i hope u get there in time...when i flew to toronto i overslept and thy wouldn't let me in..i would of made the flight but they closed the gate an hour before :(
luckily i caught the next flight, no extra cost.
tpbm likes to fly
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
i hope u get there in time...when i flew to toronto i overslept and thy wouldn't let me in..i would of made the flight but they closed the gate an hour before :(
luckily i caught the next flight, no extra cost.
tpbm likes to fly
Well if I did not have to go through an airport- True
TPBM always forgets to take off belt and sets off security alarm
A couple more, TRUE!
TPBM has to PEEE!
True! Va Beach look out!
TPBM is out! have a wonderful weekend!
Tpbm took BD's example and just got an oktoberfest lager with lunch even though they had a self proclaimed drought going!
Tpbm is being subjected to ace of base @ the bar:eek:
Tpbm has a friend who won't take a hint...I don't like u doesn't mean I'm playing hard to get!
TBPM bus to Hoboken is late
Tpbm is still guzzlin their beer;)
TPBM is still repainting ugly bathrooms
Tpbm thinks that anyone who writes the lyrics "he's responsible for the tear drops on my guitar" should be shot!
Damn country music!
TPBM ride to Newark got a flat and may miss their flight
tpbm sent a lot of time in newark this summer:)
TPBM found a gypsy cab
luckily i caught the next flight, no extra cost.
tpbm likes to fly
TPBM always forgets to take off belt and sets off security alarm
tpbm wants to be strip searched:eek:
TPBM has been strip searched in a prison
tpbm has been to prison
TPBM would be someone's bitch in prison
TPBM wants to relax this weekend.
tpbm has a non stop flight
TPBM made the flight by 2 min (door was closed) but is now on tarmac and is #43 for take off :mad:
tpbm has a HOT flight attendant!
TPBM has a hot seatmate
tpbm should partake in my poll since ur waiting:)
TPBM will do survey when they land. 1 hour (If you want to PM me it feel free! And the hot seatmate IS Mrs. BD
tpbm is bored outta their mind.
tpbm is tuckered out after their daytrip