false (now I'm waiting for 1:45 appointment) :rolleyes:
tpbm's brother is starting a kick-boxing class (he has who knows what degree black belt and has been doing this for about 25 years or more) but tpbm is VERY intimidated as most of the people going do combat type things in their job :eek:
(I'm told it is suitable for beginners and we are working at own level but I might not come back alive!!) :eek: :eek:
false (now I'm waiting for 1:45 appointment) :rolleyes:
tpbm's brother is starting a kick-boxing class (he has who knows what degree black belt and has been doing this for about 25 years or more) but tpbm is VERY intimidated as most of the people going do combat type things in their job :eek:
(I'm told it is suitable for beginners and we are working at own level but I might not come back alive!!) :eek: :eek:
WOW!! False (Although taking eldest to Tae-Kwon-Do tonight)
false just a splash of milk
tpbm wonders what type of pizza to have for lunch
False (Buffalo Pizza
TPBM sucked the coffee out of their shirt
no but would YOU like do it?
tpbm has skinned a buffalo before
Pictures again please
tpbm still has a birthday to come this year
False (You are now connected to Orbitz, where would like to fly?
TPBM has eaten enough Bison Burgers to say they have eaten a Buffalo Whole :eek:
you are naughty.
tpbm is OUT
no lol!
TPBM is still dreaming of coffee stains
lol I could make a dirty comment but I won't
tpbm is waiting for their 1:15 appointment
False (It's 4:15 in the real world)
TPBM is really doing well with this cig thing
real world RIGHT :rolleyes:
false but I'm glad you are
tpbm is skipping yoga for something else
What!!! (False)
TPBM is skipping Yoga to post Sheep Boy?
false (now I'm waiting for 1:45 appointment) :rolleyes:
tpbm's brother is starting a kick-boxing class (he has who knows what degree black belt and has been doing this for about 25 years or more) but tpbm is VERY intimidated as most of the people going do combat type things in their job :eek:
(I'm told it is suitable for beginners and we are working at own level but I might not come back alive!!) :eek: :eek:
WOW!! False (Although taking eldest to Tae-Kwon-Do tonight)
TPBM is a caboose-kicker!
false!! (I took karate as a child but now :eek: )
tpbm DOES NOT want to do push-ups :mad:
TPBM arms look like linguini (spaghetti is too large)
LMAO false but that is about how much strength I have
tpbm doesn't mind push-ups using an exercise ball but regular pushups :eek:
(I jokingly asked if they were doing diamond push-ups and was told they mix it up and do diamonds too!) :eek:
False (What's a diamond push up)
TPBM is getting bad flashbacks from HS Gym class and teacher :eek:
tpbm just had two sweet students for their appointment (although I thought the guy was going to be a girl from his name) :eek:
False (Francis, Stacy ?)
TPBM is helping someone with their career!
false lol
tpbm looked at jen's links
edit: the name was Eleazar
False (What are Jen's Links)
TPBM is humming Sheryl Crow (If it makes you happy! ...)
look up a couple posts for info on diamond push-ups
NO lol
tpbm is going to have some much needed tea
True (Diamond Push UP :eek: :eek:)
TPBM can barely push down
tpbm needs to refill their honey bottle
:eek: (Tingle Free)
TPBM is having a tea too!
lol TRUE!
tpbm is having second thoughts about tonight :eek:
TPBM has enough problems keeping Jen motivated for Super Gym. TPBM is intimidated by Hong Kong Phooeey Dojo!
LMAO I just can't even imagine how this will play out
tpbm is sleepy
TPBM should not hurt themselves because tomorrow is TNI