disconnected wrote: false tpbm has to work this afternoon
suns rival wrote: true tpbm has just finished brushing their teeth.
muiren77 wrote: true tpbm has just finished drinking a cup of coffee
suns rival wrote: false tpbm no front tooth.
muiren77 wrote: false tpbm has only front tooth
suns rival wrote: true tpbm has no arms.
muiren77 wrote: false tpbm is very bossy
suns rival wrote: true tpbm is my slave.
muiren77 wrote: false tpbm is dreaming
suns rival wrote: false tpbm can't accept the reality that she's my slave.
muiren77 wrote: false tpbm can't accept the reality that he's dreaming
suns rival wrote: true tpbm just edits what i've posted.
pearljamjen wrote: false tpbm wonders where Black Diamond is this morning
Black Diamond wrote: False (I am self aware) TPBM took kids to Specialist
pearljamjen wrote: false tpbm should look at the shower thread
Black Diamond wrote: :eek: TPBM has squeaky clean feet
pearljamjen wrote: LMAO tpbm's armpits smelly yummy
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE (also squeaky clean but getting schwette) TPBM likes smelling their yummy armpits
pearljamjen wrote: true tpbm likes smelling their hair
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE (but my kids hair is like going to heaven) TPBM has crew cut
pearljamjen wrote: your wife's hair should be too! FALSE tpbm has a mohawk
Black Diamond wrote: FALSE (Really ) TPBM is a rebel
pearljamjen wrote: false tpbm has seen jen's photos and knows there is no mohawk
Black Diamond wrote: True (Who knows how old those pictures are) TPBM is finally going grey, especially the goatee (Wifey says very sexy!)
pearljamjen wrote: lol I showed you one from the PJ concert in NY ha maybe you think I'm one of those people who only shows pics of themselves that are 5 years old false lol tpbm thinks BD is silly
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE (i am very silly) TPBM has a very deep and low voice (Luke, I am your father...)
pearljamjen wrote: false thankfully tpbm is waiting for info on BD's employee
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE! TPBM is happy that people are joining in on the smoking thing
pearljamjen wrote: true tpbm is glad BD started that thread
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE TPBM is sleepy
tpbm has just finished brushing their teeth.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
tpbm has just finished drinking a cup of coffee
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
tpbm no front tooth.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
tpbm has only front tooth
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
tpbm has no arms.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
tpbm is very bossy
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
tpbm is my slave.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
tpbm is dreaming
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
tpbm can't accept the reality that she's my slave.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
tpbm can't accept the reality that he's dreaming
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
tpbm just edits what i've posted.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
tpbm wonders where Black Diamond is this morning
False (I am self aware)
TPBM took kids to Specialist
tpbm should look at the shower thread
TPBM has squeaky clean feet
tpbm's armpits smelly yummy
TRUE (also squeaky clean but getting schwette)
TPBM likes smelling their yummy armpits
tpbm likes smelling their hair
TRUE (but my kids hair is like going to heaven)
TPBM has crew cut
your wife's hair should be too!
tpbm has a mohawk
FALSE (Really
TPBM is a rebel
tpbm has seen jen's photos and knows there is no mohawk
TPBM is finally going grey, especially the goatee (Wifey says very sexy!)
lol I showed you one from the PJ concert in NY
false lol
tpbm thinks BD is silly
TRUE (i am very silly)
TPBM has a very deep and low voice (Luke, I am your father...)
false thankfully
tpbm is waiting for info on BD's employee
TPBM is happy that people are joining in on the smoking thing
tpbm is glad BD started that thread
TPBM is sleepy
tpbm forgot their lean cuisine at home :mad: and is trying to decide what to have for lunch