have you ever had clothes made?

My friend is always telling me to do this, and I'm beginning to think it's the only answer. What do you call people who make custom clothes? seamstresses? and do they make like regular clothes custom? like I think it would reasonable to have a suit made or something, but can you get custom jeans and sweaters?
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I haven't done this, but I've known people that get literally everything they buy tailored to fit them exactly. Have you ever tried that? The key is to get things that fit the biggest part of you perfectly, and then have them taken in everywhere else.
I've done this with some things, because I was blessed with broad shoulders.
honestly, the whole thing sounds like it takes an awful lot of time and effort, the money aside...
whenever I've had things even just shortened, it seems to take FOREVER. and the tailors are never opened normal hours and they're always located someplace miles away you have to drive to. I've just never enjoyed all this.
the other problem is...when I need clothes, it's usually because I need them NOW. I never think of getting new clothes when I've got a perfectly good stock of them at home. Like tonight when I go shopping, it's because I literally cannot get through the week with what I have.
I would have no idea where to look to find a tailor who makes custom jeans or sweaters. There are so many brands of jeans that there has to be at least one pair that fits like it was custom-made. I own a few that fit like a glove!
one of my friends has made me a bridesmaid dress, and the other helped me "alter" my Mike McCready pick shirt so that is was fitted and funky...
i've also thought about asking them to make me more stuff that i can wear every day...
i want custom jeans too...
well I actually got "custom" jeans at levis a few years ago, but they are really not custom, it's more just piecing together styles and sizes they already have. they actually came out awful, I wore them once.
oh no! that's too bad....
i saw something about this website on t.v. a few days ago:
i have no idea if they're any good, but i might check 'em out....
given how much you obsess about every pound fluctuation you have, even having tailor made clothes would make you freak out. you'd gain a pound and convince yourself there's no way you could ever fit into that dress again.
i vote for either cosmetic surgery or valium. probably the latter. the problem is not your body or the clothes, the problem is your mind.
Id love to have a couple of pairs of custom shoes, but they start at about $600.
Casual clothes, no.
They were so badass...where are they now?? I surely don't know.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Im sure they do it Japan, but thats the last place I would go for any clothes (except uniqlo and traditional japanese clothing)
London, NYC or Milan would probabaly be my choice.
I really want to get a pair, but I cannot justify the price
at least until junior gets to college.
that site seems pretty good! (though I wasn't quite sure how to answer all the questions). I don't think I'll be able to find the sizes/styles/lengths it recommends for me in the store, so I'll have to sit down and use it to online shop at some point.
yeah they are big that. I wish one of my friends would sign me up for that show. the problem is, I have a decent fashion sense, and I never wear stuff that makes me look totally HORRIBLE, I just have no idea how to shop.
they're usually pretty pricey since they cater to executives with big budgets and limited time to shop for themselves.
i'm doing this once i get rolling with a firm. i hate shopping and have no sense of fashion. i only buy clothes when i need to and wear them until they disintegrate. i would love to have someone just tell me what to wear. i usually use girlfriends for that. whatever style she likes, i adopt.
They also have an in-house seamstress, to tailor whatever you need. The turn around is about a week. Same goes for Bloomingdale's. The prices are reasonable, and they usually do a better job than the average neighborhood dry cleaner/tailor does.
Yeah, they are always going on about that, aren't they?
ask "Imspinnin" about her custom made PJ womens concert t-shirts...
She converts the exisiting band ones into "girlie" style..
I keep telling her she could make a fortune...
every PJ concert its the same...
"Oh my gawd.. where did you get that??"
Ten girls ask her that every show..
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford