I'm so unhappy.

I think shes slipping away... I don't know how I got to this point... but she might be gone forever... I don't know whats gonna happen... how can I be happy without her?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Oh you will, trust me. And if its taking a turn for the worst and you have no idea why......well then its out of your control and maybe a good thing for you.
Don't rely on other people to make you happy, because you will never truly be happy. People add to your life, not define it.
You'll get over her, thats what time, booze, and Pearl Jam is for.
There's always another chance.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
But yeah, if you're not happy by 20, give up, dude. It's over.
16, eh? Well, if that's the case, OP, you've only just begun to taste the misery that the opposite sex can unload upon you. On the flip side of that, as good as it may have been, it gets so much better.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
It's her loss then. Seriously. It may seem like the end of the world, but trust me on this- I've been through all kinds of heart-break... I'm like a collector... or an addict... you'll get over it and move on.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
I've fell into a pattern with her... IDK if I can say I LOVE her because we never talk in that way or spend massive amounts of time together... but every time I started to spend time with her I have feelings for her, and every time i'm away I think it was just a phase... then again I have feelings for her and so on... this has happened many times... I eventually felt like it was never a phase at all and she was meant for me... then I ask her out, but IDK what it is about her... I just can't be myself.. I can never be myself... and I have a feeling if I could be myself she would like me back, but as of now she probably thinks i'm awkward and a little weird. IDK if I know exactly what love is... but if I ever felt it... it was towards her..
Also, for the record, I'm acutely aware of how weird and ugly the mental picture "girls dig assholes" conjures up is.
Yep, I've done the patterns thing. Look, fact is you probably are awkward. You're at an awkward age. Shit, I'm still awkward at 28. You'll grow either into it or out of it. Either way, things will get better, I promise you. There are all kinds of incredible women out there, both within reach and out. Just don't give up.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
trust me... I am a regular "Horny Howard" lol... that's the root of my problem I just can't act like that around her... its physically impossible.. I prolly come off like a sensitive, weird, awkward nice guy... but nothing else I have none of my normal backbone or character when i'm around her...
Yeah I pictured a woman wearing one of those miner hats with the light on it holding a pick-axe.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
But who I am with my friends and family is who I wanna be with her... I'm actually likable and hilarious... not to toot my own horn lol... I don't think she really has a good time around me...
hahahhaha good one rhino!!
this thread is hilarious.
Hey, by all means, go after her with everything you've got. But this is your first crush, guy. I'm not gonna say she's definitely not the one, but odds are, you've got about 15 more of these to go through before you hit a serious relationship, and then countless more after that. Get used to the feeling.
Amen, Brotha Surprise!!
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
To the OP... one thing most of us wish we knew at your age is that everyone's going through the same shit... everyone! Even she's probably going through it over some unobtainable asshole guy. It gets soooo much easier when you know you're not the only one!
I know it's cliched... but people DO grow up and things change sooooooooooooooooooo much!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
There I go again.
That's the problem i've got, people is my drug, no alcohol or weed is more addictive than someone with a strong personality. I really do seem to get high of certain people
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.