suns rival wrote: im back.... tpbm is sad because nobody misses me. :(
illegal pants wrote: true how dare no one miss you :(;) tpbm is feeling kewl
suns rival wrote: true tpbm wondered where have pants been this past days.
illegal pants wrote: true, i've had to be in skirts lately tpbm is still at work
suns rival wrote: true, but im out now. tpbm is excited to go home.
illegal pants wrote: true tpbm misses home
I BrisK I wrote: false tpbm is cold.
MakeMeCry43 wrote: Yeah sometimes I do get car sick... TPBM is going to order out for lunch today and is too lazy to cook
hartamh wrote: false - don't even know what that is :eek: tpbm - had a pretty good nights sleep
hartamh wrote: true - I need my chocolate fix tpbm - is getting me started with my love affair with chocolate
hartamh wrote: true tpbm - should try chocolate and salt together, Oh yeah baby!!!!
hartamh wrote: yes, thanks :rolleyes: they are really goooooooooooooood yummmmmmmmy tpbm - should stop talking about chocolate
hartamh wrote: thank you, plus that's better for you tpbm - should eat good things all week, and then treat themselves on the week end , but not too much
hartamh wrote: that's really good, besides you did a great thing by quitting smoking, you don't want any extra weight causing health problems tpbm - wishes they could move to Hawaii
hartamh wrote: true - I've done that twice this year, and still has alot of clothes :eek: tpbm - needs a whole room to store clothes and shoes
hartamh wrote: tpbm - has only one pair of underwear
hartamh wrote: OMG like Kramer :eek: tpbm - doesn't know what to say about that
hartamh wrote: Noooooooooooooooo Way :eek: When I was pregnant I would wear them tpbm - doesn't like wearing underwear
hartamh wrote: true tpbm - wear a kilt :eek:
hartamh wrote: false tpbm - play with their ding a ling the song by Chuck Berry
hartamh wrote: true tpbm - is really good
hartamh wrote: false tpbm - has a left and a right
Black Diamond wrote: A left and a right what TPBM is USDA approved
I BrisK I wrote: :S TPBM has 7k posts
hartamh wrote: it passes the time tpbm - wishes they could post really really fast
hartamh wrote: false tpbm - brain and hands are on overload
hartamh wrote: true - has to keep sitting on them tpbm - should get something hot to drink
hartamh wrote: always drinks coffee, did you really start :rolleyes: tpbm - is running out of vices :(
hartamh wrote: true tpbm - can't wait to get one
how dare no one miss you :(;)
tpbm is feeling kewl
tpbm wondered where have pants been this past days.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
true, i've had to be in skirts lately
tpbm is still at work
true, but im out now.
tpbm is excited to go home.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
tpbm misses home
tpbm is cold.
TPBM gets car sick
TPBM is going to order out for lunch today and is too lazy to cook
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
TPBM is going to have Schwarma for lunch today
TPBM just passed the M&M store and wants candy!!!
Well I am more of a salty guy than chocolate guy but..
How could TPBM resist this advertising on the way to work
True! (Chocolate covered pretzels, MMMMMMM)
TPBM is now starving!
TPBM is now eating special K
Very True
TPBM is starting their diet today (The gut is getting in my way
False, would love to visit there one day though! Ive heard its beautiful!
tpbm needs to clean out their closet and take all the shit the never wear anymore to the Op Shop (dunno what you Kids call them over there?)
TPBM has only 1 shirt
TPBM does not wear underwear :eek:
TPBM wears their spouses underwear as a hat
TPBM likes a cool breeze up thier kilt
Only on work days
TPBM plays the bag pipes
Well half of that is true
TPBM is an expert ding a ling player
TPBM has two left hands
A left and a right what
TPBM is USDA approved
TPBM has 7k posts
False for me but
TPBM is posting as fast as they can
TPBM brain is on overload
TPBM hands are cold
TPBM started drinking coffee when they quit smoking
TPBM is saving up for a Black Diamond Bra
TPBM is honored that they named a bra after them