wound up going out with my sister and her husband ( who happens to be my old drummer ) for a couple of beers. my gf is outta town, which is fine.
but now im just sitting here wanting to .........create, but my mind is going in so many directions.............
im just fucking depressed is what it comes down to.
sorry you're having a rough night. like i said in the other thread, the more you try to force it the more crazy it'll make ya....put on some good music or some bad tv, change the focus for a little bit. that's cool you were able to go out for a bit earlier tonite anyway
sorry you're having a rough night. like i said in the other thread, the more you try to force it the more crazy it'll make ya....put on some good music or some bad tv, change the focus for a little bit. that's cool you were able to go out for a bit earlier tonite anyway
i forget who said it but it went something like this:
"people think that when you go through writers block that your not writing, but in fact you are writing more than ever, its all just shit"
or something to that effect.
thats my life right now.
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
interesting quote. makes sense really. sorry you're going thru it right now :( wish i could cheer ya up some!
its actually been going on for about 2 years. i go through times were i write some good shit, but it all has to happen in like a 3 day span, cuase it goes away that fast. but for the most part, i have been in actual pain for the past 2 years.
but thanks
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
its actually been going on for about 2 years. i go through times were i write some good shit, but it all has to happen in like a 3 day span, cuase it goes away that fast. but for the most part, i have been in actual pain for the past 2 years.
but thanks
well you know that those moments of creativity have that pattern, and they will come around again. i'm sure it'll happen soon....as for the pain, i'm sorry about that. sometimes i think we're all just in constant pain but find ways to get around it, or distract from it long enough so it doesn't make one go crazy. maybe you can pursue another creative outlet, do something different from writing if you can?
or maybe i need to get some sleep and stop blabbing lol
but now im just sitting here wanting to .........create, but my mind is going in so many directions.............
im just fucking depressed is what it comes down to.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
i forget who said it but it went something like this:
"people think that when you go through writers block that your not writing, but in fact you are writing more than ever, its all just shit"
or something to that effect.
thats my life right now.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
its actually been going on for about 2 years. i go through times were i write some good shit, but it all has to happen in like a 3 day span, cuase it goes away that fast. but for the most part, i have been in actual pain for the past 2 years.
but thanks
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
or maybe i need to get some sleep and stop blabbing