pearljamjen wrote: lol :eek: hopefully tpbm hasn't listened to the Avo album in awhile
Black Diamond wrote: False (Just listened to Come Back yesterday, really misjudged it, love it now) TPBM son just got their first bee bite and is at the Dr. :eek:
pearljamjen wrote: bee bite? LOL nope that sucks tpbm actually rarely listens to a whole album now; mostly just playlists in the shuffle mode on their iPod
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE (except for boots, i like the whole thing) TPBM is finished answering their fan mail
pearljamjen wrote: I don't have any :( :( tpbm is putting on their walking shoes yep yep boots!
Black Diamond wrote: And now I have Nancy Sinatra in my head :eek: TPBM is rambling
pearljamjen wrote: lol you are apparently tpbm is about to leave for their lunchtime walk (didn't get a morning one in boo hoo)
Black Diamond wrote: FALSE - have a good one TPBM has AET-itis
pearljamjen wrote: true tpbm had to end their walk early because it is SOOO GROSS outside :mad: :(
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE (sticky sticky) TPBM has done the porn name thread yet?
pearljamjen wrote: false I just got back from my walk (yes it is WAY TOO HOT out there and sticky) tpbm is going to go to the bathroom and try to cool off and freshen up (much different than when I went yesterday at this time :eek: )
Black Diamond wrote: HAHAHA :eek: FALSE TPBM got the Burito out of the system and is doing fine
pearljamjen wrote: false that was you--I have another Amy's organic one for lunch later tpbm is drinking lots of water
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE - I am dying! TPBM eats at strange hours like TPAT
pearljamjen wrote: true lol tpbm is suddenly sleepy
Black Diamond wrote: FALSE TPBM markets have gone nutty today!
pearljamjen wrote: false tpbm doesn't understand the coast to coast thread (but maybe because I was too lazy to read it and just skimmed )
Black Diamond wrote: True (Thought it was discussing the coasts, but I have my doubts) TPBM still needs to figure the porn name (Waiting with baited breath)
pearljamjen wrote: I posted tpbm is eating honeydew with their lunch
Black Diamond wrote: False (But yummy) TPBM is more embarassed about their name :eek: (Stupid Cat)
pearljamjen wrote: LOL yeah tpbm wishes they had a more exciting porn name
Black Diamond wrote: False (Mine is bad enough!) TPBM should try second pet and second street
pearljamjen wrote: Still not exciting lol tpbm is enjoying their burrito
Black Diamond wrote: FALSE TPBM should not use the B word until next Monday
pearljamjen wrote: ha well next week I will eat something else for lunch tpbm wishes it were 9pm
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE! (Would be putting kids to bed and enjoying HUMP day - not really but I talk a good game) TPBM alternate Porn Name would be Mongo Austin (Much more manly)
pearljamjen wrote: LMAO yeah I would be eating dinner and relaxing false tpbm just wants to take a nap
Black Diamond wrote: True (Miss those naps) TPBM Car Insurance Bill just went up by 50% :eek:
pearljamjen wrote: Not that I know of :eek: tpbm wants to move somewhere where they won't have to drive
Black Diamond wrote: TRUE (Back in the City) TPBM did not have a car until they were 25
TPBM son just got their first bee bite and is at the Dr. :eek:
bee bite? LOL nope that sucks
tpbm actually rarely listens to a whole album now; mostly just playlists in the shuffle mode on their iPod
TPBM is finished answering their fan mail
I don't have any :( :(
tpbm is putting on their walking shoes
yep yep boots!
And now I have Nancy Sinatra in my head :eek:
TPBM is rambling
lol you are apparently
tpbm is about to leave for their lunchtime walk
(didn't get a morning one in boo hoo)
FALSE - have a good one
TPBM has AET-itis
tpbm had to end their walk early because it is SOOO GROSS outside :mad: :(
TPBM has done the porn name thread yet?
false I just got back from my walk
(yes it is WAY TOO HOT out there and sticky)
tpbm is going to go to the bathroom and try to cool off and freshen up
(much different than when I went yesterday at this time :eek:
TPBM got the Burito out of the system and is doing fine
false that was you--I have another Amy's organic one for lunch later
tpbm is drinking lots of water
TPBM eats at strange hours like TPAT
true lol
tpbm is suddenly sleepy
TPBM markets have gone nutty today!
tpbm doesn't understand the coast to coast thread (but maybe because I was too lazy to read it and just skimmed
TPBM still needs to figure the porn name (Waiting with baited breath)
I posted
tpbm is eating honeydew with their lunch
False (But yummy)
TPBM is more embarassed about their name :eek: (Stupid Cat)
LOL yeah
tpbm wishes they had a more exciting porn name
False (Mine is bad enough!)
TPBM should try second pet and second street
Still not exciting lol
tpbm is enjoying their burrito
TPBM should not use the B word until next Monday
ha well next week I will eat something else for lunch
tpbm wishes it were 9pm
TPBM alternate Porn Name would be Mongo Austin (Much more manly)
yeah I would be eating dinner and relaxing
tpbm just wants to take a nap
TPBM Car Insurance Bill just went up by 50% :eek:
Not that I know of :eek:
tpbm wants to move somewhere where they won't have to drive
TPBM did not have a car until they were 25
close 26
tpbm will use that as a key factor to where they next move