Jamal wrote: I really think Jen is waaaaay up there on that list. 'Waaaay up there' means: fist place ...
pearljamjen wrote: Awwww you are the sweetest
disconnected wrote: I know, I hear this everyday
pearljamjen wrote: Because it is true. I wish there were more guys out there like you!
disconnected wrote: THAT IS ALSO what I hear everyday hehehehehe
pearljamjen wrote: Do you happen to have a clone or twin brother who is single and likes Cali girls? haha!
small town beck wrote: And Jen says nobody knows her
Thank you Jamal! I think boys from the Benelux countries are the best!!!
I know, I hear this everyday
Because it is true.
THAT IS ALSO what I hear everyday hehehehehe
Do you happen to have a clone or twin brother who is single and likes Cali girls? haha!
I don't have clone brothers... And I don't want them... Everything for myself please!!!
Who doesn't like Cali girls????
In that case: you don't know me yet