does anyone have a job where



  • Absolutely :D

    Seriously gtd, you have a perfect interview answer for 'why do you want to leave your current job?' 'because it's not challenging enough and there's simply no work for me to do'

    yes, I know. I just fear that I won't get as far as an interview without a good addition on my resume. a person is also supposed to GAIN skills over time, not LOSE them. I forget all the analysis techniques I learned in grad school already, so I'll actually be going backwards in my career from here.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    yes, I know. I just fear that I won't get as far as an interview without a good addition on my resume. a person is also supposed to GAIN skills over time, not LOSE them. I forget all the analysis techniques I learned in grad school already, so I'll actually be going backwards in my career from here.
    You'd think so but you probably just need to refresh the stuff as it isn't lost, just misplaced ;)

    Edited - type me good engrish
  • DinghyDog wrote:
    i used to have one like that. maybe surfed the net 3/4 day and did a bit of work the other 1/4. very slow, although other weeks i'd always be working. drove me nuts, it feels like you are introuble doesn't it...

    yeah exactly! I have this fear in the back of my head that I'm doing something wrong and I'm going to get in trouble at any moment. but I check the new project lists, hell I've sent out an email asking for project work to the *entire global* practice. these are all the suggestions my supervisor has!
  • Rygar wrote:
    You'd think so but you probably just need to refresh the stuff as it isn't lost, just misplaced ;)

    Edited - type me good engrish

    Your English is right good, eh? ;)

    Now don't be using common sense :p
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    Your English is right good, eh? ;)

    Now don't be using common sense :p
    Me engrish is right some good, eh!
    Lord tunderin' jeez me son.
  • I am always either insanely busy or insanely bored at work. Never anything in between...

    Three crooked hearts, swirls all around

    You can't spell Gossard without G-O-D
  • Rygar wrote:
    Me engrish is right some good, eh!
    Lord tunderin' jeez me son.

    Right good.
    Where ya to? I'll come where you're at.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    Right good.
    Where ya to? I'll come where you're at.
    hahaha, that doesn't sound like an accent ;)
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    I am always either insanely busy or insanely bored at work. Never anything in between...

    thank bejeebus for the internet. :)

    it is good to know there are SO many jobs like this! i know *why* i have a job, and i am necessary, etc....but yes, more often than not i have very little to do. during the 4 months that i am busy though....WHOA am i busy...and thus why i get paid well to take up space the rest of the time. :p
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Rygar wrote:
    hahaha, that doesn't sound like an accent ;)

    You are right :o Sorry aboot that :p

    You should hear Muji's accent ;)
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    You are right :o Sorry aboot that :p

    You should hear Muji's accent ;)
  • Rygar wrote:

    I am glad you can laugh about Muji now !

    byjessuz bye der wuz a tim eh, when I's didn't tink that wood b

    ahhh now I miss home :p
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    I am glad you can laugh about Muji now !

    byjessuz bye der wuz a tim eh, when I's didn't tink that wood b

    ahhh now I miss home :p
    If that makes you miss home you haven't been gone long enough to get it out of your system, hehehe
  • Rygar wrote:
    If that makes you miss home you haven't been gone long enough to get it out of your system, hehehe

    Actually in Charlottetown the accents aren't that thick.. I would have to go to Cape Breton :eek: :p
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    Actually in Charlottetown the accents aren't that thick.. I would have to go to Cape Breton :eek: :p
    You mean Newfoundland.
  • Rygar wrote:
    You mean Newfoundland.

    Haha I guess my little joke wasn't appreciated :o but yes Newfoundland
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    Haha I guess my little joke wasn't appreciated :o but yes Newfoundland
    Oh I got your joke alright ;)
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