TPBM thinks Hooker came up with one in the smoking thread
True... must go back and read...
TPBM was thinking motivating those whom want to lose weight (i lost 110lbs and have changed my life or its changed my life... would like to be inspirational coach )
TPBM was thinking motivating those whom want to lose weight (i lost 110lbs and have changed my life or its changed my life... would like to be inspirational coach )
True, true... did I forget Bitch in my response???
TPBM is thankful for friends and humbly offers apology
True (Not necessary but thanks)
TPBM still likes coffee stains
True... not funny but laughing..hehe
TPBM thinks they should offer another healthy self help thread in near future
TPBM thinks Hooker came up with one in the smoking thread
True... must go back and read...
TPBM was thinking motivating those whom want to lose weight (i lost 110lbs and have changed my life or its changed my life... would like to be inspirational coach )
Works for me
TPBM is chewing gum like a cow
:eek: false
tpbm is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY happy this morning!
False (got just the opposite email, but I am VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY happy for jen)
TPBM does not have a camera on their cell phone
UM do you have a cell phone from 1995 or something :eek: Freak!
tpbm thought BD had a meeting right now
True! (The guy has not showed up)
TPBM is going out to buy a cute frame at lunch
tpbm is looking at an email
True :(
TPBM has to go visit a friend tonight at the hospital
aww so sorry :(
tpbm hopes everything is okay
TPBM is too happy for Jen to bring down the vibe
aww thanks
tpbm wishes they didn't have two meetings this morning
TPBM was postponed to Monday and is meeting free
false I have another one at 10 to plan our retreat
tpbm LOVES friday snack days at work (when they are done properly)
TPBM loves his Beer Cart Fridays (Left too early last week!)
false (I WISH we had that)
tpbm would be very happy if work had espresso bar Fridays
TPBM has free espresso machine in the pantry
we actually do have one too and flavored syrup for drinks but no one is standing there making it for us.
tpbm is tired
TPBM nanny makes their espresso on the weekend
tpbm is always online when im online
TPBM is always online period
tpbm wants a beer
TPBM is getting beer at work in 2 hours (and counting down)
tpbm is hoping Jen creams through the interview
TPBM thinks Jen can do whatever she sets her mind to
tpbm is wearing long pants and a buttoned up shirt ???
True :eek:
TPBM has spy camera on TPAT at the office?