If you know who Ainsley Harriott is, this is funny

Apparently this product was sold in supermarkets in the UK and Ireland for several weeks before somebody noticed the problem with the label!
Post edited by Unknown User on
That would have been too much to take!
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
(I am assuming he is a bit of an ass??)
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
poor Ainsley indeed. Prick with a fork... it's perfect.
He's a total fucking twat. I was always the man who stuck up for Jeremy Beadle, saying, "No, no, Ainsley Harriott is a total fucking annoying twat on TV, get some perspective."
Now. Back to the prick with the fork.
ohhh thats good
YEAH! There's nothing wrong with Ainsley!
Yes, but he was a Beadle-ish tosser, and in on the act with it. Jacket and jeans, cheesy grin and a bit of bling, while creeping around people's dustbins saying "It's meeeeeee" while you waited for a glimpse of his hand. He was Gollum with a beard. And he summed up the stupidity of Thatcher's Britain. I think people got him muddled up with Noel Edmonds half the time. Noel Edmonds is the Phil Collins of British broadcasting.
Ainsley Harriott to me sums up the BBC's need to find someone twee and personable for a late daytime slot, a nation's favourite, some moonfaced token yasserbosser. They should get one of the Black Panthers to do the show. Did you know Bobby Seale of the Chicago Seven had his own cookery show on cable TV for years? "Motherfuckers, this is how to make a molotov cocktail soup, man. Stokely Carmichael showed me how tah make diss when we wuzz hijackin' Attica back in seventy-somethin', or wuzz dat when we wuzz bustin' Timothy Leary's ass outa somewhere or uddah. Anyway, man, try this wid a bong hit. John Sinclair swears by the fuckin' stuff, dude. Turn up tah gas mark 50 an' kick out dah jams to dah MCS, muddafuggers ..."
Wow! You're reading too much into that!
Haha, I'm just ranting. It's good to vent about things that mean sod all to you, occasionally. It's good therapy.
I'll remember that. Thanks.