a twin? How does one make a comparison from a different frame of reference?
Unfortunately, my sister doesn't share my love of Pearl Jam. She likes them enough to have copied my PJ music onto her iPod, but I don't think she listens to them much.
Some people say we look very much alike, others say we don't. I certainly don't think look anything like each other, except our eyes and teeth.
I guess we're pretty close when you consider that we're a boy and a girl. We've always had a lot of the same friends, and it was just natural to hang together. A lot of people are surprised to find out we're such good friends when we're at the same party. For some reason people seem to think we shouldn't talk to each other at all whenever we're not at home, although I now live three hours away from him and mostly just see him whenever it's one of our friends' birthday or holidays. Yikes, that would've been weird.
And I never get to answer these questions because everyone who knows I'm a twin have known it for so long that it's not that big a deal! :eek:
Oh, and he does like Pearl Jam, I even caught him stealing Ten from me one time. He's more of an Alive, Yellow Ledbetter, Last Kiss type of fan though.
London 96.
Manchester 00.
London 07.
Gots me a twin brother, he's 6'1" and ginger... for those of you who know me, you'll know that we look nothing alike!
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
i can't even imagine having a twin, but think about identical triplets! i guess that would really be strange.
Munich, Germany 2007
I don't have a twin, but my sister is due to have twins in September, it's a lil bit exciting!
I have an identical twin and I think we look alike with certain facial expressions. Most people can tell us apart unless it is someone who only knows my sister and runs into me. For example, my sister was walking into a mall when a co-worker of my husband started yelling "Hey Lauren!", because we are used to this, she replied "Nope, I'm her sister".
We do not have matching names (thank God!) nor do we dress alike....except on accident. We have to call each other before we go out to make sure we don't wear something similar. We are very close, I have a younger sister but there is nothing like a "twin bond". The only differences between my twin and I is that she is more left-brained and I am right-brained. She is very good at math and science while my skills gear more toward literature and artsy stuff.
Yes, she is a Pearl Jam fan!
and no, I do not get sick of answering these questions. The only question that makes me want to smack people on the forehead is when we are asked "Are you sisters?" to which we usually reply "no, I don't even know this girl!" :rolleyes:
We're quite a bit closer now than we were growing up. I think it had a lot to do with always being in the same school (same class quite a few times) and constantly being around each other at home. Once we went away to college (we went to different schools about an hour away from each other), we started getting along a lot better. She went to a small college and a couple of my friends went there, so I'd visit fairly often.
I always laugh when people ask me, "So what's it like having a twin???"... I've always had one... I guess I don't know any different.
Yes, this was our experience as well. We used to have a lot of classes together, we had the same job and our boss made us work the same shift, we shared a car, we had many of the same friends. (They would call and ask to speak to "one of the twins" and when my parents asked which one they'd say "it doesn't matter".) It was during this time that we didn't get along as well as we do now that we both have our own lives.
I'm 1 of a set of triplets.....
I'm on the left
I love Pearl Jam, he likes Pearl Jam. I'm trying to get him more into them.
His wife (pictured) likes Pearl Jam but has never been to a show. She has always wanted to. This upcoming tour she is due to deliver their second child the day they hit Mansfield.
but i wanted the same time.
Once I get out of this town
Emma and Chloe.......they are 10 years old now and just beautiful.........
and I'm not even sure why I posted
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
They are twins, shouldn't you have 2?
Really?! How cool. I am DEFINITELY making my sister go with me next time I go to a show!
Of course, triplets are cooler than twins - by at least 50% anyway. Great picture! Can you post a recent one?
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
That is so sweet.....what a cute pix. I would love to have all those babies at once.......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon