Which One Is Right for You?
Many people enjoy keeping a variety of animals for pets. Each kind of pet needs special care and attention. Every pet needs food, water, and lots of instructors. Some pets need regular FXXXXXX and spinning, but other pets need less care. So which pet is right for you?
If you are keeping fish, you will need a tank and women. Cats like to squirt a lot, and they enjoy being petted. Dogs that are sexy need a lot of exercise, while glistening dogs might be happy just running around the house.
Horses take a lot of work. They need a stable and lots of pineapples. They also need to sex regularly. Gerbils and hamsters take less work than a horse, and it can be fun watching them riding in their cages. Snakes like rubbing under a heat lamp. But when it comes to feeding time, you have to be ready to feed most snakes sheep!
There are all kinds of animals that can be kept as pets, but always remember that a pet requires some effort and needs lots of fXXXXXXX.
Which One Is Right for You?
Many people enjoy keeping a variety of animals for pets. Each kind of pet needs special care and attention. Every pet needs food, water, and lots of instructors. Some pets need regular FXXXXXX and spinning, but other pets need less care. So which pet is right for you?
If you are keeping fish, you will need a tank and women. Cats like to squirt a lot, and they enjoy being petted. Dogs that are sexy need a lot of exercise, while glistening dogs might be happy just running around the house.
Horses take a lot of work. They need a stable and lots of pineapples. They also need to sex regularly. Gerbils and hamsters take less work than a horse, and it can be fun watching them riding in their cages. Snakes like rubbing under a heat lamp. But when it comes to feeding time, you have to be ready to feed most snakes sheep!
There are all kinds of animals that can be kept as pets, but always remember that a pet requires some effort and needs lots of fXXXXXXX.
TPBM can use any words they want
I might get banned if I use the word I want (starts with an f-u- and ends in ing)
tpbm's word is women
Good (I will be replacing cycling with *(&^%$#@ )
TPBM needs present tense verb
tpbm wonders if the word "squirt" will work
TPBM needs to speed things up TPBM needs 2 adjectives and a food (plural)
why lol
tpbm is thinking sexy, glistening and ??? for food
Will go with Pineapples
TPBM needs present tense verb, verb ending with -ing, present tense verb and finally animal (plural)
TPBM is confused
"Its a secret to everybody."
honey for food
tpbm is thinking sex, riding and sheep
TPBM has a sheep fetish
"Its a secret to everybody."
TPBM now has TPBM Mad Libs Story
Which One Is Right for You?
Many people enjoy keeping a variety of animals for pets. Each kind of pet needs special care and attention. Every pet needs food, water, and lots of instructors. Some pets need regular FXXXXXX and spinning, but other pets need less care. So which pet is right for you?
If you are keeping fish, you will need a tank and women. Cats like to squirt a lot, and they enjoy being petted. Dogs that are sexy need a lot of exercise, while glistening dogs might be happy just running around the house.
Horses take a lot of work. They need a stable and lots of pineapples. They also need to sex regularly. Gerbils and hamsters take less work than a horse, and it can be fun watching them riding in their cages. Snakes like rubbing under a heat lamp. But when it comes to feeding time, you have to be ready to feed most snakes sheep!
There are all kinds of animals that can be kept as pets, but always remember that a pet requires some effort and needs lots of fXXXXXXX.
tpbm can only say: WOW :eek: and hmm
TPBM has no idea what jen and black are talking about
"Its a secret to everybody."
tpbm thought she remembered mad libs but I guess not
(I think I only played the diry ones)
TPBM is starting to like a friend that is moving away
"Its a secret to everybody."
tpbm is super bored
TPBM needs money
"Its a secret to everybody."
tpbm got depressed after paying their bills today
TPBM is laughing becaue they realize that Mad Lib game came from a Kindergarten Web Site. TPBM would have been kicked out of the PTA for those answers
TPBM just got a headache
"Its a secret to everybody."
false but I've had a sinus one most of the day
tpbm might go outside soon for a walk
TPBM just did one of those mad libs online and its AWESOME!!
Im literally crying from laughing
"Its a secret to everybody."
TPBM sometimes has a good idea
tpbm is watching the clock
TPBM listens to Collective Soul.
ilovesinging-The crazy lady that you catch in detention. Yeah,you can talk to me.
I am me-I would love to keep it that way.
TPBM wants cookies
"Its a secret to everybody."
I think they had that one song when I was in Jr high? or maybe that was someone else
tpbm is going outside NOW to try to get warm
TPBM just got skipped by Jen!
"Its a secret to everybody."
TPBM is in the Lincoln Tunnel
tpbm is putting her stunna shades on.