~The Person Below Me~ Game



  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    hartamh wrote:
    I'm back

    tpbm - saw the most beautiful sunset earlier this evening :)


    tpbm loves the beauty of nature.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    hartamh wrote:
    yes I do :)

    tpbm - also does


    tpbm messed with me with the video.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    hartamh wrote:
    true I did :D

    tpbm - would love to see everyone's reaction to that :D


    tpbm is doing nothing at home.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    hartamh wrote:
    is going to watch tv in a bit, have alot of cooking to do tomorrow ;)

    tpbm - will be scratching their butt off :D


    tpbm is watching nba.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    hartamh wrote:

    tpbm - really loves basketball :D


    tpbm has no nba team in her area.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    hartamh wrote:
    false - only the NBA Champions of 2008 ~ The Celtics

    tpbm - is saying goodnight suns, enjoy your rice & ________ :)

    poop :D

    tpbm thinks the celtics will repeat this season.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    hartamh wrote:
    Would be very nice, yes I do :D

    tpbm - would definitely just absolutely love it too :D:p


    tpbm is confused whether hartamh is sleeping now or not.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    suns rival wrote:

    tpbm is confused whether hartamh is sleeping now or not.

    lol Suns you need to learn the time zones. I know when your lunch time is!

    tpbm has been guzzling water all evening
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    lol Suns you need to learn the time zones. I know when your lunch time is!

    tpbm has been guzzling water all evening


    tpbm wonders if jen is awake now.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    suns rival wrote:

    tpbm wonders if jen is awake now.

    nope, I'm fast asleep. :p

    tpbm wonders if Suns is awake now
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    nope, I'm fast asleep. :p

    tpbm wonders if Suns is awake now

    ssshhhh...he is sleeping...

    tpbm doesn't know that jen is talking to suns' butt.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    suns rival wrote:
    ssshhhh...he is sleeping...

    tpbm doesn't know that jen is talking to suns' butt.


    tpbm is mad they missed chuck norris in walker at 7pm today
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926

    tpbm is mad they missed chuck norris in walker at 7pm today


    tpbm should know that chuck norris' hair looks like a sweep.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • suns rival wrote:
    ssshhhh...he is sleeping...

    tpbm doesn't know that jen is talking to suns' butt.

    False but I do

    TPBM is telling Suns Butt to keep the noise down, you woke me up
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    suns rival wrote:

    tpbm should know that chuck norris' hair looks like a sweep.

    a sweep? :D

    tpbm should tell BD not to skip posts :p;)
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    a sweep? :D

    tpbm should tell BD not to skip posts :p;)


    tpbm wants to tell BD that suns' butt doesn't know how to keep its farts down.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    suns rival wrote:

    tpbm wants to tell BD that suns' butt doesn't know how to keep its farts down.

    LOL! BD should be sleeping. Gonna be a long day for him!

    tpbm is bored now
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    LOL! BD should be sleeping. Gonna be a long day for him!

    tpbm is bored now


    tpbm will say goodbye now to suns...

    (im out now jen :))
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    suns rival wrote:

    tpbm will say goodbye now to suns...

    (im out now jen :))

    I think I am too


    tpbm is looking forward to tomorrow
  • hartamh wrote:
    true - plenty of left overs

    tpbm - is definitely looking forward for today to be over with, as far as cooking and cleaning up everything :eek:

    False - Canadian :)
    tpbm is watching Jon and Kate
    "The customer...is always...an ASSHOLE"

    "The world fascinates me."

    "Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"

  • False - Canadian :)
    tpbm is watching Jon and Kate
    False - Are they canucks too?

    TPBM talked their way out of a speeding ticket, but had to show a little leg :D
  • False - Are they canucks too?

    TPBM talked their way out of a speeding ticket, but had to show a little leg :D

    Haha...love it!
    tpbm shaved their legs today ;)
    "The customer...is always...an ASSHOLE"

    "The world fascinates me."

    "Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"

  • hartamh wrote:
    false - been to busy cooking :eek:

    tpbm - is going to relax the rest of the day ;)
    I hope!

    TPBM took a nice nap :)
  • SnakeSnake Posts: 2,605
    I hope!

    TPBM took a nice nap :)

    TPBM is chillin out
    Pirates had democracy too.

    "Its a secret to everybody."
  • SnakeSnake Posts: 2,605
    hartamh wrote:
    gonna do some serious drinking now {2 or 3} I'm such a light weight :D

    tpbm - is going to get in their jammies for the rest of the day;)

    TPBM is waiting to have dinner with family on sunday
    Pirates had democracy too.

    "Its a secret to everybody."
  • SnakeSnake Posts: 2,605
    hartamh wrote:
    What are you doing today, are you by yourself :(

    tpbm - would invite you to their house, there's plenty of food :)
    well I am by myself right now, but I cool with it, Im a loner

    TPBM just got a text :cool:
    Pirates had democracy too.

    "Its a secret to everybody."
  • SnakeSnake Posts: 2,605
    hartamh wrote:
    false - my phone's right in front of me:D

    tpbm - thinks if their cool with being alone, then I feel better, we can chat:)
    true, im up for a chat

    TPBM must not have family over either if they are on the pit
    Pirates had democracy too.

    "Its a secret to everybody."
  • SnakeSnake Posts: 2,605
    hartamh wrote:
    No my oldest son is here with me, and my youngest is in Randolph Mass. with the other half :rolleyes: My sister takes mom and dad on Thanksgiving and I get them on Christmas..

    tpbm - seems to post at the same exact time as me;)
    exact same time? :confused:

    TPBM a mental case :D
    Pirates had democracy too.

    "Its a secret to everybody."
  • SnakeSnake Posts: 2,605
    hartamh wrote:
    :eek: huh

    tpbm - sometimes post at the same time :rolleyes: silly
    right :rolleyes:

    TPBM thinks im a mental case
    Pirates had democracy too.

    "Its a secret to everybody."
  • SnakeSnake Posts: 2,605
    hartamh wrote:
    no I don't, why would I think that??

    tpbm - has never thought anything bad about anyone in The Pit:)
    true - except some of those weird people on MT :rolleyes:

    TPBM is cold
    Pirates had democracy too.

    "Its a secret to everybody."
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