Black Diamond wrote: No I just got to work so I can scratch my butt TPBM is ready for the weekend
Cocaine_Nosejob wrote: SOOOoooo true! tpbm is seeing Neil Young tonight!!!
Black Diamond wrote: REALLY SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) JEALOUS!! TPBM is going to lame film club with wife tonight :mad:
Cocaine_Nosejob wrote: tpbm has an extra ticket if you can make it to TO
Black Diamond wrote: Wow!! Oh boy I would if I Could!! Take Pink Shoes (and the Van) TPBM first saw Uncle Neil on the Trans tour at MSG (to date myself)
Cocaine_Nosejob wrote: :eek: That's AWESOME!!!! tpbm wishes they were older
hartamh wrote: false tpbm - sounds like they will have a lovely time with their wife:)
hartamh wrote: tonight when you go out with her:rolleyes: silly that beer cart seems like it's coming around earlier each week tpbm - had a really busy week at work:)
MakeMeCry43 wrote: False, not really...hehe TPBM- wishes that unrequited love wasn't this painful.
hartamh wrote: I can never be on the computer without someone being over my shoulder:rolleyes: tpbm - may have been expecting someone else as tpbm
hartamh wrote: What ever do you mean my dear Frother;) tpbm - is freezing their ice off brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :eek:
hartamh wrote: Oh is that what their called now tpbm - can't get warm
hartamh wrote: son can do that Burning Down the House ~ humming tpbm - sounds like they've had a few already
hartamh wrote: true - me needs to get hammered tpbm - better save a little something for Mrs. BD
hartamh wrote: true, but not now, couldn't dance way out a paper bag:D tpbm - is thinking of something they posted this morning
hartamh wrote: fingers are crossed :eek: tpbm - is hoping for the best
hartamh wrote: Have you heard anything from snake? Why? tpbm - has something to be happy about all arrows up
hartamh wrote: no I love playing with BD ~ is just concerned, you know me probably to well tpbm - is so glad son went out :eek: driving me crazy!!!!!
hartamh wrote: Your son is sick:( there's something going around :eek: tpbm - ever get that steak dinner the other night???
hartamh wrote: I like surf and turf combo's tpbm - how long before bus ride home??
hartamh wrote: true, me too tpbm - shouldn't be sweating anymore, well for today
hartamh wrote: false, but I love SalSa tpbm - really hurt neck {again} while trying to get something out of dogs mouth while under the bed :eek: "very painful" ouch!!!!
Black Diamond wrote: Wow, Sorry! TPBM is gonna be out in a few minutes
Snake wrote: true TPBM bought Singles at Big Lots for 3 bucks!
Cocaine_Nosejob wrote: False tpbm bought Singles at HMV for 6 bucks :mad:
CHANGEinWAVES wrote: nope... tpbm bought singles at EMP in seattle for 10 bucks:(
Cocaine_Nosejob wrote: False tpbm smells like weed...HARDCORE...and should probably do some laundry before going to work
CHANGEinWAVES wrote: not right now.... that'll be me next Friday, with my Dad at the Philly Neil show! tpbm is hoping for a gallery internship:D
Cocaine_Nosejob wrote: False....but sounds AWESOME! Good luck tpbm is gonna have an amazing time! Neil is so badass! (I went with my dad too...aren't dads the best?)
SOOOoooo true!
tpbm is seeing Neil Young tonight!!!
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
TPBM is going to lame film club with wife tonight :mad:
tpbm has an extra ticket if you can make it to TO
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
Wow!! Oh boy I would if I Could!! Take Pink Shoes (and the Van)
TPBM first saw Uncle Neil on the Trans tour at MSG (to date myself)
:eek: That's AWESOME!!!!
tpbm wishes they were older
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
FALSE!! (Old enough thank you! )
TPBM is amazed at the hoops the Big 3 CEO are jumping through
TPBM is ready for Beer Cart!
TPBM is feeling better?
TPBM- wishes that unrequited love wasn't this painful.
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
I feel for ya! But False I gots me some requited love
TPBM is enjoying a beer on Beer Cart Friday
moi? False (You are always here! )
TPBM is counting the minutes
FALSE (Sweating my joo joo beads off)
TPBM is sick of having meetings
Start the FIRE
TPBM didn't start the fire (Humming)
TPBM needs a drunk emoticon
LOL! Mrs. BD has all of me
TPBM is a dancing fool
Um.. I can't remember that far back
TPBM is waiting for the stock market to close to start the end of the day
TPBM just got a call that their evening plans have been changed :(
LOL! True (How nice of you to check
TPBM is just waiting for snake and biding time by playing with BD :(
My sons do drive me nuts
TPBM will now be home take care of sick son :(
TRUE! Delish!
TPBM favorite restaurant is a Steak House
Probably an Hour
TPBM is ready for some sleep
Well don't have final closes yet but True
TPBM just ate some spicy SALSA :eek:
Wow, Sorry!
TPBM is gonna be out in a few minutes
TPBM bought Singles at Big Lots for 3 bucks!
"Its a secret to everybody."
tpbm bought Singles at HMV for 6 bucks :mad:
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
tpbm bought singles at EMP in seattle for 10 bucks:(
tpbm smells like weed...HARDCORE...and should probably do some laundry before going to work
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
tpbm is hoping for a gallery internship:D
False....but sounds AWESOME! Good luck
tpbm is gonna have an amazing time! Neil is so badass! (I went with my dad too...aren't dads the best?)
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
Dad's ARE the best!!!
tpbm got a tee shirt or some kinda merchandise