I am really good at that but don't know if I could explain how. It's actually hard not to do for me, haha. Try thinking of a place you would really like to be, or an event you would like to relive, or live, and so on. Then picture it really vividly. Not just the end point, but every little detail, like if you have to walk 3 minutes to get to point A to B in real life, relive every bit of that in your imagination. Eventually you'll just notice 20 minutes have gone by and class [or work] still isn't over.
There was a project at work once that left me doing a large amount of data entry for a couple of weeks. I couldn't listen to music, so I passed the time by listening to the office services people gossip. (They sat near my desk.) They had some ridiculous conversations, so it was always entertaining.
I am really good at that but don't know if I could explain how. It's actually hard not to do for me, haha. Try thinking of a place you would really like to be, or an event you would like to relive, or live, and so on. Then picture it really vividly. Not just the end point, but every little detail, like if you have to walk 3 minutes to get to point A to B in real life, relive every bit of that in your imagination. Eventually you'll just notice 20 minutes have gone by and class [or work] still isn't over.
no I mean I need to *focus* on something boring. unfortunately I work for a company the hires the most educated and/or intelligent people they can find and then makes them do data entry. I've read that even highly intelligent men are very easily able do this, but it is harder for women to focus on the mundane. so I didn't know if there was something maybe men do without thinking about or maybe other women who have been forced to overcome it.
There was a project at work once that left me doing a large amount of data entry for a couple of weeks. I couldn't listen to music, so I passed the time by listening to the office services people gossip. (They sat near my desk.) They had some ridiculous conversations, so it was always entertaining.
damn I work in a silent office.
and I need to somehow focus on figuring out where I left off on this months ago. I couldn't focus on it then either.
Usually when one can't focus on a task, it's usually one of two things that causes the lack of focus. It's either related to the task, or unrelated. To really focus at work I think your life (outside of work) really has to be in order...and happy. The more chaotic my life is, the more I have trouble at work.
If your problem is related with the task, you either have to learn to like it or learn how to make it fun. Try thinking about what your goal is. ie, do well on this task (all tasks) and maybe you'll get a raise, a promotion, knowledge to get yourself further (even at another job down the road).
If you can't find a solution....ask for another task....or find another job.
Usually when one can't focus on a task, it's usually one of two things that causes the lack of focus. It's either related to the task, or unrelated. To really focus at work I think your life (outside of work) really has to be in order...and happy. The more chaotic my life is, the more I have trouble at work.
If your problem is related with the task, you either have to learn to like it or learn how to make it fun. Try thinking about what your goal is. ie, do well on this task (all tasks) and maybe you'll get a raise, a promotion, knowledge to get yourself further (even at another job down the road).
If you can't find a solution....ask for another task....or find another job.
...or go to school again .
but no seriously you make good points. I don't know what it is, the task I guess. I've finally gotten pretty organized elsewhere. I have no project work so I'm supposed to work on updating databases. I have to do this a lot. If it were simply a mechanical thing I could probably do it, but I have to actually look at hundreds of entries of electrical generators and try to match their names. I get about as far as opening the spreadsheets (and also my boss doesn't believe me that some of them don't match so I have to just fruitlessly read them over and over again). I've never been able to do stuff like this. If something isn't challenging, my brain won't go there. I can zone out easily, but I can't *focus* on boring things.
ugh I just hate how your whole life you're told to be smart and think and solve problems so you'll get a good job and then you get that good job and they suck the brain cells right out of you.
i try and imagine how boring it must be for someone employed as a security guard and then i realise my job isnt that boring...
take regular breaks from it is my method... quick 20-25 minutes bursts of activity followed by 5-10 minutes of rest and fun... perhaps some slow kissing and some nipple tweaking... oohhhh yeah thats it... round that area, you know how much i like that...
ok i got waylaid
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i try and imagine how boring it must be for someone employed as a security guard and then i realise my job isnt that boring...
take regular breaks from it is my method... quick 20-25 minutes bursts of activity followed by 5-10 minutes of rest and fun... perhaps some slow kissing and some nipple tweaking... oohhhh yeah thats it... round that area, you know how much i like that...
ok i got waylaid
GTD, I don't entirely agree with you about women not being able to focus on the mundane.
ever go into a great debate regarding clothes/hair/shoe styles?
that's pretty mundane.
if it's data entry and it's boring - maybe you should sub in interesting topics for the data.
like if it's numbers, then the numbers can represent something interesting. Or, since you cant listen to music, maybe you can have each number or letter entered represent a certain song lyric...create your own frankenstein'd song.
btw, I think we discovered how Dunk is able to "turn off" his brain for a while...
rub it Dunkie...harder a little more to the left...NO, MY left...there there it is...ohh OH...uhhh uh. soft soft! mmmmmmm....wait, what were we saying?
i usually try music or something on tv.....
what does shut of mean?
is that like shutting something off?
no I mean I need to *focus* on something boring. unfortunately I work for a company the hires the most educated and/or intelligent people they can find and then makes them do data entry. I've read that even highly intelligent men are very easily able do this, but it is harder for women to focus on the mundane. so I didn't know if there was something maybe men do without thinking about or maybe other women who have been forced to overcome it.
damn I work in a silent office.
and I need to somehow focus on figuring out where I left off on this months ago. I couldn't focus on it then either.
Well this would explain it then.
What's the boring thing you're trying to do?
Usually when one can't focus on a task, it's usually one of two things that causes the lack of focus. It's either related to the task, or unrelated. To really focus at work I think your life (outside of work) really has to be in order...and happy. The more chaotic my life is, the more I have trouble at work.
If your problem is related with the task, you either have to learn to like it or learn how to make it fun. Try thinking about what your goal is. ie, do well on this task (all tasks) and maybe you'll get a raise, a promotion, knowledge to get yourself further (even at another job down the road).
If you can't find a solution....ask for another task....or find another job.
...or go to school again
but no seriously you make good points. I don't know what it is, the task I guess. I've finally gotten pretty organized elsewhere. I have no project work so I'm supposed to work on updating databases. I have to do this a lot. If it were simply a mechanical thing I could probably do it, but I have to actually look at hundreds of entries of electrical generators and try to match their names. I get about as far as opening the spreadsheets (and also my boss doesn't believe me that some of them don't match so I have to just fruitlessly read them over and over again). I've never been able to do stuff like this. If something isn't challenging, my brain won't go there. I can zone out easily, but I can't *focus* on boring things.
ugh I just hate how your whole life you're told to be smart and think and solve problems so you'll get a good job and then you get that good job and they suck the brain cells right out of you.
take regular breaks from it is my method... quick 20-25 minutes bursts of activity followed by 5-10 minutes of rest and fun... perhaps some slow kissing and some nipple tweaking... oohhhh yeah thats it... round that area, you know how much i like that...
ok i got waylaid
GTD, I don't entirely agree with you about women not being able to focus on the mundane.
ever go into a great debate regarding clothes/hair/shoe styles?
that's pretty mundane.
if it's data entry and it's boring - maybe you should sub in interesting topics for the data.
like if it's numbers, then the numbers can represent something interesting. Or, since you cant listen to music, maybe you can have each number or letter entered represent a certain song lyric...create your own frankenstein'd song.
btw, I think we discovered how Dunk is able to "turn off" his brain for a while...
rub it Dunkie...harder a little more to the left...NO, MY left...there there it is...ohh OH...uhhh uh. soft soft! mmmmmmm....wait, what were we saying?
my trick was to listen to an ipod while doing it. for some reason it kept me going and focused...and also kept me from going crazy.